July 7, 2020
Wearing Masks in Courthouses
To enhance safe access to Alberta courthouses, effective July 6, 2020, all persons entering a courthouse in Alberta shall be required to wear a face mask while in any public area of the courthouse subject to exceptions detailed in the Notice to the Profession and the Public from the Courts.
Court of Queen's Bench Announcements

Commencing immediately, any applications on notice for a Restraining Order or Queen’s Bench Protection Order may proceed directly to Family Chambers without having to first attend in Family Docket Court.

A Family Chambers date can be obtained from the Clerk’s office. The application and supporting Affidavit must be filed in accordance with the email filing instructions here and served on the opposing party. 
Applicants who do not have access to technology may continue to file in person.

The Applicant may ask the Court to shorten the time for service on the Respondent where the circumstances require.

The process for applications for protection orders without notice was posted to the Court’s website on June 20, 2020 here .

As announced on May 22, 2020, the Court, in July and August 2020, will be hearing some short, judge alone Criminal trials via WebEx video and in-person, in COVID-safe courtrooms.

Steps have been taken to protect the health of all individuals required to attend courthouses throughout the Province. Plexiglass is being installed in some Queen’s Bench courtrooms in Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer and Lethbridge, and in our Regional Centres. In consultation with the Courts, Resolution and Court Administration Services has developed guidelines in respect of screening for COVID19 at courthouse entrances, social distancing within courthouses and cleaning and sanitation requirements of courthouses. The Court of Queen’s Bench, jointly with the Court of Appeal of Alberta and the Provincial Court of Alberta, has mandated the wearing of masks in courthouses throughout the Province. See the announcement here .

While the Announcement of May 22, 2020 related to slots being made available for short (5 days or less) judge alone Criminal trials, in the event the available trial slots are not filled, the Court will offer these slots to Summary Conviction Appeals for Criminal Code offences, short Family, Civil and Commercial trials or other Family, Civil and Commercial matters via Webex video and in-person, in COVID-safe courtrooms. Priority will be given to Summary Conviction Appeals, Family, Civil and Commercial trials and matters scheduled to be heard between March 16 and June 26, 2020, and adjourned pursuant to the Court’s Master Orders due to the pandemic.

To request a short Criminal trial or Summary Conviction Appeal slot in July or August, Counsel must complete the Criminal Trial Triage Form in full. The Form is available here . Please allow three to four business days to receive a response from the Court.

To request a short Family, Civil or Commercial trial slot, or to request the hearing of a Family, Civil or Commercial matter other than a trial, in July or August, Counsel must complete the Family, Civil and Commercial Triage Form in full. The form is available here . Please allow three to four business days to receive a response from the Court.