The 2019-2020 PTA board slate recommended by the nomination committee are as follows:
President: Vicky Vu
EVP: Ruth Anne Kurkjian
1st VP Ways and Means: Michiko Inananga
2nd VP of Membership: Brian Maris
Treasurer: Amanda Baltz
Financial Secretary: Michelle Shahon
Recording Secretary: Lisa Massoumi
Auditor: Scott Fox
Historian: Sue Hsieh
Upcoming events until next PTA meeting:
3/14- Flag ceremony with Giving tree
3/14- 6pm OPEN House
3/15- No School
3/18-3/21- CARES campaign
3/18-3/27- CARES campaign for Long Beach Ronald McDonald House
3/21- MTM parent training/assembly
3/22- Flag ceremony with HSA Award ceremony
3/22- PTA Platinum members breakfast with Mr. Larson, Dr. Kropp, and Dr. Pulver
3/28/329- Brent Poppen assemblies
3/28- Class Act lessons with Doug Bayse of Pacific Symphony
3/29- Flag Ceremony with Reading Incentives and ambassadors
3/29- Class Act lessons with Doug Bayse of Pacific Symphony
3/30- Weaver Goes Gatsby
4/4- Class Act lessons with Doug Bayse of Pacific Symphony
4/4- Weaver Science Fair with Growing Up STEM Magic show after school
4/4- 5th grade show
4/5- Discovery Cube Golden State Water assembly for 4th and 5th graders
4/8- Ambassador meeting
4/8- Class Act FAMILY night at McGaugh Elementary
4/11- Class Act IME for K-1st
4/12- Flag ceremony with Giving tree
4/12- PTA General meeting