The listening sessions have started! This past week we had two sessions. Here are some of the highlights!
People really appreciate the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the parish greeters along with the use of name tags. This instills a family environment and allows for relationships to begin. Everyone loves Donut Sundays and Pizza Saturdays. Need I say anything more! Many people enjoy the music from the contemporary choir. They appreciate the upbeat and joyful music that seems to enhance the scripture of the day. All were thrilled with Friends of Jesus singing with the Contemporary choir.
So, what would people like to see to enhance parish vitality and life? Everyone in the group wanted to encourage younger families and individuals to participate in the life of the parish. How can we encourage the junior high and high school youth to become more involved? While there are programs here that catechize them, how can our young people be of service to our parish community?
Some encouraged more masses geared toward youth, perhaps a youth choir, or even youth band.
One group suggested a family mass with child greeters and lectors (along with their parents) and perhaps children could stand next to their parent who is an Eucharistic Minister during communion.
Many shared that they were glad that the Friends of Jesus team is helping those with special needs to know that they have wonderful gifts to offer and that our parishioners are embracing and supporting this new ministry.
Others shared that is it critical to keep everyone “in the loop.” They are grateful for the Friday emails begun by Fr. Don and that continue to update parishioners on what is happening in the parish.
Please consider participating in the remaining listening sessions. Your input is invaluable in helping me along with Parish Council to develop a strategic plan for the years ahead.
This week’s Listening Sessions will be this Sunday, September 17 at 2:00pm at Westlake’s Porter Library. Also, they will be held in two Westlake parishioners’ homes on Thursday, September 21 at 7:00pm at the Schneidler home at 30910 Park Ave and on Saturday, September 23 at 9:00am at the Tetzlaff home at 2573 Wyndgate Court.
Fr. Mark
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Friday Notes -
We have openings in our Front Office and on our Maintenance Staff. Please contact the front office for an application.
Join with fellow parishioners and guests on Tuesday, September 19 for a meeting, lunch and entertainment by Mary Beth Ions. Sign up in the front office by Sunday. $15
Jeff will be introducing himself at all the Masses this weekend. He has been assigned to our parish for an eight month field education internship as part of the Permanent Diaconate Formation program.