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Dear Friend of the Temple of Understanding,

It has never been more clear to me that the world needs interfaith moral leadership.

The global pandemic has shown the depth of inequality around the world. Environment destruction is on the rise worldwide. Oil, gas, and big agriculture institutions are threatening our planet and the well-being of millions of people and species.

The Temple of Understanding has been supporting moral and ethical leadership for the past 60 years. Our Forum2021, Ecojustice for All speaker series, and United Nations partnerships are growing and reaching more people every year.

Over the past year, thousands of people have attended our interfaith dialogues about the environment, eco-justice, and sustainable non-GMO farming. We've brought together leaders from every faith and religious practice. We've amplified the voices of young women from indigenous communities and many others from around the globe.

Through our internship program at the United Nations, we have developed 300+ new leaders who understand our world's interconnectedness. These young people are our hope for the future.

As a nonprofit, we are independently funded. We need your help. Please consider donating today. Whatever you give will be used to create a more equitable and just world.

With heartfelt thanks,


Alison Van Dyk
Chair of the Board of Directors

Help us to spread the message to 5 more people
Support 1 Young Person to Attend the UN Internship Program
Support an indigenous or religious leader to speak at Forum2021
Let us prove to the whole world that we are One, let us be One in love to the poorest of the poor.
Mother Teresa