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Year after year, dedicated community leaders like you have worn "the hat" on Giving Tuesday, championing the spirit of local volunteerism. Together, we've sparked transformative impact valued in the millions, translating to hundreds of thousands of service hours.

As we embark on the 9th year of this campaign, our excitement knows no bounds! At the heart of our Hats Off to Community Champions campaign is the vision of a community thriving in unity and resilience.


Volunteer New York! has consistently stood as the bedrock of volunteerism in Westchester, Rockland, and its neighboring territories. With each hat worn, you champion a brighter tomorrow carved out of shared responsibility and collective action.

🌟 Here's What This Year Brings:

  • Media Recognition: Enjoy the spotlight as lohud and The Journal News highlight your dedication and commitment.
  • Exclusive Networking Breakfast: A unique opportunity to mingle, share stories, and foster new connections with like-minded community members.
  • Giving Tuesday Volunteer Project: Dive into a hands-on volunteer opportunity, translating your support into tangible change.
  • Complimentary professional headshot for each hat wearer.



  • Inspiring 35,000 Volunteers of all ages, abilities, and stages in life, to volunteer through easy and effective means of engagement.


  • Supporting 300 Nonprofit agencies that are closest to the needs in our community and count-on volunteer power, from the board room to the front line.


  • Enabling 100 Businesses who seek to be good neighbors in their community, create and expand their employee volunteer programs that directly address community challenges.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Follow us on social media now so you won't miss out on Giving Tuesday and all the ways that community, volunteers, amazing hats, and good people can inspire generosity, take over the gram, and provide critical support to our region's oldest and largest volunteer connector agency, Volunteer New York!.

Don't want a hat? Here's a link to the latest local volunteer opportunities.

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