Wealth and Prosperity with Feng Shui
from the International Feng Shui Guild
Wealth = Money, right?
Well........there is actually more to it. Yes, we desire wealth and prosperity for the freedom we think it can give us. Wealth can also give us the opportunity to be big givers (which is kind of fun).

But wealth is about more than money. It's about Abundance. That can mean lots of things. The abundance of health, blessings, joy, peace, safety, and yes tangible things and a physical way of life.

Abundance is universal.

This month we are talking about Wealth and Prosperity and how Feng Shui can help draw that into your life. From the bagua, to clutter, to your mindset... scroll on and delve into your abundance...
Abundance is "the innate tendency of nature and of life to manifest, grow, and become more."
Feng Shui for Attracting Wealth
From Nora Ben, "It is important to understand that Feng Shui is not about certain objects like the three-legged frog or laughing Buddha. It is a body of wisdom, beyond materialism. Therefore, your intuition and positive feeling are the true indicators for the right application of Feng Shui. So, if you do not like an excess of golden or red color in your room, that’s ok. Go for what agrees with you and brings a positive vibe!"
Anyone else like how this sounds?
Why Not All Fountains Are Created Equal
From Katie Rogers, "There are so many ways to facilitate money flow in feng shui. And there are also so many ways to block it.
Katie shares a live client interaction with Dave who is working on his wealth. Have you ever made a feng shui change and then wondered why it didn't work? If so, you will love Dave's story. Most of us have been in his shoes!
"Organize your bills. Create a system that allows you to stay on-top of due dates, so debt and late fees are thing of the past. This will also boost your self-confidence and help you regain control of your finances." 

Don't be afraid of this one. You might think, oh I don't want to look at all those bills. It's ok. Facing it is part of the fix. Hiding the bills (out of sight / out of mind) does not help. Getting them organized even if by amount or by date, gives them a proper designation and let's them know you are in charge.
Watch Feng Shui Your Wallet from Laura Morris, Morris Feng Shui and Mindful Design Feng Shui School
FINAL THOUGHTS: Stimulating Prosperity and Other Good Stuff
Michigan based Catherine Hilker, was asked about possibilities of improving our lives and spaces while in a financially challenging situation. Given the last 12 months, we felt this topic would resonate with a lot of you. Read her thoughts below....

The biggest bang for your buck (or lack of) that will improve all areas of your life is to address sha chi and si chi….both negative and unhealthy forms of energy. Ridding our lives and our physical spaces of negative chi is paramount to living healthy, harmonious lives. Here are suggestions for improving energy and creating sheng (positive) chi.

In your home or office:
  • Address physical clutter
  • Donate/recycle/throw away stuff you don’t use lurking in cupboards, closets, drawers, attics, basements, garages, etc.
  • Thoroughly clean your space
  • Spruce up your front entrance
  • Address things that are broken/need to be fixed
  • Less is more, pare down unnecessary furnishings, knick knacks, accents, etc.
  • Create an intention power spot and usher in your intentions for yourself.

In your life:
  • Be mindful of what you are focusing on…lack? problems? What you focus on is what you get more of!
  • Are there people in your life you need to forgive including yourself? Check out Radical Forgiveness.
  • Are others mirroring your own issues? Check out The Work by Bryon Katie.
  • Do you have emotional blocks getting in your way? Check out EFT (Emotional freedom technique) tapping.

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  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

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