Greetings Griffins,

I hope this email finds you and yours safe and healthy.

As I reflect back on my college days, I must confess that a large part of my personal learning and growth came from the opportunity to engage with other students whose life experiences were different from mine. These interactions help to expand my understanding of the world and improve my interpersonal and leadership skills. As a Griffin, you have a great opportunity to learn and grow in this manner as well.

Did you know we have International students from multiple countries in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe? We have students from the Middle East and East Africa, as well as our neighbor to the south: Mexico.

There is an opportunity now for you to engage with your fellow students as a student leader in the student government. While I know that these are challenging times just to stay in classes and get your work done, I want to assure you that the time and sacrifices that you invest in being a student leader will be more than offset by the knowledge and skills that one develops in these roles. What you learn as a student leader will be useful no matter where life takes you.

All the elections information is available on the ASGC website ( Interested applicants are asked to attend a Candidate's Meeting where elections information will be reviewed and any questions answered. Dates are as follows:

All meetings held via Zoom Meeting ID: 931 1475 1175

Monday, April 12th      2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
Tuesday, April 13th      9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, April 14th   1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.