Council Administrative Services ("Clerk's")
Contributor: Sherry Morley
“If we have a 12-hour meeting and no one notices we’re there, we did great.”
That’s how Deputy Clerk Tim Brubacher measures his team’s success in their support role at Regional Council meetings. Council Administrative Services or “Clerks” helps with procedural questions, minute taking, and drafting motions for major decisions, all while running a live broadcast.
“There is a lot that can go wrong and the team does a wonderful job responding in real time while making sure that the meeting continues undisturbed. I find it especially stressful when motions get crafted by Council on the fly, everyone is watching you type. Who likes people watching them type? It turns out, there are a lot of words I don’t know how to spell that I rely on autocorrect for.”
“There’s pressure,” says Julie Hale, Council/Committee Support Specialist. “You’ve got to be on sometimes for 10 hours straight, it’s not like a zoom call and you can phase out. You have to be engaged the whole time.”
They say the role also feels rewarding.
“We are around the table for all of the major decisions,” says Tim. “When ION got approved, when the CTS site was approved in Kitchener, all of those public input meetings. It’s the pride of knowing you’re helping make democracy work.”
“It can be rewarding when you get a successful meeting,” says Julie. “We also have to predict the time frame for the day and when we’re right on the money it feels good, but other times when we’re way behind schedule it hurts your soul.”
In the lead up to meetings, Clerk’s helps with Council reports and building agendas. They recently began using a digital program called eScribe to make the process easier and less time consuming. Writers draft their council reports in the program, and then it pulls the information into an agenda. Other benefits include live closed captioning for meetings, which is compliant with accessibility legislation. Councillors can also request to speak through the eScribe app, which is especially helpful during hybrid meetings.