In just a few weeks, we'll be entering a new school year! For some of us, this may be a new experience if we are first-time parents, while others may consider themselves seasoned veterans at this point. For all of us though, starting a new school year is always a time of transition and change as we prepare for and settle into our routines. As you’ve probably noticed by now, we’ve made a few changes ourselves. So, let me ask – ,what do you think about our fresh new design for the Buzz newsletter?! We are very excited about it and hope you are too, because this snazzy new look is more than just a design; – it’s a commitment to quality. We want to level up the quality of everything we do from our newsletter to our resources and everything in between because we believe true quality never stops “Reaching for the Stars,” which just so happens to be our theme for this year.
Better Beginnings’ mission is to ensure that all children in Arkansas have the best start possible and the opportunity to start kindergarten with a solid foundation from which to continue their education. Our star levels are indicators of quality. This year we’re encouraging providers to level up their quality ratings so that your children receive the best possible care. This is important to your providers as much as it is to you. Visit our website to learn how you can support your provider’s efforts in leveling up.
Now, as the veterans know and new parents are finding out, a new school year can bring disruptions with it. Young children are very sensitive to any changes in their routines, and when introducing or re-introducing them to child care, there can be some hard moments. To make this time easier on you and your child, Better Beginnings is offering Tips for Saying Goodbye at Child Care. Use the tips listed below to make this transition smooth.
Other resources we’re highlighting this month from our Family Resource Library focus on literacy and are full of activities to extend literacy learning at home.
Finally, though the summer break is gone, the heat and sun are far from taking a vacation yet. We have included new summer safety information to help keep you informed of how to best protect children’s skin from being damaged by the sun. Keep reading this month’s edition of The Buzz for more information on these resources and more.