Plans for Chamber of Commerce
October 17th, 1919
Meeting called for Monday night to organize such a body in Susanville and it is hoped it will succeed.
In spite of the fate that has me similar organizations in the past, the businessmen of Susanville have felt for some time that a Chamber of Commerce is badly needed here for the handling of problems the town will soon be called upon to meet.
With this idea in view a meeting has been called for next Monday night at the reading room and it is hoped that the businessmen and the public will attend and assist in the organization. Anyone who has a practical suggestion to make will be welcomed.
There is no particular question demanding the attention of such a body at the present time, but it is recognized that it is only a matter of a few weeks until there will be many calls for the services of such a body.
Data and general plans have been gathered from the experience of similar organizations in other places and many of these can be adapted to local needs. It is hoped to formulate plans which the work of the organization can be carried on even though general interest in the work may slack.
The trouble met with in these organizations in the past is that they have started with much enthusiasm but this enthusiasm has gradually ebbed. Factional jealousies have also played their part in the disintegration of the organizations. Safeguards must be provided against such defects in the new organization.
Means must be taken to see that the organization is not used to further private interests. Every meritorious proposal should receive support, but it should be the character of support that the general public should be called upon to give.
The organization should be first and foremost for the public good.