September 2021
Introducing the CUW Class of 2025! Please keep these future alumni in your prayers.
"This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Dear fellow alumni,

The 141st academic year is under way at CUW! Do you remember when your Concordia journey started? You may remember meeting new friends, learning new things and navigating a whole new world. Although it may have been a little different, I’m sure you can relate with new students and the excitement that a new school year brings. 

During our recent Welcome Weekend, CUW hosted a sending ceremony, including a spoken dialogue. It takes place at Kapko Park, which was filled with students and their families. The parents spoke these words as part of the dialogue:

“As their parents, we bring them to you, asking your care and concern as they continue to prepare for their life’s calling. We ask you to represent us. Love them. Give them Christ-centered guidance and direction as we would.” 

Pastor Steve Smith responded on behalf of CUW:

“As a servant of the Lord at Concordia, I pledge on behalf of the staff and faculty to assume this task in humility but with great joy, confident of the Lord’s strength and blessing, and realizing that He has sent these young men and women to prepare to serve Him in the world. By the power of the Holy Spirit, who has called us into the Lord’s ministry, we will endeavor to represent you and our Savior, as we work and grow together this year.”

Pastor Smith closed the ceremony with prayer and we were reminded again of what binds us together as Concordians. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the Concordia community as another year begins. We pray all is well with you and your family and we hope you can be encouraged with the news to follow as we continue to work and grow together in Christ and serve according to His call.

 God’s peace be yours,
Greg Witto '94
Director of Alumni and Parent Relations
Q&A with Interim President Dr. Bill Cario
Dr. William Cario (1976) has genuine care and love for Concordia and his Lord, which makes him a well-loved presence on campus. Read some lesser known facts about our interim president, like the make and model of his first car, his ideal meal, or the qualities he looks for in a friend. Just click here.
Show Your College Pride Day at Summerfest
September 17
Join us for Summerfest on Show Your College Pride Day, September 17. All patrons who arrive between noon - 3 p.m. wearing a shirt or hat representing Concordia University will receive one FREE admission ticket. Tickets are only valid for September 17th. Stop by the Mid Gate Promotions Booth to receive your ticket, then head over to your school’s booth to say hello and show your support! Visit our comfort dogs Zoey & Sage, and try out Virtual Reality goggles with members of our Computer Science department. Come and support CUW and enjoy some great music! Only Concordia shirts or hats will be accepted.
2012 alumni couple co-author book
Alumni mailbag! Christa Petzold and her husband, Jonathan, recently co-authored a book entitled, "Male & Female: Embracing Your Role in God's Design," through Concordia Publishing House. Jonathan and Christa have been married since 2010 and enjoy learning and teaching God's Word together. They also love coffee, Star Wars, traveling, and quiet evenings at home. To learn more about their book and to download a sample chapter, click here.
More results from the Alumni Attitude Survey
More of the results show that two of the top things that are important to you include:
  • Recruiting/referring students to attend CUWAA
  • Mentoring students or hosting job shadowing
New alumni ambassador opportunities and mentor programs are under development. Stay tuned!
Two-day reunion event for Classes of 1970, 1971
October 8-9
Calling all JC Class of '70 and '71 alumni! We invite you to reconnect with classmates and friends during the 50th Reunion on the CUW campus. This two-day event will provide ample opportunities for fellowship, reminiscing, and sharing. Alumni will also have the chance to tour the Milwaukee campus and see the changes that have taken place since they attended. For more information, please click here.
Giving indirectly has made an impact
Did you know that some of your regular shopping activity can result in dollars going to CUWAA to support our students? And if you hold a Thrivent policy, you can direct your Thrivent "Choice Dollars" to us as well. Thanks to those of you who have already used these indirect ways to make an impact at your alma mater. During our last fiscal year, your "indirect" gifts have resulted in nearly $18,000 for CUWAA students. Not too shabby! To learn how to support your alma mater in this way, read on. If you do already, THANK YOU!
Amazon: When shopping online, shop through Amazon Smile and select Concordia University Wisconsin Foundation Inc as the recipient.
Thrivent: Clients become eligible to direct Choice Dollars based on their insurance premiums and contract values. You can direct your "dollars" to Concordia.
PayPal: "Give at Checkout" makes it easy for consumers to support a cause through their interactions on PayPal.
1993 alumnus installed as president of
Concordia University in Seward
Alumni mailbag! Congratulations to alumnus Bernard Bull, who was installed as the president of Concordia University in Seward. Bull, who worked in various roles at CUW, is the former president of Goddard College in Vermont. Please keep him in your prayers as he pursues his new role.
Another great alumni benefit
Got a wedding coming up? Teachers, back-to-school print needs? Les Smith and his team at the CUW Print Center and Mail Center can help you with that and keep you within budget! Click here to read all of the details.
Could you be an Alumni Ambassador?
Students In Bluff Amphitheater
The CUW admission team is in-person! We are beyond excited about this and we know our visitors are, too, as we’ve had a record number of visitors on campus this year. In preparation for more in-person visits, we’ve already laid out an “In your Neighborhood” travel schedule that has us blanketing the Midwestern states (MN, IA, MO, IL, MI, IN, OH, WI) and reaching a bit further (CO, NV, CA, AZ, TX, FL) as well. If you live in one of these states and want to stop by or would like to send a few future Falcons to meet us, let us know and we’d be happy to share the details and times of when and where we will be! If you cannot make it, but still want to help be engaged with the CUW admission team, please drop Robert Nowak an email with the subject line “I’m interested in becoming an Alumni Ambassador.” Thank you for helping us spread the Falcon pride!
Upcoming Events
Stay Connected
Michelle "Mickie" Wagner
Senior Director of Alumni
& Parent Relations
12800 N Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53097

Greg Witto
Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
12800 N Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53097