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April 2023 Issue

Sheldon ISD Students Impress at C-STEM Challenge Competition

Congratulations to the hundreds of Sheldon Independent School District students and teachers who made the April 22 Challenge Competition hosted at C.E. King Middle School a success. The challenge fittingly took place on Earth Day.

The challenge was the culmination of months of preparation. The students participated from nine schools and represented 3rd-12th grade with their projects in the following categories:

  • Mosaic Mural
  • Sea Turtle Sculpture
  • Robotics
  • Innovation

Interested in holding a competition like this at your school? Get the details here.

Join Us for Our Largest Fundraiser of the Year

For 2023 and beyond, our dream is to be part of a world where no child experiences learning gaps due to their neighborhood, skin color, disability, orientation, income, or any other factor. Now is the time, it’s our time! It’s time for advocates who share our passion to jump in wherever possible to advance the movement. We invite you to Dream Big With Us!

C-STEM's community impact for more than two decades, reflects over 50,000 hours of training for educators that has impacted over 200,000 students. With your support, we will continue to positively impact our students who need us the most. 

Your assistance and leadership has been invaluable in the past and with your continued support we will continue to:

  • Deliver PreK-12 C-STEM programs in schools across the country
  • Implement C-STEM Challenge Day competitions that bring STEM learning full circle 
  • Provide exposure to STEM careers at an early age 
  • Diversify the pipeline of future STEM talent

Thank you for your continued investment in C-STEM. Register Today!

Become a Sponsor, Download the Investment Opportunity by Clicking Below

Workshop Highlights Unique Opportunities in STEM

C-STEM recently welcomed one of our non-profit partners, SAGSAW, to Houston. The organization awarded young women college students from Clark Atlanta University, Bennett College, and North Carolina A & T, with the opportunity to participate in a workshop hosted at Cloth & Cord.

The "C-STEM is Fashion, C-STEM is Beauty" workshop provided the young women with a hands-on, real-world experience that expanded their perspective on the STEM career opportunities emerging in the fashion industry with the help of AI.

Thank you to C-STEM board member, Ellana Kone, for always keeping C-STEM at the forefront of technology and innovation. Stay Tuned! More to Come!

STEM Education Insights

Racial Disparities in College Lending

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D.

New research affirms that Black students attempting to turn the tide on generational poverty are still experiencing greater difficulty than their peers when it comes to advancing economically.

Keep Reading

Be Part of Our Mission

Are you a teacher needing STEMSTEAM Toolkits.png


Download the 2022 State of STEM Report
Register for STEM Toolkit Scholarship
Sign up for C-STEM Challenge Program

The C-STEM Challenge theme for the 2022-23 academic year

Climate Tech: Creating Innovative Solutions

Get in touch with us to learn more!

Opportunities & Deadlines


Don't miss out on upcoming STEM opportunities! This month, we’ve compiled even more opportunities to share!

For Students & Parents

Texas A & M Horticulture Career Day

Texas A&M is hosting a Horticulture Career Day for high school students on Monday, June 5. The event is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to visit Texas A&M University and have some hands-on experiences with horticulture and STEM through gardening.  

If you'd like to attend, please share this link with your teacher.


These summer camps students with disabilities ages 14-22 take place in June and July.

Contact Sue Moraska at for more infromation and to enroll.

Scholarships for Tech Camps

iD Tech is offering scholarships for its summer camps (both virtual and in person). Underserved students ages 7-19 are encouraged to apply.

Apply for 2023 season

For Teachers & Leaders

We Teach_CS Summit 2023

WeTeach_CS is excited to offer Summit scholarships for K-5 educators, rural educators, and Microsoft TEALS educators. Apply for a chance to attend the Summit and join a community of like-minded educators who are dedicated to building a strong computer science pipeline for the future. Space is limited, so please apply as soon as possible!

Apply now

Computers for Learning

This program, which strives to make modern computer technology an integral part of every classroom has reopened. Schools and educational nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for equipment that federal agencies have reported as excess.

Get more information and apply

Project Kindle

This fully funded fellowship by earthwatch empowers high school teachers to engage students in scientific field work.

Learn more and apply


New Interns Pitch in For Challenge Day

C-STEM recently welcomed two new STEM Enhancement Interns to the team. They've jumped right in, helping with a busy slate of spring and summer events.

Jahlynn Sommerville is a freshman at The Texas Southern University, majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies on the journey to become a 1st grade teacher with a focus in Math. "I am excited to learn more about teaching and gain practical experience through my C-STEM internship," she said. "My hope is to make a positive impact on my future students' lives and inspire them to love learning as Dr. Flowers continues to do daily."

Paul James Juneau is a Louisiana native who lives in Houston. "Currently, I am homeless and have been living at the Covenant House Texas shelter since October. I am happy that Dr. Flowers gave me a job," he said. Paul will begin studies as a freshman at the University of Houston in May.

Blast from the Past

Blessed with Big Experiences

This awesome memory takes us back to The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference STEM Brain Trust led by the former Chair of the Science and Technology Committee, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, moderated by our very own, Dr. Reagan Flowers. This 'Blast from the Past' will now take us to the next moon walk in 2024, Artemis.

STEM News and Upcoming Events


College Students follow the money into STEM

Animal Stem Cell Therapy Market Increasing Growth and End Users in Forthcoming Years

Black children deserve representation in STEM fields

New Legislation to Boost Data Science in K-12 and Higher Ed (

K-12 online tutoring market size to grow by USD 97.66 billion between 2022 and 2027

Coding Education is Crucial

The Importance of STEM Education for Girls

More Women in STEM Than in Past Years

U.S. Education Department Launches STEM Initiative

11th State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast

Friday, June 9, 2023

7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.

The Junior League of Houston

Learn more

2023 Blackshear Elementary School C-STEM Challenge Showcase

Friday, June 30, 2023

2023 Whidby Elementary School C-STEM Challenge Showcase

Friday, June 30, 2023

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Partners!

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Executive Board

Ahmad Shaheed                      Marlon K. Scott

Chairman                                Treasurer

Dr. Reagan Flowers            Dr. Kelly Cole

President                             Director

Kristal Palmer                Ellana Turner

Director                          Director

Dr. Joseph Seabrooks


Chairman Emeritus

Earl Cummings was the founding Chairman of the executive board and served 16 years earning Emeritus status. Earl maintains an active role with C-STEM. 


Earl Cummings

Chairman Emeritus

Advisory Board

Michael Aldridge

Shomari Williams

Joi Beasley

Zawadi Bryant

Bobby Bryant

Lucy Bremond

Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales

LaQuita Cyprian

Laolu Davies Yemitan

Gayle Fallon

Ruthie Esene

Michael Harris

Renee Logans

David Medina

Antoinette Jackson

Scott Minnix

Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega

Susan Taylor

Dr. Frazier Wilson

Syalisa Winata

Ross Peters

Dr. Robert Satcher

Charles Samuel

Miloni Shah

Cherrilyn B. Nedd

Dr. Martina Ogbonna

Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude

We are C-STEM!


C-STEM Teacher and Student Support Services, Inc.

3226 Alabama Street

Houston, Texas  77004

Office: (713) 443-4521  Email:  Website:

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