Hall PTO

Join us for our first meeting of the year!

PTO Welcome

Zoom Link for 9/21/2022 PTO Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 3657 2080 

Phone number: 1-301-715-8592 

Mentoring Program 

Mentor Program

Informational Session Today!

Tuesday, September 20

1:00PM - 2:00 PM

Can you spare an hour a week to make a difference in the life of a student in the West Hartford Public Schools?

Click the flyer below for more information!

Hall High Jazz Dancers

Open Class and Info Meeting Today!

Dance with the team and learn the

audition choreography.

Audition is Thursday, September 22

Click flyer for more info!

Congratulation Mrs. Ambroise

Read Full Article

‘Build No Fences’ Award Winner at the 34th ‘Breakfast on the Bridge’

Kimberly Ambroise, an assistant principal at Hall High School, was awarded the 'Build No Fences' Award at the annual Bridge Breakfast. Mrs. Ambrosie was honored for her unwavering commitment and efforts to Hall and West Hartford community. Her work with our SSPT team, collaboration with outside groups in addition to the equity work being done with FEOD, CRIT, and Equity Squad all make her an outstanding choice for this award. Congratulations Mrs. Ambroise!

College Visits to Hall

College Visits Continue Week of September 19

This list of colleges attending is on Naviance. Students need to sign up on Naviance in advance to attend the visit. All visits will take place in the Career Center. Students are responsible for letting your teacher know you will be attending and any missed work. Here is a list of colleges visiting next week:





Tuesday, 9/20


8:21 AM

Hobart William Smith Colleges

Tuesday, 9/20


9:16 AM

Hofstra University

Tuesday, 9/20


10:07 AM

University of Connecticut

Tuesday, 9/20


10:57 AM

University of Connecticut

Tuesday, 9/20


1:28 PM

George Washington University

Thursday, 9/22


8:21 AM

University of Rochester

Thursday, 9/22


9:16 AM

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Thursday, 9/22


10:07 AM

Bard College

Thursday, 9/22


10:57 AM

Connecticut College 

Thursday, 9/22


11:47 AM

Ohio State University-Main Campus

Friday 9/23


8:21 AM

Southern Connecticut State University

Friday 9/23


10:07 AM

College of the Holy Cross

Friday 9/23


11:47 AM

University of Maine

Friday 9/23


12:38 PM

Fisher College

Friday 9/23


1:28 PM

Bay Path University

Tuesday 9/27


9:16 AM

Seton Hall University

Tuesday 9/27


10:07 AM

Colby-Sawyer College

Tuesday 9/27


10:57 AM

Binghamton University

Tuesday 9/27


12:38 PM

Monmouth University

Tuesday 9/27


1:28 PM

James Madison University

Senior Weekly Updates

Parents, check out the first installment of the Senior Weekly Update

This update is sent every Friday between now and mid November in an effort to keep our seniors on track with essential information regarding the post high school planning process.

School Counseling Department

WHPS Senior Planning Q & A Sessions

WHY: Because the post-secondary planning/college application process can be overwhelming!

WHEN: Each week from September 27th through November 22nd. Tuesdays at 7:30 AM, Thursdays at 11:00 AM, and

Fridays at 1:30 PM

WHAT: Join us for a few minutes to ask a question or stay for the whole time and be a part of the discussion - up to you!

Week of September 26th Meetings

Tuesday, September 27th

Meeting ID: Click here for Goggle Meet

Phone Number: 1-570-415-1104‬

PIN: ‪892 506 943#‬

Thursday, September 29th

Meeting ID: Click here for Goggle Meet

Phone Numbers: 1-401-903-3778‬

PIN: ‪413 291 272#‬


Friday, September 30th

Meeting ID: Click here for Goggle Meet

Phone Numbers: 1-708-688-9823‬

PIN: ‪614 389 464#‬


Please click here for all future dates and links.

Safe Grad 2023

Kickoff meeting open to ALL

(including underclassman parents!)

Wednesday, September 28th 

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Room E131

Safe Grad
Learn More Here

E-mail hallsafegrad2023@gmail.com with any questions.

Community of Concern

CoC invites you to take a brief survey to help us tailor this year's programming to the needs of our school community.

Community of Concern (CoC) consists of WHPS high school and middle school PTO committee members and parent leaders who are proactive and dedicated to raising awareness and educating our school communities about adolescent mental health and wellness while developing initiatives with an equity and inclusive lens.

Take Survey

Survey will take 5 minutes to complete.

Read More

PTO Happenings

Mr. Zittoun

Curriculum Night

After 3 years we finally had an in-person Curriculum Night!

Principal Dan Zittoun (left) and some of our PTO board members (below) welcoming parents to curriculum night.

PTO Welcome table

What's happening around West Hartford?

Small Group Personal Training

Personal Training Group for Teens

Great opportunity for teens!

High Intensity - September 28th - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Strength - October 5th - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Core & Conditioning - October 12th - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Teen Center has partnered with Savage House Gym in East Hartford. You must sign up in advance. First come, first serve. 

Click flyer then the QR code to register!

Max Participants - 20

Next Chapter Book Store

Help Celebrate Next Chapter Book One Year Anniversary!

Tuesday, October 4th

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

There will be a Children's Book Reading with

Carl Baker and Bernadette Wells at

11:00 AM

Please click flyer for more information.


Click on flyer to see what classes are offered for Fall 2022 at PLAYHOUSE THEATER COMPANY! 

Ski Club

It may feel like summer, but winter is coming!

Informational Zoom session

Tuesday, October 18th 

7:00 PM

Zoom Meeting Link

Click flyer for more information! 

2022-23 PTO Board Members


Carolyn Martindale and Adria Giordano


Laura Harker and Andrea Dixon

Recording Secretaries: 

Liz Reynolds and Cara Riddle


Heather Fronczek and Susan Berey (Eblast)

Michelle Bonner (Social Media)


Stacey Safryn 


Illicia Winokur and Stacey Mayer 

Safe Grad:

Becky Azia and Heather Fronczek

New Family Engagement:

Katie Baker and Shana Kates

Community of Concern: 

Jenn Rossi and Monica Swanson

Parent Teacher Council: 

Amy Steinberg

Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools:

Clark Finley

West Hartford Scholarship Fund

Christine Meding


Principal Dan Zittoun

Vice Principal Sarah Isaacs

Past President
Kim Vincent

Hall High PTO | HallPTO@gmail.com

Follow PTO Events

You can also follow Hall High School
on Instagram @hall_titans