We're still here for you!
Services for global social enterprise with the public-at-large within communities and our society

The 'SBO organization's Internet presence' are a digital media enterprise for social development in community dealing in a 3-pronged approach to solve various sustainable development goals (SDG) following:

1. Economic growth sustainability in industry: 
  • Investment scouting
  • Techie human resource development
  • Technology transfer   
  • Social enterprise with not-for-profits
2. Socio-cultural development:
  • Educational goals and needs
  • Justice system and human rights
  • Poverty and hunger issues
  • Housing and communities in society
3. Environmental stewardship: 
  • Environmental protection
  • Environmental safety
  • Global warming and pollution against clean air, water and food
We conceive of in regions facing major development issues businesses that push the limits to technological and social innovation such as in Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific including Oceana. These are both in urban, peri-urban and rural areas including those facing environmental disasters due to weather, seismic attack and raging bush fires and extensive micro plastics pollution in coastal and water areas, for example.

We will treat the above topics separately in our Global E-Services Weekly newsletter as a different slant from the usual technology and techie resource development and looking to investment scouting as we seek them around our association or organiza-tion.

Also, our 'dream' to serve out our info materials sent as an INFO-PAK (R) via M.O. operations will transpire on DEC.16 with a physical address mail drop located in Burquitlam, Brit. Columbia Canada for membership in both Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific regions, including Oceana. Our printers in collaboration with SkyeBlueAssociation's distribution will produce and print for us through copyright with SkyeBluePublications.
Getting Ready Online

You may not be able to visit us in person, but we’ve made our
compiled listings FYI available online. Browse by entering the social enterprise portal site below and you will be rewarded by sharing, innovating and inventing with us.

Visit us and download and print at your own portal website: (cut-n-paste)

Order Now! Any hardcopy for web docs, e-mail marketing docs, techdocs, refereed docs and correspondence and in folio form by Phoning first +011-604-945-8408 /+011-604-941-9022 (Helpline) for all your research and work needs with our material rated as E/I (by personal or banquers cheque only- to be arranged prior)!