e-Focus Monthly Newsletter

Town of Weaverville

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Monthly News & Updates

SchoolBus Arm


It is back to school time again. Buncombe County Schools' first day for students begins August 26, 2024. This means more families will be walking and driving on the roads. School buses will be back out as well. Motorists will need to take extra care behind the wheel.


We as a community can help our children get to and from school safely by avoiding all distractions while driving and by following some important safety rules:


  • Reduce your speed, pay attention, and obey traffic laws in school zones and neighborhoods surrounding schools.
  • Be ready to stop at all times.
  • Wait patiently for children to complete their crossing before you proceed.
  • Try to make eye contact with children who are waiting to cross the road.
  • Do not load and unload children into vehicles across the street from the school. Unload on the same side of the road as the school.
  • Don’t double park in the school zone – this blocks visibility for other children and vehicles.
  • Never pass a vehicle that has stopped for pedestrians.
  • When traveling behind a bus, follow at a greater distance than you would when following another car – this will give you more time to stop once yellow lights begin to flash.
  • Do not block crosswalks when stopped – this act forces pedestrians to go around you and puts them in the path of moving traffic.
  • Watch for children arriving late for the bus – they may dart across the street without heeding traffic.
  • STOP!! Always stop when directed to do so by law enforcement or school staff.
  • SEE RED - Traffic should stop in both directions on an undivided roadway when the stop sign on a school bus is fully extended, and students are exiting the bus.
  • NEVER pass a school bus on the right.      

Don’t forget to have PATIENCE!!! Thank you: Sgt. Andy Mace, Weaverville Police Department

Town Hall and Offices and Community Center are Closed Labor Day

Labor Day Monday, September 2nd Garbage Routes Collected on Thursday, September 5th

Happy Labor Day!

Weaverville Community Meeting- Buncombe Co. School System Feasibility Study

In September of 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly mandated that the Asheville City and Buncombe County school systems jointly study the feasibility of a merger and designated Buncombe County as the lead entity for this project. This September, Prismatic Services will lead nine drop-in community meetings as well as one online forum to gather community input that will be presented to the North Carolina General Assembly in February 2025. 

The drop-in meetings are designed so community members can participate for 15-30 minutes at the time and location that best suits their schedules. Spanish interpretation will be provided. For those who cannot attend in person, an online forum will be held. An online input form also will be released in September. 

Drop-in community meeting schedule: 

  • Monday, Sept. 9 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - Owen Middle, 730 Old US Hwy 60, Swannanoa 
  • Tuesday, Sept. 10 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - East Asheville Library, 3 Avon Road, Asheville
  • Thursday, Sept. 12 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - Cane Creek Middle, 570 Lower Brush Creek Road, Fletcher
  • Friday, Sept. 13 - 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. - Weaverville Community Center, 60 Lakeshore Drive, Weaverville
  • Monday, Sept. 16 - 3:45-6:45 p.m. - Isaac Dickson Elementary, 125 Hill St., Asheville
  • Tuesday, Sept. 17 - 3:30-6:30 p.m. - Erwin High, 60 Lees Creek Road, Asheville
  • Wednesday, Sept. 18 - 5:30-8:30 p.m. - Enka Intermediate, 125 Asheville Commerce Parkway, Candler
  • Thursday, Sept. 19 - 3:45-6:30 p.m. - Hall Fletcher Elementary, 60 Ridgelawn Road, Asheville
  • Friday, Sept. 20 - 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road, Asheville
  • Monday, Sept. 23 - 5:30-7:30 p.m. - Online forum 

For more information or to sign up for updates, go to 

Weaverville Library Temporary Closure August 31 - Sept. 13

Heads up Weaverville, From our Library Friends:

'The Weaverville Library will be closing Saturday, Aug.31-Friday, Sept. 13 while we tackle some large-scale painting projects and install new work room furniture.

 The library plans to reopen on Saturday, Sept. 14, and the book drop will remain open throughout the closure to accept returns. Head to to use the digital library 24/7 or find another branch location near you.'

Weaverville's 9/11 Observance Wed. Sept. 11th

Please join us for a moment of silence on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 beginning at 8:46 a.m. at the Weaverville Community Center Patio Flagpole overlooking Lake Louise. All are welcome as we honor the victims, Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, First Responders, and our Military personnel.

Dottie Sherrill Community Center

60 Lakeshore Dr, Weaverville, NC 28787 Parking is available behind and below the Community Center.

Make an impact on the mental health and wellness of the Weaverville Police Department by contributing to "Stand TALL." This initiative is dedicated to supporting the well-being of law enforcement officers, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to perform their duties effectively. By donating online, you directly contribute to these essential services. To make a difference, please click here to donate to Stand TALL:

Or check out North Carolina Peer Support, our First Responders Peer Support Team. NC First Responder Peer Support - North Carolina First Responder Peer Support (

Your generosity is greatly appreciated and plays a crucial role in the well-being of those who keep your community safe.

Fish Fry Fundraiser for Historic Hillside Community Center

Fish Fry Fundraiser- Save Historic Weaverville School

What: Fundraiser Live Music & Great Food

When: Saturday, September 14th

Time: 12 noon (until sold out!)

Location: 35 Hillside St.

Proceeds go to Preservation Society of Asheville - Buncombe County an effort to save the Historic Weaverville School.

$12 plates includes fried whiting, mac & cheese, baked beans, and cole slaw. Hot dogs available for $2.

On Sat. Sept. 14th at the Hillside Community Center, 35 Hillside Street, Weaverville.

Follow 'Save Historic Weaverville School' Facebook page at:

Artful Flowers Program Garden Club of Weaverville

The Garden Club of Weaverville 

September Program & Meeting

Tuesday, September 10, at 11:30 a.m.


