We visited every one of our care centers. At each, we found children who were delighted to be back in school and ready to start learning again. Thankfully, even after the two-year government-mandated school shutdown, almost all of our students were BACK! That's a BIG deal because international experts projected that 35%-40% of Ugandan students would never return to school. We give credit to God and to our faithful social workers for such a successful return. Over the past two years, it's our social workers who have kept in close contact with our children - visiting, bringing food, bringing school packets from our teachers, Bible verse cards, letters from you, and words of encouragement letting each child know that they were still loved and cared for by their sponsors. One student shared with me that the food brought to him during the pandemic kept his family from starving. He said he felt so proud of the good work we are doing for the vulnerable. (That "we" includes YOU because without you, we couldn't do any of this!)