A Note from our Executive Director
Dear friend,
Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.” IVYP has an ambitious vision. We envision a community one in which all children are loved, valued and respected and all families are empowered to reach their highest potential. We can’t do that alone. That vision requires an entire community to work together.
Two weeks ago, almost 40 community leaders from across the Goleta Valley came together to build relationships with one another in order to find avenues for collaboration. Together, community members from schools, non-profits, city, and the business community are talking about what a resilient, healthy community looks like. These efforts have already begun to bear fruit. Our most recent partnership with Equalitech is bringing computer literacy to families both at the Goleta Valley Community Center and in the Isla Vista Community Room.
I’m proud that IVYP is convening this group and I look forward to sharing more of that work with you in the coming months.
Lori Goodman
Executive Director