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Volume XVII Issue 79

Thursday, November 28th, 2024

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Local News




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Happy Thanksgiving from the Couso Family and SusanvilleStuff

And suddenly the holiday season is upon us!

Thanksgiving, perhaps more than any other day that we celebrate, is a holiday of home. A simple day without tinsel or fireworks, recalling the little things, long-remembered, that we are thankful for.

To our family and friends, both far and near, we thank all of you for being a part of our lives and wish you the best of holiday seasons!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! From Marshel, Jeremy, Ray, Susan, Terra, Shelley and Mikalah!

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It’s Here! Thanksgiving Turkey Trot Starts at 8:30 at the Hall of Justice

Start working off Thanksgiving dinner a little early and help a great local organization at the 11th Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot, this morning at 8:30!

Families and children are encouraged to participate in this fun, free 5K Run, Walk or Trot which both starts and ends at the Hall of Justice on Riverside Drive in Susanville.

There is no cost to enter, however, participants are asked to bring a non-perishable food item or cash donation for the Salvation Army’s Senior Programs.

Registration begins at 7:30 and the run starts at 8:30.

There will be prizes for best costume and largest family group.

To participate you must complete a waiver and bring it with you Thanksgiving morning.

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Susanville Assembly of God Church

Offering Free Thanksgiving Dinner

Susanville’s Assembly of God Church will be hosting a free turkey dinner with all of the fixings today, November 28th, at the church, 473-465 Richmond Road.

Thanksgiving Day dinner will be served between 11:00a.m. and 2:00p.m.

Dine-in, delivery and drive-thru are all available.

For information, or to request a dinner delivery, call 257-5000. Be sure to let them know you would like dinner delivered.

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Lassen National Forest Christmas trees being loaded for the

trip to Disneyland during the 1977 holiday season. -Lassen Advocate photo

Lassen National Forest Firs Go to Disneyland

November 28, 1977

This year the center of yuletide festivities at both Disneyland in Anaheim and at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the annual Christmas trees, were each grown on the Hat Creek District of the Lassen National Forest.

Tall shapely White Firs, the Western firs are exclaimed by Disneyland’s superintendent of Decorating Dave Burkhart as, “unmatched in the U.S. for the shape and beauty necessary to decorate as the Disney Christmas trees.”

This year’s primary Christmas tree for each Disney site is 60 feet tall and required a hook truck and careful supervision by Burkhart and Gaylen Jesmer of ROAP transportation to gently cut, hoist, and place on the huge transports.

For five years Jesmer, of Redding, has transported the Disney trees. While it’s some 600 miles to Disneyland, it’s over 3,000 miles to Disney World.

Once the trees reach Disneyland and Disney World, almost three weeks’ time is required to add branches to any gaps, completely spray with fire retardant and decorate just right. Since more than one million viewers will pass by the welcoming branches of Disneyland alone, the cost of the venture seems well worth it.

In reality the process of the wood permit, stumpage costs, chainsaw use and hauling job is just another job being performed and yet there is something kind of fantasy like in the cutting of just the right tree for Christmas especially for a million faces; some of those faces might not otherwise see a real Christmas tree or get a chance to wish upon a star.

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If you are a fan of our daily history stories you should join the Lassen Historical Society! It's a fun way to be a part of our county's rich history. When you sign up you'll receive regular Historical Society newsletters with interesting stories and information. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in area history.

Through your membership you help preserve local history. You can download a membership application by clicking here.

The SusanvilleStuff Team

Jeremy Couso

Owner, Publisher and Editor

Marshel Couso

Owner and General Manager

Ray Couso

Sales and Retention Consultant

Susan Couso

Feature Writer

Terra Avilla

Feature Writer

Shelley Bennett

Feature Writer

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Currently Playing

Sierra Theatre

Closed Temporarily

Let the Uptown Cinemas entertain you 

Uptown Cinemas


Red One

Gladiator II

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Click here for showtimes

Concessions include hot dogs, nachos, soft pretzels, and mini pizzas

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What’s a pilgrim’s favorite dance?

The turkey trot!

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Thanksgiving Day: Sunny, with a high near 35.

Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a low around 19.

Friday: Sunny, with a high near 38.

Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 19.

Saturday: Sunny, with a high near 37.

Saturday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 21.

Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 38.

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Congratulations to Patrick Rascon, the

winner of this week's Pizza Factory giveaway!

You too could win a large one-topping pizza from the Susanville or Janesville Pizza Factory locations just by entering our weekly giveaway!

Just click here and follow the link to our handy entry form. You can enter once per day from each email address. We'll announce our weekly winner right here next Monday morning.

The prize is good for take-out or dine-in orders only, sorry no delivery.

Good luck and enjoy that yummy Pizza Factory Pizza!

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Michael Alan Ingram – November 3, 2024

Earnest Frederick Pace – October 31, 2024

Rosemarie Bejcek – November 2, 2024

James Darrell Vermillion – October 26, 2024

Thomas Lee Hiles – July 2024

SusanvilleStuff WebXtra is a copyrighted feature of Couso Technology and Design