Please send any newsletter submissions to by Tuesday at 5:00 pm. | |
This Sunday, August 27, 2023
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"Ask Away"
with Rev. Karen Armina
A fun annual summer tradition - a “question box” service! What questions do you have for Rev. Karen - spiritual, personal, ethical, philosophical, religious? What are you curious about? Rev. Karen will collect written questions in the chat and in the sanctuary, and offer her responses during the service.
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The Share the Plate for Aug. 27 and Sept. 3 will be the Madison chapter of Veterans for Peace. Veterans for Peace is a global organization of military veterans and allies who lift their voices and experiences in creating a culture of peace. They inform the public of the true causes of war and the enormous costs of wars, with an obligation to heal the wounds of wars. They were nominated by Karol Niemann.
Please nominate a local organization for our Share the Plate Program!
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Our summer theme: Nurturing Community | |
We take a break from Soul Matters themes in the summer, and during this time you’re invited to notice and nurture your communities, and pay attention to how you’re nurtured in them. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection every week.
Check-in question: How has being in community offered you hope or healing?
“Community is the spirit, the guiding light of the tribe, whereby people come together in order to fulfill a specific purpose, to help others fulfill their purpose, and to take care of one another.”
-- Sobonfu Somé
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What's Happening in Our Congregation | |
Minister's Musings
Dear ones, welcome to summer- the season of light and warmth and life in this part of the world! I feel like I imagine our Unitarian ancestor Ralph Waldo Emerson did, when he told the graduating class of Harvard Divinity School in July 1838 (with some edits for gender inclusivity): “In this refulgent summer, it has been a luxury to draw the breath of life…”
Read more here
Rev. Karen has returned from her leave time, but office hours are suspended until September. She’d love to meet with you before (or after) then- please send her an email to set up a time. And, as always, please call or text her if you have a pastoral emergency.
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Religious Education and Family Ministry
Please contact Genevieve for more information about what's going on with Religious Education. This Sunday will be a multigenerational service with everyone in the sanctuary, please join Genevieve at the busy hands table for fun crafts!
Adult Religious Education:
Rev. Karen is offering “The Shared Pulpit” - a course designed to deepen connection and trust among us as we learn to write and speak our truths - starting in September! Please click here for more information, and contact Karen with your questions and if you think you might be interested.
We’re also planning another adult offering, which will likely be after worship on the first Sundays, while our children and youth are in their classes. Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks!
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Music Ministry
The first rehearsal of Sacred Breath Choir is on Thursday, August 31 from 7-8:30pm. If you are curious about choir, please join myself and current members of Sacred Breath in the Multipurpose Room during Coffee Hour this Sunday to socialize and ask questions you might have about being a part of choir.
This Sunday’s shared music:
#1000 “Morning Has Come”
#158 “Praise the Source of Faith and Learning”
#113 “Where Is Our Holy Church?”
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Offering and Receiving Connection, Support, and Spiritual Practice | |
Sign up for 2023-2024 Covenant Groups!
Covenant Groups are part of the Adult Religious Exploration Program at JRUUC. Groups are randomly created at the start of each church year, based on the availability of people interested, and they meet monthly. hey are closed groups, for confidentiality and community-building, and are made up of 6 to 10 people plus a facilitator. They have several purposes: to build relationships through the practice of deep listening, and to practice shared ministry with each other and our congregation as a whole. Please see this brochure for more information, and sign up here or on the sign-up sheet on the RE table in the foyer if you’d like to be part of a virtual or in-person Covenant Group this year.
Meditation With Friends - Wednesdays at 6:30-7:00 pm (Beginners Welcome)
Sacred Breath Choir - Breaking for the summer, will resume August 31, contact Music Director Jennifer Hedstrom at
Journaling Group - Breaking for the summer, contact Jean Skinner
Building Our Racial Awareness Open Discussions - Breaking for the summer, contact Jeanette Clawson
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Announcements & Upcoming Events | |
Thanks, Reeb work crew! And firewood available!
Thank you to the crew that removed another tree from the back fence line that fell onto our roof - Rand Hill, Erik Saynisch, Kevin McAllister and Tom McClintock. Please help yourself to some firewood! It is piled by the fence behind Reeb.
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MOSES Annual Rummage Sale – August 25-26 8am-3pm, Donate Aug. 24th
Get your treasures ready for MOSES Rummage Sale!
