Members had the opportunity to enter skits, educational displays, presentations, illustrated talks and prepared speeches.
Lassen County Fair had market beef weigh-ins in March. Steer project members from across the county loaded up their animals and brought them to the fairgrounds for their weights and ear tags! Standish 4-H held their annual Indian Taco Fundraiser. If you’ve never had one of their Indian tacos, they are quite delicious!
In April we hosted our “Friends of 4-H” Drive Through Dinner and Lake 4-H hosted Countywide Horticulture Day in cooperation with Johnstonville 4-H Club.
The Friends of 4-H dinner helps provide funding to our local 4-H Office and educational programs countywide. Horticulture Day provided an opportunity for members to learn plant identification, about pollinators, how to make compost and provided a knowledge bowl for all in attendance.
In May the Lassen County Fairgrounds had market goat, sheep, and pig weigh ins. Every member showing sheep, goats, and pigs at the fair had to bring their animals in for a weight and an ear tag. Weights are collected before the fair and at the fair to determine if the animal’s carcass is “market ready!”
In June two of our members attended 4-H Mustang Camp in Modoc County. All clubs came together for Fair Clean Up Day where we raked barns, cleaned up trash and pulled weeds from flower beds to beautify our fairgrounds.
In July the 4-H members that show market animals attended Junior Livestock Auction Promotion Day and then geared up for the Lassen County Fair! Our annual 4-H BBQ was a huge success! Our county put on a great display of market animals, breeding animals, and non-animal projects at the fair. Our non-animal exhibits can be found in Jensen Hall, the Floral Building, and the Photography Building during fair week.
Tractor Supply graciously allowed us to hold our annual 4-H Open House in August where we met and welcomed interested families from our community. The current Ambassador team served up root beer floats and helped clubs set up and take down their displays. At the end of August, the Junior Livestock Auction hosted its Carcass Contest and gave all the market exhibitors their checks from their livestock auction sales.
In September our members turn in their record books showing financial records and timekeeping for their 4-H projects to be scored on a club and countywide level. The Lassen County 4-H Council led a Countywide Officer’s Training night for members that were elected to the ranks of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of their 4-H Clubs.
October is home to National 4-H Week where clubs participate in various fun events and spread awareness about the 4-H Program across the United States. Our ambassador team held Achievement Night which provides awards and recognition to members that participated in the previous year.
Our countywide clubs always participate in the Veterans Day Parade that begins by the Lassen County Fair Office and ends at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Some of the club’s place flags at local cemeteries to honor veterans.
Dyer Mountain and Standish 4-H Clubs hosted Favorite Food’s Day at the Westwood Community Center and our members cooked and presented various food items from fudge and cornbread to beef dishes earning them cash prizes and cookbooks!
In December almost all our clubs participate in community service projects including ringing the bell for Salvation Army, collecting food donations for food banks, making boxes for Operation Christmas Child and various other local activities. Most clubs also hold a Christmas party for their members to allow them to mingle and have fun! We even had a few clubs participate in the Magical Country Christmas Parade in Uptown Susanville!
Our team looks forward to an amazing 2025 and we want to wish you and your family a very happy and healthy new year! We are currently finishing the schedule for 4-H Camp which will be held April 13th to April 15th at the Lassen County Fairgrounds. 4-H Camp is open to all youth in Lassen County – you do not have to be a 4-H member! We will share more information here when it is ready!
Thank you for your support the past year! We will see you in 2025!