Strategy in Motion
December 2017 Newsletter

December 2017
  Darcy Misiak Bien, Strategic Planner
Darcy Bien

Save the Date!

Join us for our next Strategic Planner Training & Certification session:

March 15-16. 2018

The Partners in Change training program helps increase your organization's strategic competency.

Contact us for more information about the training that will drive meaningful change and results.  

Strategic Partners

Jay Messner
Thank You for a Wonderful 2017
As a company, we seek to live out our name. We want to be your Partners in Change - to put strategy in motion that drives business results.

In this season of joy, gratitude and reflection, we are especially grateful for all our clients and their referrals.

We wish you a wonderful and peaceful holiday season as well as continued success in the new year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Darcy and Kathy
Do You Have Clear Strategic Goals and Objectives?
As leaders continually look to improve business results, it's easy to get consumed by daily crises and hourly meetings. But as we head into 2018, now's the perfect time to step back and ask the bigger question:
Does your company have clear strategic goals and business objectives?
Maybe you once did, but you've strayed from them. Or maybe the goals and objectives are outdated and need refreshed.
Regardless of the current situation, focused objectives set a clear target for the entire company. They provide alignment and help prioritize action steps.

Stephen Covey succinctly articulated how organizations can achieve business goals successfully and continually:

"Begin with the end in mind."

Now's the time to head into the future with clear objectives and realize your targeted business results. Click the button below to learn more about writing defined goals.

Our Purpose is to Be Your experienced guide helping plan your organization's futures.

Our Core Values are Lifetime Learners, Challenging the Status Quo, Feedback is a Gift, Strategy is Energizing and Fun.

Our Vision is 100% Implementation by Our Clients.