"We have a responsibility to remember the Holocaust, honor those precious lives lost, and elevate the voices of survivors. However, with the memory of the Holocaust fading, remembrance is not enough. We must do everything in our power to recognize the growing Jew-hatred and prevent it from being increasingly violent. 'Never Again' must be accompanied by meaningful actions to prevent future genocides," Adam writes in The Jerusalem Post.
Adam's new op-ed covers two main points crucial to defeating antisemitism. First, defining antisemitism is critical to preventing and combating it. The IHRA Working Definition is the most comprehensive definition of antisemitism encapsulating both the old and new forms of Jew-hatred. Second, if we don't learn from the lessons of the past, before and during the time of the Holocaust, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. 
If you're interested in partnering with us to combat antisemitism, we would love to hear from you.
Stand By Me is a nonprofit organization led by Gila that provides care and services to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families living in Los Angeles. Please consider donating to ensure that Stand by Me can continue to fulfill its mission to make sure no one faces cancer alone.
Be sure to check out Adam’s interview for AISH HaTorah's Good with Money podcast with Rabbi Steven Burg. Adam discusses how he transformed his business success in real estate to active philanthropy in this captivating 30-minute interview.

We are hiring an Executive Assistant to work closely with Adam. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply through Jewish Jobs or through Linkedin.
Finally, we invite you to learn about Citizens for National Security, an expert-based, nonpartisan think tank whose academic, scientific, intelligence, counter-terrorism, and defense experts provide the public and policymakers with expertise on the strategic and tactical threats currently confronting our nation. We're proud to support their crucial work.

With sincere love and admiration for America, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people,
Gila and Adam Milstein
Fight Antisemitism: ‘Never Again’ Must Be Backed By Actions
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post
“Each year Jews and non-Jews around the world recite the mantra “Never Again” to remember the six million Jewish lives and tens of millions of other victims murdered by the Nazis. And then, each year, we continue to see Jew-hatred and antisemitic violent attacks continue to soar all over the world.”

Stand By Me
"With a warm heart and open arms, Stand By Me is the extended family in support of its brothers and sisters on their road to recovery." 

- Gila Milstein
Stand By Me President
Stand by Me is a nonprofit organization led by Gila since 2009. Its mission is to provide daily support to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families living in Los Angeles.

AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Stand By Me every time you shop, at no cost to you. When placing orders through, you'll find the exact same prices and selection as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Stand By Me! Make sure to select Stand By Me as your charity of choice.
Stand By Me is in need of psychologists and therapists who can donate their time to provide emotional support and assistance to our members and their families.
If you would like to join our family of volunteers, please fill out this form or call our office at (818) 664-4100. 
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
For more information, please visit our website at
Good With Money with Steven Burg
Adam and Rabbi Steven Burg, the Director-General (Mankal) of Aish HaTorah Jerusalem, discuss Adam’s personal success story and how transformed his knowledge, experience, connections, and resources to become an active philanthropist who works directly and collaboratively with dozens of organizations, as well as how he creates his own projects to make a combined huge impact.
We're Hiring an Executive Assistant to the President
Adam Milstein, the President of MFF, is looking for a sharp, independent, intelligent, and hard-working Executive Assistant who will work closely with him performing various administrative duties. 

If you or someone you know is interested in this position, apply through Jewish Jobs here or through Linkedin.
Spotlight Organization: Citizens for National Security
Citizens for National Security (CFNS) is an established think-tank that fills a vital need by offering its members an efficient forum to learn about national security issues.
Concerned citizens interested in education on extremism, terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction have before them a seemingly wide array of sources via the Internet. Unfortunately, access to this virtually inexhaustible fountain of information often provides them with an understanding that is highly distorted and, many times, completely incorrect.
CFNS's organizers and advisors are academic, scientific, intelligence, counterterrorism, and defense experts with decades of experience. Their expertise ranges from the entire chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) spectrum - to counterterrorism from intelligence, military, legal (criminal & civil), historical, tactical, and policy perspectives - to issues of extremism within K-12 schools, colleges and universities. CFNS's leaders have testified before congressional committees and regularly appear on national media. They are extensively quoted in the press and have published widely.
The expert-based, nonpartisan, and objective information provided to all CFNS members represent an enormous value-added to their understanding of the strategic and tactical threats currently confronting America. 

MFF is proud to support Citizens for National Security