Thursday, May 23

  • Eden Prairie High School senior Atharva Limaye has been selected as a recipient of the U.S. Department of State's Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) High School Scholarship. Atharva will be a citizen ambassador in Germany attending a German high school and representing Eden Prairie High School. The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange was inaugurated in 1983 through a bilateral agreement between the U.S. Congress and the German Bundestag (Parliament). Each country continues to place high value on its success as a symbol of the strength of U.S.-Germany relations. Each year 250 American and 285 German high school students are awarded a CBYX high school scholarship. 

  • Eden Prairie High School's Synchronized Swim Team will send the short team, duet team and extended solo division routines to state. Eden Prairie’s short team includes Renee Annunziato, Lucy Bock, Emily Claver, Shay Ginuga, Shavani Pargal and Katherine Willegalle. Eden Prairie’s short duet team includes Ranee Annunziato and Emily Claver. Tori Anderson earned a return trip to state by finishing third in the extended solo division.
Meet one staff member who inspires students by modeling a strong work ethic and takes pride in every task at Oak Point Elementary and Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion.
Message for families whose students participate in gifted education programs (Key, Mosaic, AP and advanced 6-12 classes):
Eden Prairie Schools is gathering feedback about our gifted program to identify our current successes and to make recommendations for continuous improvements in our programs and services for gifted students. We are interested in your opinion of various aspects of the program.
Please use this  survey link  to access the survey before June 7, 2019 .  Your responses are anonymous and the information you share will be used collectively to understand the perceptions of your child’s experience. If you have more than one child in gifted programming, please complete a separate survey for each child.
Summer i-Learn Agreement Due May 31
To support continuous learning even when school is not in session, students who have  completed grades 3-11 will be eligible to take their district issued device home over the summer months and keep it through the school year. This is a non-mandatory opportunity for each student. It is an “opt-in” model, meaning that if students would like to participate, they will need a new summer i-Learn agreement submitted by their parents/guardians. Paper copies of the summer iLearn agreement will be sent home with your child this week and will need to be returned by May 31. Students are encouraged to use their device for anytime, anywhere learning, by pursuing learning about topics they have a passion for. The devices can also be used for district and community education summer programs, such as Targeted Services and EPIC .

Immunizations Up-to-Date?
All students must be  up-to-date with the required immunizations in order to attend school in the fall. It is important for parents of incoming kindergartners to submit their immunization information to the Welcome Center. Parents of incoming seventh graders should check their student’s immunization records to make sure they’re up to date in the   Parent Portal  prior to the start of the 2019-2020 school year.

Later this month, a new version of the  Campus Parent Portal  will be released to parents and guardians. It is designed specifically with enhanced features to make it more useful on mobile devices and tablets. The design will be familiar to parents and guardians currently use the Campus App on their mobile device.

The same options are available in a new, cleaner format. Many of the modules that are accessed on a less frequent basis have been organized under the “More” tab. 
Please contact the Parent Help Line, 952-975-7094, if you have questions on using the new version.