DALLAS UNITARIAN  | November 1, 2019
Join us for worship ( 9:30 & 11:00am ) with Rev. Daniel Kanter's All Souls sermon "We Remember Them" with music provided by the Sanctuary Choir .

Inquirer's class for newcomers (11:00am in the Parlor) will be on Adult & Children's Ministries.

Have you made your Pledge for 2020? We need to hear from everyone in the next week, so stop by the Canvass Table in Channing to turn in a pledge (and get a treat!). You can also pledge online at dallasuu.org/pledge .

Visit the Community Service table to sign up to provide a Turkey Basket for the clients of the Wilkinson Center.   

Join the UU Learning Community in their new book study of the Book of Joy at 9:30am in Room 305. More here .

Enjoy a  Comfort Food Brunch hosted by the youth in our Odyssey Class and their parents. Adults $8, Children $4. Proceeds benefit the annual Heritage Trip in June.

NOTE: Daylight Savings time begins this Sunday, Nov. 3, so don't forget to set your clock back 1 hour on Saturday night.    

PARKING:   The YMCA parking garage is open  for church-goers. Please remember to leave spaces on Normandy and St. Andrews for seniors and the mobility-impaired.

Don’t scare us by forgetting to make your pledge for 2020! We still need to hear from many of you, and our pledge drive deadline is Nov. 8. You're a supporter of First Church, so continue that with your generosity today. And remember, every pledge counts , no matter the size of your gift. Fill out the simple online form HERE , or set up a pledge in your member profile HERE , but however you can, please let us hear from you. Thank you for doing your part!
Join your church family for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner in Channing Hall--guests are welcome! Please bring a dish to share; turkey will be provided. Please note that dinner starts promptly at noon. Doors open at 11:30AM. Please bring any food that needs to be reheated by 11:45AM.

Seating is limited, so reservations are required. Be sure to let us know what you’ll bring, the number in your party, and whether you can help beforehand or afterwards. Click below for more.
Do you want to help welcome members and friends to the church office during the week? We are looking for volunteers to staff the front desk between 3 and 5 p.m. on Mondays through Wednesdays, and occasionally other times as needed. Serving as the front office volunteer is a great way to meet others in your church community, and to help people. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Application or contact Kathleen Sams at ksams@dallasuu.org or 214-884-1200 with questions. 

We hold close staff member Nohemi Reynoso and family as they mourn for her husband, Gilbert Zuñiga , who died Oct. 25, and Jason Franklin and daughter Morgan , who mourn the death of father and grandfather, Carl “Johnny” Franklin , on Oct. 20.

A memorial service for Chuck Moore will be held Nov. 9, at 4pm in the Sanctuary. Reception to follow.

Nov 5  |  Volunteer at the North Texas Food Bank, 1pm
Gather with UUs from 1-3pm to help pack food for hungry families at the North Texas Food Bank. Email Kat Krone .

Nov 5  |  Women's Day Alliance, 10:30am, Channing
Join WDA for a $10 catered lunch and an update from Planned Parenthood on the challenges to attaining reproductive justice. More here .

Nov 8  |  Journey Towards Wholeness, 7pm, Room 301
Join JTW for a screening of "Balzac and The Little Chinese Seamstress" with discussion to follow.

Nov 9  |  Shoreline Cleanup
Spend the morning volunteering at White Rock Lake with UU friends. Email for more.

Nov 12  |  City Square Food Pantry, 1-4pm
Join fellow UUs and help participants fill their baskets to feed their families. Email Patty Raggio .

Nov 16  |  YRUU Coffeehouse, 7pm
Attend this fun event with performances by our talented youth, an art auction, and bake sale. Proceeds create scholarships and offset costs for our youth service trip. Tickets available here .

Nov 17  |  Christmas Pageant Casting Call
Visit the Children’s Commons after either service to sign up for the pageant or audition for speaking parts.

Nov 17  |  The Future of Children & Family Ministries at First Church, 12:30pm, Raible
Join Rev. Daniel Kanter, Rev. Beth Dana, and Director of Children’s Ministries, Karen Lewis for a conversation about the past, present, and future of children and family ministries at First Church. More here .

Nov 20  |  Roots with Rev. White, 7pm, Room 301
Join Rev. White for an intro to Unitarian Universalism, great for newcomers and those curious about our faith. Register here .
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First Unitarian Church of Dallas | 214-528-3990 |  dallasuu.org