Donate clean clothes and other items in good condition at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 6205 University Avenue, near the corner of Allen Blvd on the west side of Madison, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on Thursday, August 24th. We are not able to accept computers, TVs, exercise equipment, sofas, futons, or baby furniture.
Volunteer on SignUp Genius by clicking here. No need to log in or download any app.
Shop! Stop by for bargains and conversations Friday 8-5, Saturday 8-3 St. Dunstan’s – 6205 University Ave. Contact Mary Anglim with questions. Learn more about MOSES here – Criminal justice reform to restore our community.
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Registration for the Fall "Black History for a New Day" Course Extended to August 25th
One way to help "dismantle white supremacy" (our new 8th Principle) is to take this amazing course offered by the Black-led Nehemiah Center in Madison. The fall session will be held at 7 p.m. Monday nights from Sept. 11-Nov. 13, both in person and on Zoom. The deadline for registration for this exciting course taught by UW-Madison faculty is August 18. So far about 15 other Reeb members and many UUs at FUS have taken the course and were amazed at how much they learned! JRUUC has some limited funding to offer partial scholarships to Reeb members who can't afford the whole tuition of $300 (on a first come, first served basis). For more information contact Leila Pine.
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Upcoming Folk Music Gatherings!
You're invited to join an informal group that gathers to make folk music at church! Bring your voice and/or an instrument. If there's a song you want to sing, bring some lyrics and chords printed out to share. This is just for fun, all are welcome! Please come and lend your voice to our song, our next gathering will be Saturday, August 26, 2pm (note the changed time).
MOSES Meeting - September 10th at Reeb!
MOSES will meet at Reeb on Sunday, September 10 from 2-4 pm. Please come to meet folks from other. congregations, and learn more about what MOSES groups do. MOSES is an interfaith, non-partisan organization that unites congregations, non-profit organizations and individuals to build a better community. We join together to take action on social justice public policy issues, especially mass incarceration in Wisconsin.
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Save the date! JRUUC camp-out Saturday October 14 - Sunday October 15
Plan to come for a pot-luck dinner and campfire and/or breakfast or stay for the night. Lake Farm County Park just south of Madison. More details to come.
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Reeb Rave 2023 is Happening! – Nov 11th
We have picked a date for our annual fundraising auction and party "Reeb Rave" – Nov 11th, 5:30 - 8:30pm at James Reeb! We are soliciting suggestions for a theme and seeking volunteers to help with the event, including soliciting businesses for donations, providing
entertainment and helping with food preparation. If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact Tom McClintock.
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Let's make the JRUUC front window more inviting!
Looking for one or more people to come up with a plan to make our front window area look nicer and more inviting. Got any ideas or good looking plants that can withstand a south-facing window? Contact Joan Kemble or Kelly Kearns.
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JRUUC Membership Team looking for new members!
If you like getting to know visitors and new members, planning social events, or just want to help at JRUUC in a small but important way, please consider joining the Membership Team. Contact any current team members for more information - Mary Wagner, Kelly Kearns and Elaine Morrison.
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Help Beautify Our Grounds!
Our members & friends run community counts on people to sign up to mow grass and pick up litter around our building. Mower provided. Sign up here for a week or two.
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What's Happening in Our Community | |
Support Just Dane Youth with Backpacks and Calculators
Youth in Just Dane’s summer Just Bakery program are in need of backpacks and calculators. Kids in the Mentoring Connections will also receive these supplies at their summer picnic. Please consider donating by ordering from their Amazon wish list here and have the order delivered to:
2115 S. Park St.
Madison, WI 53713
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Our UUA General Assembly of Congregations has happened, and there was much worship, learning, discussion, and deciding! Go here to read some highlights, and come to worship this Sunday to hear Rev. Karen’s reflections on GA. Part of the learning, discussing, and deciding was about the proposed revisions to Article II of the UUA Bylaws - you can find the draft that this year’s delegates voted to bring to our congregations and other UU groups here. The delegates to the 2024 GA will share the conversations that happen over the course of the year, and vote on whether to adopt these revisions. | |
Click the banner to learn what you can do to promote social justice along with our national organization. | | Abortion, Anti-Racism, Reparations, Restorative Justice, Medicare | |
Click the banner to learn how you can get involved in getting out the vote.
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Do you have an announcement for our congregation?
Please send it to and submit by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays - earlier if possible!
Please specify where you would like it listed by writing
Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email
Our office is the central point of contact for all Reeb communications.
Please send your questions to
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