Wear a Face Mask Now
Here is How to Make One
Dear Neighbors,

I hope by now you know that the COVID-19 virus spreads by people who show no or few symptoms.  That’s why best practice is to wear a face mask whenever you have to go outside.  And both Governor Pritzker and the federal Centers for Disease Controls recommend it.

A face masks will help prevent your breathing from reaching other people.  It also has some limited ability to protect you from others.  It is NOT a substitute for social distancing, as we said in Friday’s newsletter , it is an added layer of protection – which we need now as cases skyrocket.  

This is your guide to making and wearing a face mask. Please share this with others. Take a photo of you wearing your mask and tag it #43WearsAMask!

What is a mask made of?

It’s easy to find materials for a mask with what you have in the house.  You need:

Fabric : The best is a tightly woven 100% cotton fabric.  The tighter the weave the better – if you can see through the fabric – not good. You can cut up an old men's dress shirt, craft fabric, or a bandana. Just don't use synthetics.

Many masks include a layer of non-woven material in-between the cloth layers. There is
fabric interfacing, or you can even use coffee filters or cut up HEPA vacuum filters, but these cannot be laundered, so you would have to replace them every day.

Laces or Elastic: Something to keep the mask on your head, like elastic hair bands, shoe laces, clothes line, or even T-shirt yarn (see this video )

Nose Fitting (Optional):You can also add a wire to make a tight fit on your nose (and keep glasses from fogging) from floral wire or pipe cleaners. You need to be able to sew.

The aim: to keep the mask fairly tight around your nose and mouth – the mask is usually held around your ears, or tied around your head. 
Don't Know How to Sew?

Here's an easy one - add a coffee filter for extra filtering!

You just need:
Know How to Sew?

Here is an easy-to-sew face mask. My personal preference is to use ties because it allows you to personalize the fit and many complain that the elastic hurts their ears after a while.
More Sewing

Here is the video for the mask I made for my family. It's pretty heavy-duty.
Want to Help Others?

Joann Fabrics has launched the Make To Give campaign to make and then give face masks to donate to others. Read more and
How to Properly Handle Your Face Mask

How to Wear a Cloth Face Mask:

  • Fit it snugly but comfortably against the side of your face
  • Cover your nose and mouth
  • Secure with ties or ear loops
  • Allow for breathing without restriction
  • Don't put a mask on a child under 2

How to Remove and Clean Your Mask:
  • Don't touch the outside of your face mask when removing - that's where the germs are!
  • Do not not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing your face maskand wash hands immediately after removing
  • Wash your face mask every day you wear it.
  • Wash your mask with hot water and soap - by washing machine of course, but by hand if you need too. Just be sure to clean and disinfect the area where you are washing it.

COVID19: Guidance for Businesses and Employers

The City of Chicago has provided a step-by-step guide on what to do if your employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID19.

Visit  chicago.gov/coronavirus  to see what resources are available to businesses, consumers and employees impacted by the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Spring Break Activities
Spring Break Meal Sites for CPS Students
April 6 - 9

Families may pick up grab-and-go meals at one of the 136 school sites across the city from  Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Meal sites will not be open on Friday, April 10 to give staff members off for Good Friday , and they ask families to plan accordingly. 

Meal sites in our area include LaSalle Language Academy (1734 N. Orleans) and Walter Payton High School (1034 N. Wells).

To find meal sites near you visit cps.edu/mealsites
The Nature Museum Offers
Online Programming for Kids
April 6 - 10

Have a Spring Break "Staycation" at the Nature Museum. The Nature Museum is providing free online programming with fun activities to do while at home practicing social distancing. Visit the Peggy Notebaert Museum website for a calendar of family - friendly activities to do during the week.

Sign up for the newsletter today and find fun-filled activities online.
Comedy on Call

COMEDY ON CALL  is a social networking project that seeks to connect comedians impacted by the shut-down of entertainment / service industry venues to an isolated community -- ages 4-104 -- during quarantine. You're not alone. We're all in this together. 

  • Connecting with kids and teens: They hope this gives families schooling at-home a novel connection to engage kids (anywhere from PRE K-to- High School) with their imagination, or get them moving and make them laugh while doing so!
  • Connecting with the community: No matter your age, if you miss being out in the world they hope to connect and bring a smile into your day! 

Visit COMEDY ON CALL for details and virtual activities.
One Summer Chicago Applications Open
Apply Now

One Summer Chicago brings together government institutions, community-based organizations and companies to offer over 30,000 employment and internship opportunities to youth and young adults ages 14 to 24. Applications are being accepted through May 20.

Please visit One Summer Chicago for details and to apply.
Stay Home, Save Lives

With warmer weather expected in the forecast tomorrow, please remember to practice individual discipline and remain inside unless you are going out for essentials. As tempting as it may be, we have to remember we are doing this to save lives.
Observe your social distance or this could happen,

Coronavirus Resources :

If you have any additional questions, please email:  coronavirus@chicago.gov  or call 312-746-4835

The Doctor Is In: Ask Dr. Arwady. Live-stream by Chicago Health Commissioner Allison Arwady, M.D., daily at 11:00 am on  Twitter and  Facebook Live.

Sign up to receive the latest updates on Coronavirus:  https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/VwvbSW5/coronavirus
State of Illinois
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
43rd Ward Office Hours: M - F 9 AM - 5 PM 
  2523 N Halsted  |  773-348-9500 yourvoice@ward43.org www.ward43.org