Thank you to Everyone who has Given to Setting The Table!
Thank you so much for joining us all week for Setting The Table! Our final two videos are above. We have raised over $13,000, but our goal is $20,000. An anonymous donor continues to match gifts, so your donation will be doubled until we reach our goal!

If you haven't already done so, you may make a donation at:

It's also not too late to purchase raffle tickets (until noon today) and a bowl or mug donated by Queen City Clay. You may watch any of our Setting The Table videos at the link above or the button below.

And, once again, to learn about our upcoming in-person fundraiser, The Sharing Table, scroll to the article below!
Don't forget!!!! Setting The Table is the precursor to our 3rd Annual fundraiser, The Sharing Table, a community dinner focused on raising awareness about childhood poverty in the region which returns this year!

This event will take place on September 30, 2021.

All food is donated by local restaurants. Other activities include live music, raffle baskets, split-the-pot, and selling of handcrafted mugs and bowls courtesy of Queen City Clay. All proceeds benefit Santa Maria.

Join us for this fun event while supporting services that alleviate childhood poverty in Cincinnati. To inquire about sponsoring The Sharing Table, donating food and/or raffle items, attending, or other questions, please contact or call 513-235-8470.
Community Sponsors

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