Spring is here again - and so is Children's Mental Health Week!
May 3-9 is only a month away!
No matter what comes our way - spring is always here every year - and so is Children's Mental Health Week. PPAL staff is getting ready by wearing green, planning our virtual activities and reaching out to our town officials to honor this memorable week of the year!

How can you participate?
Wear green and share it with us!
Put on green clothes, paint your toenails green, draw a picture with your child and share it on social media with a hashtag #cmhw2020 and #childrensmentalhealthmatters

Share it with us too, so we can post it on our social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook). Send your green pictures to Milla at mpaumo@ppal.net
Send us your virtual events for May!
We have extended the deadline for submitting events for our toolkit calendar. Please send your events by noon on April 9th in order for them to be included in the calendar that goes in the toolkit.

Send your event details to Milla at mpaumo@ppal.net
We look forward to hearing what you are doing!
Request a proclamation
Many municipal offices are closed for the time being, but the municipal officials are only a phone call or an email away! Reach out to your local Mayor's or Town Executive's Office and request them to sign a proclamation!

Email Milla at mpaumo@ppal.net for a proclamation sample template.
Final call for ordering toolkits! Let Milla know if you would prefer a mailed or an electronic version. Send your email to
Parent/Professional Advocacy League | www.ppal.net
See what's happening on our social sites: