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Volume XVII Issue 109

Thursday, January 9th, 2025

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Local News




Biz Buzz: Local Business

News for January 9th

By Marshel Couso

Welcome to our weekly feature dedicated to covering Susanville and Lassen County’s business scene! Grand openings, new employees, renovations, new hours… each week we’ll keep you up to date with important information about the businesses you rely on.

Michelle Zubillaga, Alera Group

The uptown Susanville office of Alera Group, formerly Menath Insurance, is temporarily closed.

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“It has been a pleasure working with all the Susanville Customers over the past six years during my time with Menath Insurance and with many of you for even longer through various agencies I worked in that were once located in Susanville,” says agent Michelle Zubillaga.

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Michelle Zubillaga

“I have made the difficult decision to step away from the insurance business after a total of 36 years in the industry. I wish everyone the very best as both consumers and agents work through the current chaotic status of the insurance industry. Thanks to all for your support and confidence over the years.”

Should anyone need assistance with their insurance policies or with new business needs please contact the agency’s Reno Office at 1.775.831.3132 and you will be directed to a person in the agency who will assist you.

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Lassen Rural Bus

Lassen Rural Bus has announced the most successful New Year’s Eve Safe Ride Home ever.

The bus provided eighty-one trips, driving 111 miles within the city limits.

Lassen Rural Bus would like to thank everyone who shared their posts and helped get the word out to make sure residents were safe.

“Thank you to our board members for making Safe Ride Home possible. Job well done Lassen County way to choose well.”

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Grocery Outlet

Imagine never paying for groceries again! Until March 31st, every time you shop using the Grocery Outlet’s app, you get a chance to win free groceries for life. Two winners will receive $500 monthly for 40 years.

Ten people will win free groceries for a year and twenty people will get free groceries for a month.

Here’s how to enter: Download the Grocery Outlet App, shop at Grocery Outlet and make sure to enter your phone number at checkout. For full details and restrictions, visit

Is something noteworthy happening with your business? Let us know about it! Each Thursday morning, we present a round-up of interesting news from the Lassen County business scene and we want to hear from you. E-mail your business news to Marshel at

Farm Bureau and American Ag Credit Scholarships Now Available

Are you a local high school or college student pursuing a career in agriculture or agri-business? Applications for Lassen County Farm Bureau scholarships and American Ag Credit are now available.

This application must be completed by the applicant and postmarked on or before March 14th, 2025 to be considered by the Scholarship Committee.

Applications are to be mailed to Lassen County Farm Bureau, PO Box 569, Susanville, CA 96130.

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The scholarship is awarded to a high school senior graduating from, or who has graduated from, a Lassen County High School pursuing an agriculture or agri-business career. The award will be based on leadership skills, a demonstrated commitment to the industry, grades and financial need.

Finalists will be notified of the date, time, and place of an interview.

Click here to download the Farm Bureau’s scholarship application.

Click here to download the American Ag Credit scholarship application.

Students with questions about applying for these scholarships should contact their school counselors or call the Lassen County Farm Bureau office at 1.530.257.7242.

Lassen Land and Trails Trust Seeking

Public Input for Conservation Plan

Lassen Land and Trail Trust has just completed its organizational strategic plan for 2025-2030 and to compliment that, the organization is building a strategic conservation plan that identifies key priority regions/habitats, and projects to focus on.

“Partnerships are an essential element of our work and we want to hear from you,” explains LL&TT Project Manager Cindy Becker. “Please take a few moments to answer this short survey. At most, it will take up 10 minutes.”

The trust is developing its conservation plan for the next 5 years and beyond, thanks to funding from the CA Department of Conservation Capacity Grant.

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“Our work is based on a commitment to trails, land, and education. Since 1987, we have worked with partners to improve the regional trail system, protect working lands from development and also critical water resources, provide environmental and local education for youth and adults, and secure restoration on lands impacted by recent fires and mis management.”

Click here to take the survey.

Monticola Club Makes Another Plea for Footwear Donations

The Susanville Monticola Club wants your shoes! Rid your closets of extra, unused shoes to make room for the new shoes, slippers or boots that you recieved for Christmas.

Members are looking for gently used and new shoes in all types, styles and sizes.

Men’s, women’s and children’s shoes are all needed and donations don’t just benefit the club – your sneakers, flip-flops, sandals, loafers, cleats, dance shoes, sleepers, boots etc., will get a second life in countries where people are in need.

How does it work? Drop your shoes off at the Edward D. Jones office at 515B Ash Street or at the Monticola Club on south Lassen Street. There is also a large drop-box at Susanville Supermarket IGA.

