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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 5, Issue 1 (May 4/17)
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March 2017 Employment Stats

Unemployment Rate: 5.9%
(Yearly change -0.1 points decrease)

Participation Rate: 64.9 %
(Yearly change 1.8 increase)

Employment Rate: 61%
(Yearly change 1.7 increase)

(Info from Statistics Canada)


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What does WPH believe?

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

What's new in Hamilton's Labour Market?

business_owner_female.jpg Employers and employment and training service providers: Your input is needed for Workforce Planning Hamilton's Labour Market Plan!

This year WPH will be researching and delivering a full Labour Market Plan to the community.

YOUR feedback is needed to make the plan a success. 

The information that we compile from employers, and employment and training service providers about the issues they face and their experiences provide important information that WPH shares with the local community. 

Up to date local labour market information is lacking in our community and it's in your power to help us fill this vital gap.

Below is the type of information that you have the power to provide...

Employers: What are your current labour market challenges?

Where do you see opportunities for growth of which we may be unaware?

Employment and training service providers: What challenges are your clients facing?

If you would like to partner with WPH to aid us in collecting this valuable information email Viktor Cicman at [email protected] or call 905-521-5777 ext. 16.

We'll set up a time to visit you for a one-on-one consultation or have a brief phone conversation and ask for your response to 5 questions.

Your involvement today will be instrumental in creating a strong future workforce for Hamilton.
How HR can end generational stereotyping

These days, the Millennial Generation is hyped, perhaps even more than Baby Boomers were hyped in the 1950s and 60s. 

Around the globe there is widespread confusion and misunderstanding about generational differences. This is creating stereotypes that are inappropriate, rarely true, and
costing corporations millions of dollars tied to Millennial programs that don't work, low employee engagement, mediocre performance and higher employee turnover.

Adult Basic Education Association's Leaders In Literacy Breakfast, June 6/17

Plan to attend this event which includes a key note called Stories of Struggle to Success (shared by learners nominated for the learner of the year) and the presentation of the Annual Literacy Awards!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at the Sheraton Hotel, Hamilton

Doors open at 8:00 am, event starts at 8:30 am
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777
or email: [email protected]


Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca