Horizon TX Conf UWFaith


We are thankful for so many who have done so much

We are thankful for so many who have helped us during this year of transition to becoming the Horizon Texas Conference of United Women in Faith! We celebrated on November 9th at our Inaugural Event in Abilene where we voted to make it all official and elected officers for 2025.

We want to especially offer thanks:

For the Commemorative Tiles given at our Inaugural Event, thanks to Polly Soulsby, the CTC East District Leadership Team, and the Crafty Crafters Circle from Keller UMC.

For writing the beautiful prayers of the people offered as part of our Inaugural worship, thanks to Dr. Karen Anderson-Lain.

For the local arrangements and table decorations, thanks to Brenda Breeden and committee of women from the Northwest Texas Conference.

For managing registration, website, name badges and event signage, thanks to Becky Baird (Registrar), Lela Luxen (Treasurer), Vanessa Simon (Secretary), Wendy Campbell (webmaster), and Lynn Fisher (signage).

For making the Resource Room happen, Phyllis Cummings, Caye Felton, Jeanne Ann Gibson, and Chuck Rives.

For creating the Resource Book to guide us all through 2025, thanks to Wendy Campbell and Darlene Alfred, and all others who helped provide information. 

For mentoring our three UWFaith Conferences through the process of unification, thanks to Esther Hay of the Great Plains Conference.

Thanks for your support and coming to celebrate with us in Abilene:

  • National UWFaith Staff - Sally Vonner, Shannon Priddy, and Christi Campos
  • Horizon Texas Conference UMC Leaders - Rev. Dr. Owen Ross, DS Rev. Debra Hobbs-Mason, Rev. Thomas Long, and DS Rev. Daniel Tenney. We appreciate your support!
  • National Mission Institutions - the Amarillo Wesley Community Center, Wesley-Rankin Community Center (Dallas), and Dallas Bethlehem Center
  • UWFaith members from other conferences, including Ellen Lipsey, former Jurisdiction President

Thanks for lending your expertise to make our event special:

  • Communion Officiant, Rev. Marty Cash Burless
  • Photographer, Lauren Scott
  • McMurry Events and Hailee Reeder for taking care of all our detailed requests
  • Kaitlyn Scott for arranging handicap parking near the Campus Center
  • St. James United Methodist Church of Abilene for providing the communion sets

Thanks to these women on the Unification Team who have been meeting & planning for months:  

Central Texas

Pam Pinkerton-Whitley

Corliss McBride

Fannette Welton 

Billie Ray

Darlene Alfred

North Texas

Wendy Campbell

Lela Luxen

Barbara Weaver

Sonya Burkins

Cynthia Rives

Northwest Texas

Carolyn Cobb          

Jackie Berry

Brenda Breeden

Pam Zwickey

... and thanks to the countless other women who served on Unification sub-committees, helped provide information, and supported fellow member's efforts and the process in any way!  


We're making digital photo albums for everyone to enjoy!

Have you sent your "Who Are We?" selfies to us yet? If not, please send them to info@uwfaithhtc.org along with the names of who is in the picture! See some of them in a collage below. Photo albums will be on the website soon.

Please share any other pictures you took of the Nov. 9th event to us along with an appropriate caption. Send all pictures & captions to photos@uwfaithhtc.org

HTC-Who Are We


HTC 2025 Officers

Horizon Texas First Leadership Team

Click to see your officers listed on our UWFaith Horizon Texas Conference website. They are looking forward to serving in this new era.


Inaugural Event Survey

If you attended the November 9th Inaugural Event for UWFaith Horizon Texas Conference please take the survey. Your input is very important to us as we look forward. Click to share your feedback.


We're looking forward to making new friends and new ideas in Horizon Texas Conference UWFaith! With an expanded sisterhood, our unified conference will continue to support local groups and districts by providing educational and leadership development opportunities, hosting soul care and social justice events, promoting Mission Giving, and more. See the calendar on our website for dates of future events planned!


Wonder what "Horizon Texas Conference" is all about? For explanations, check here and see the website for frequently asked questions. Bookmark the website of UWFaith Horizon Texas Conference: UWFaithHTC.org More info will be coming soon!

United Women in Faith believe love in action can change the world

United Women in Faith welcome ALL women of faith, no church membership required. We connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact communities, locally and globally. 

Central Texas • North Texas • Northwest Texas