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For more information contact Theresa at 1.530.310.1616 or Lorene at 1.530.249.3275.

Lassen High News and Information

for Parents and Students

The ASVAB test will be held this Friday. There is a sign-up sheet in the library for those that are interested.

Change of classrooms – Mrs. Rose is now in Room 313, Ms. Vaughn is in Room 312 and Credence will be in Room 605.

Don’t forget to reserve your copy of the yearbook for $95.00 before the next price increase on February 3rd.

Do you have a sibling here at the high school? If so, submit a photo to Mrs. Schall for the yearbook sibling’s page.

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Juniors – Deposits for your Senior Trip are being accepted now through February 28th. Please see Sara in the Attendance office for more information.

The Junior Prom will be held January 25th at the Elk’s Lodge from 8:00p.m. until 12:00a.m.

$25 per person or $40 per couple wth a $3 discount with ASB on presale only.

Varsity Softball Open Gyms will take place every Saturday in the small gym beginning 1/11/25 thorough 2/8/25 10:00a.m. until 12:00p.m.

JV Softball Open Gyms will take place in the small gym from 12:00 to 2:00p.m. on the following dates: January 11th, 18th, 25th and February 1st.

Baseball Open Gyms will take place every Saturday beginning January 11th through February 8th, 2:00 to 4:00p.m. in the small gym.

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Highway 395 near Doyle in an Eastman Studios photo from the late 1930’s.

Reno, Red Bluff Routes are only Passable Roads

January 9, 1930

Advise use of chains to those using these highways. O. A. Fisher of the Susanville branch of the California State Automobile Association stated Thursday morning that only two roads were open out of Susanville.

The highway to Reno is traversable, but it was advised that all cars using this route be equipped with chains and other necessities for winter travel.

Travelers on the Red Bluff road are also warned not to attempt the trip without the use of chains. The snow line extends to Payne’s Creek.

The warning for motorists using this highway came from E. J. Gribble, state highway engineer. It was also added that the trip could be made from Susanville to Red Bluff comfortably in 4 ½ or five hours.

Plows are on the highway and are keeping fairly well ahead of the snowfall which began Thursday morning.

All the rest of the roads from Susanville are closed and the Quincy, Greenville and Westwood route is also impassable.

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If you are a fan of our daily history stories you should join the Lassen Historical Society! It's a fun way to be a part of our county's rich history. When you sign up you'll receive regular Historical Society newsletters with interesting stories and information. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in area history.

Through your membership you help preserve local history. You can download a membership application by clicking here.

The SusanvilleStuff Team

Jeremy Couso

Owner, Publisher and Editor

Marshel Couso

Owner and General Manager

Ray Couso

Sales and Retention Consultant

Susan Couso

Feature Writer

Terra Avilla

Feature Writer

Shelley Bennett

Feature Writer

Mikalah Gray

Feature Photographer

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Currently Playing

Sierra Theatre

Closed Temporarily

Let the Uptown Cinemas entertain you 

Uptown Cinemas


Moana 2

Sonic the Hedghog 3

Mufasa: The Lion King

Click here for showtimes

Concessions include hot dogs, nachos, soft pretzels, and mini pizzas

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What do you call a factory that makes okay products?

A satisfactory!

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Today: Sunny, with a high near 43. East wind around 5 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 26. East wind around 5 mph.

Friday: Sunny, with a high near 51. Calm wind becoming southwest around 5 mph in the afternoon.

Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 23. Northwest wind around 10 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.

Saturday: Sunny, with a high near 39.

Saturday Night: Clear, with a low around 21.

Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 40.

Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 21.

Monday: Sunny, with a high near 38.

Monday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 21.

Tuesday: Sunny, with a high near 39.

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Congratulations to Adriana Torres, the

winner of this week's Pizza Factory giveaway!

You too could win a large one-topping pizza from the Susanville or Janesville Pizza Factory locations just by entering our weekly giveaway!

Just click here and follow the link to our handy entry form. You can enter once per day from each email address. We'll announce our weekly winner right here next Monday morning.

The prize is good for take-out or dine-in orders only, sorry no delivery.

Good luck and enjoy that yummy Pizza Factory Pizza!

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Johnny B Garate – December 13, 2024

Linda Louise (Givens) Guajardo – November 13, 2024

Tina Louise Rich – December 9, 2024

Erika Louise Schmid – October 25, 2024

Michael Alan Ingram – November 3, 2024

SusanvilleStuff WebXtra is a copyrighted feature of Couso Technology and Design