July 2020 |  Volume 55
Recycling Improvements in Weaverville
The Town of Weaverville was recently awarded a 2020 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service of the Department of Environmental Quality. This grant, in the amount of $30,000, is for the purpose of purchasing recycling carts for approximately 2,100 customers within the Town’s service area. These carts will help transition the Town’s growing curbside recycling program from a collection system using bins or blue bags to a cart-based collection system. Based on our research and information provided by our contract hauler, Curbside Management, these carts should increase both the total volume of recycling and the number of participating households. Also, the carts should increase the diversion of materials from the waste stream and improve the recycled material quality. Many of our current customers already use a wheeled 64-gallon green cart for their household garbage, and the addition of a similar-sized recycling cart should be an easy transition from the blue bag system.

In addition, the Town was awarded a grant by the Southeast Recycling Development Council in the amount of $13,156 for the same project. This grant will be used to supplement the $30,000 grant mentioned above to expand the town’s current recycling program, as well as fund a public outreach campaign to drive participation and reduce contamination.
The Town plans to purchase recycling carts for its current customer base of 2,100, plus an additional 100 carts for anticipated growth in FY 2020-21. The estimated cost for 2,200 carts and related recycling brochures (created with assistance from the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service) is approximately $87,500, and the Town will fund the remaining amount of the project above these two grants in its upcoming FY 2020-21 budget. The carts will begin to be purchased in July 2020 at the beginning of the new fiscal year. The individually numbered carts will then be delivered to the Public Works Department throughout the year, so that they can all be put into service in a single fiscal year.

This will be an exciting step forward for the Town in its efforts to improve our recycling efforts for the future!

Dale Pennell
Public Works Director
Introducing Randall Wilson
Randall started his career in the water industry in 2007 in the Town of Burnsville. While there he became certified in A Surface, A Distribution, and Cross-Connection Control. He worked his way up to being the ORC for the Burnsville Water Treatment Plant, Distribution, and Cross-Connection Control Program.

Since being hired by the Town of Weaverville in February 2016, Randall has successfully passed his Physical/Chemical I Certification and is backup ORC for the Waste Water Discharge Permit. Randall is a great asset to the Town of Weaverville. He brings lots of experience and knowledge from his years of experience in the water industry. 

Randall shared, "I enjoy working for the Town of Weaverville because it is a small town that truly cares for its employees and I have a great team to work with." When he's not working, Randall enjoys camping and spending time with family and friends. 

Thank you Randall. We appreciate you!
Community Center Progress Photos
Weaverville ADA Accessibility
Message from our Water Department
We get this question on occasion and thought we would share this information with you, our water customers.

What Is that black slimy stuff in my bathroom, kitchen and laundry room faucets?

Welcome to the fascinating, but often annoying, world of micro-organisms! If you are experiencing dark gray/black stains or slippery residues in the shower, in a toilet, at a tap, or in the washing machine, you do not have a water quality problem, and you need not fear a health issue. These residues indicate the presence of naturally occurring mold (fungi), possibly in combination with bacteria, which are commonly seen in our area, and are generally harmless. Just as is discussed for the bacteria that cause the pink stains, mold spores that result in the slimy black residues are present in leaves, soil and mulch, especially when moist. They enter your house through open windows and doors, on your pet, and on your own hair and clothing; you truly will be unable to keep them entirely out of your home. As with the Serratia bacteria, the spores that find a moist environment, especially where it is also dark and air flow is limited, will be more likely to survive and thrive. In addition to the locations listed above, the drain tube and bucket of a dehumidifier, and the water dispenser spout of a refrigerator, are other typical places the black film may be found.

As with Serratia, the mold will not survive in chlorinated drinking water. A constantly damp surface where the water stands long enough to lose its residual chlorine disinfectant, however, will serve as a prime growth site – your shower curtain, along the flush pores of a toilet, or inside the aerator of your kitchen faucet. Wipe the walls and door, or curtain of the shower, and spray or mist with a product that contains bleach or other disinfectant. Remove and soak your sink aerators in a dilute bleach solution, using an old toothbrush to scrub them. Use a cotton swab soaked in bleach to disinfect the refrigerator water dispenser. (Caution - our water customers who are served by a septic system should always limit the amount of bleach or other disinfectants that enter the drains).
Note that another form of black staining is not microbial in nature, but due to the chemistry of the water. This is the black staining related to excessive manganese in the water and is quite commonly seen with the untreated water from private wells in our area. Manganese removal will require a specialized water treatment. You will not  experience this type of staining with the water served by the Town of Weaverville.

Trent Duncan
Water Superintendent
Recap of Citizens Academy at the Weaverville Fire Department
On June 18, 2020 Citizens Academy was held at the Weaverville Fire Department. We held the Academy outside in the bay area as a way of ensuring we had enough space for social distancing as well as making sure we had a roof over head should any inclement weather had come along. Fortunately, we did not have any bad weather and the 15 Citizens Academy participants in attendance seemed to have an enjoyable time learning some interesting facts and information about the Department while also getting to watch as the fire crews put on several displays. These displays consisted of physical agility testing, door breaching / forcible entry techniques as well as seeing the protective gear donned (put on) and getting the actual weight that it adds to what the firefighters are carrying into each fire. While we wish it had been in different time and circumstances, we feel like everyone did a great job at social distancing and being safe as we all had a very enjoyable evening at the firehouse!

Chief Ted Williams
Weaverville Fire Department
Town Event Cancellations
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Town's July 4 Celebration and some of the Saturday Summer Series events have been cancelled. The Town is trying its best to keep the remaining events scheduled in case we are able to safely move forward with these great events!
Town of Weaverville
Mayor & Town Council

Al Root, Mayor

Doug Jackson, Vice Mayor

Dottie Sherrill, Councilwoman

Patrick Fitzsimmons, Councilman

Andrew Nagle, Councilman

Jeff McKenna, Councilman

Town Manager
Selena Coffey, MPA, ICMA-CM

Town Hall Physical Location:
30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC 28787

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 338, Weaverville, NC 28787

(828) 645-7116

Town Hall Business Hours:
8:30am- 5:00pm Monday - Friday

Town Council Meetings:
4th Monday of each month at 7:00pm
Meeting at Town Hall, 30 South Main Street

Town Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes: