According to our records your membership expired and when it did, we lost a valuable friend and contributor. Without support from generous individuals like you, we simply would not be able to continue to deliver quality support to our Shaker Library.

Your contribution is vital because it helps Friends support the excellent programs the Library offers children, teens and adults. When you renew, we will send you a membership card and a Membership Perks list of the merchants who offer discounts when you show your Friends’ Membership card. Another perk to your membership is admission to the Spring Book Sale Members Only Preview Sale from 4-8 pm Wednesday, April 24.

If you have moved away, please reply so we can take you off our list. Of course, we still welcome your support but understand if you choose to support Friends of the Library in your new town. We are strong believers in supporting our libraries.

Please send in your renewal today to help the Friends reach our financial goals. In doing so you will help expand the horizons of all who use our Shaker Library.

Thank you for renewing today.