Location: Weaverville Community Center Albert Weaver Room (60 Lakeshore Drive) 


Program: Artful Flowers


Garden Club of Weaverville member Susan Dunbar will present a program dedicated to flower and foliage pressing and the use of these pressed items to create art. She will explain which flowers are best to use, how to store these flowers, and how to later use them in creative ways. She will also have on hand the homemade, wooden flower press she uses, and she will explain how to make one of these. Susan has researched pressing and drying flowers and foliage to use in creative ways, she made her first flower press soon thereafter, and she has been drying flowers to produce art ever since. Susan looks forward to sharing this technique with both her fellow GCW members and visitors from the community. 

All are welcome to attend. The Garden Club will not provide refreshments this month, but feel free to bring your own lunch, snack, or beverages to enjoy immediately following the program, if you’d like. The business meeting will begin soon thereafter.


 The Garden Club of Weaverville is a co-ed, non-profit organization open to everyone.  For more information, becoming a member, or supporting the club, visit website:

WBA Presents Art in Autumn Saturday, September 21st

Annual Art in Autumn returns Saturday, September 21st, 2024 from 10am - 6pm. 

This event is hosted by the Weaverville Business Association and brings over 100 juried artists from across the Southeast to Main Street. It is free and open to the public. Booths will line Main Street from Weaver House to Maggie B's. Regional musicians will play beginning at 10:30 a.m. in front of Rodney’s. Local restaurants will be open.

The Art in Autumn Committee is still seeking a few more volunteers for the show. Volunteers help with a variety of tasks, including booth relief for the artists, parking, and staffing the information booth. Each volunteer gets a free t-shirt and a super fun day working with great people. More information is available here

Weaverville GreenWorks Hard-2-Recycle Sat. Sept 21st

Weaverville Hard 2 Recycle - North- Saturday, September 21st

Volunteers needed to support this super fun, waste reduction event. Join one of our volunteer teams as we collect thousands of pounds of items that would have normally ended up in the Landfill. We offer two shifts morning (9am to Noon) and afternoon (11:30am to 2:30pm)

Snacks and refreshments will be provided throughout the event as well as high-fives and music. It’s a fun way to spend an afternoon. Sign up to help us run this event. Create a climate resilient future for yourself, your family, and your community and lend a hand:

When: Sept. 21, 2024

Time: 2 shifts morning 9-12 & afternoon 11:30-2:30

Where: North Buncombe High School, 890 Clarks Chapel Rd., Weaverville,

To Register for this event:

Hard 2 Recycle sponsored by Green Works- volunteers have made it possible to keep hundreds of thousands of pounds of hard-to-recycle items out of our Buncombe County Landfill … Want to know more? 

Buncombe County Board of Elections Info

The 2024 General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Do you know if you are registered to vote or what voter ID is required? Read on for everything you need to know, from registering to vote, finding your precinct, how to view your sample ballot, and more.

Early Voting begins at the Weaverville Community Center on October 17th

Everything You Need to Know About Voting in the 2024 General Election: County Center - Everything You Need to Know About Voting in the 2024 General Election in Buncombe County

Public safety officials in our area are making strides to better protect you, your family, and our community with the CodeRED emergency notification system. With CodeRED, the Town of Weaverville can quickly deliver emergency messages to targeted geographic areas or time-sensitive information to individuals who have registered to receive alerts. 

Sign-up to receive CodeRED notifications:

Weaverville Community Center News

The Outdoor Recreation Complex Courts are Done! 

We are so glad to have completed the painting and coating of the Pickleball Courts and Basketball Court at the Recreation Complex. In addition to the painting and coating of the courts, we've also updated the signs and the times for Open Play at the Pickleball Courts. 

The Complex is still open from 8am - 8pm every day except Wednesday, when we close the Courts from 2:30pm - 6:00pm during the Tailgate Market. Check out these new signs for more information on Open Play, First Come First Serve, and the Rec Complex rules in general.

More information can also be found here. Or you can contact Sarah at if you have any questions.

Personalized Bricks Are Back. Commemorate a loved one at the Weaverville Community Center and purchase a brick today! click here: Buy-a-brick program

Mark your calendars

2024 Last Summer Concert in the Park

Join us for the final Summer Concert Series performance of 2024! With Tim McWilliams on the Main Street Nature Park on September 14th from 6-8pm.

Bring a chair or blanket to sit on, some friends and family to enjoy music with, and don’t forget your dancing shoes! For latest updates or cancellations regarding this event please check:

September Meetings:

  • Sept. 3: Planning Board Meeting

  • Sept. 4: Tree Board Meeting

  • Sept. 9: Board of Adjustment Meeting

  • Sept. 17: Town Council Workshop

  • Sept. 23: Town Council Meeting

Website Calendar:

 For more information click here.

Town Elected Officials & Contact Information

Mayor & Town Council

Patrick Fitzsimmons, Mayor


John Chase, Vice Mayor


Doug Jackson, Council member


Catherine Cordell, Council member


Michele Wood, Council member


Peter McGuire, Council member


Dee Lawrence, Council member


Interim Town Manager Scottie Harris


Town Hall Physical Location:

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 338, Weaverville, NC 28787


(828) 645-7116

Town Hall Business Hours:

8:30am - 5:00pm

(closed from 12:30-1:30pm)

Town Council Workshop:

3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm

Town Council Meetings:

4th Monday of each month at 6:00pm

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Town Council Agendas & Minutes

Weaverville Town Hall

30 South Main Street,

P.O. Box 338,

Weaverville, NC 28787

Phone: (828) 645-7116

Contact Our Team
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