


Fall has been wetter than normal as a La Nina normally is, but it has been warmer than normal and even the mountains have not received much snow until this past weekend. The current forecast is for much colder weather and snow levels dropping to near the valley floor. These colder conditions should continue through the end of the month. We are prepared for winter services.


We monitor weather throughout the winter and keep our customers informed when a threat of hazardous conditions are forecasted. We have prepared our fleet and tools to be ready on a moments notice. Also, as a part of our winter storm service, we post winter weather warning signs at the driveway entrances of sites we serve. We also send emails out days before potential events to keep customers informed of our plan.  When hazardous conditions are predicted, we also recommend that our customers inform their tenants, employees, and patrons to heed warning. We send recommended language to be forwarded via email. We follow these up with email updates during the storm, often times in the middle of the night as we complete service to give customers real time updates.  


Remember last February? We were prepared and have been spending the last month and a half preparing again for whatever conditions we face. Although it is impossible to eliminate all risk of winter storm snow or ice, we believe that we provide the best service in the area and our entire team works diligently to prepare and service through any event. http://www.pacscape.com/services/snow-ice.php 

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