Volume XV Issue 62 | Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 | |
Two Susanville Residents Arrested
for Grand Theft at Grocery Store
Two Susanville residents were arrested Friday after they allegedly walked out of the Susanville Safeway store without paying for more than a thousand dollars worth of groceries
Shortly after 5:00p.m., according to details provided by the Susanville Police Department, officers were dispatched to the store, after receiving a report that two people were attempting to steal a cart of groceries.
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“Officers arrived on scene and contacted store employees who had detained two subjects that had attempted to leave without paying,” explains Susanville Police Chief Ryan Cochran.
“Safeway’s Loss Prevention Officer was working this date and observed the subjects place numerous items into their cart then exit the store without attempting to make payment.”
Officers from the SPD arrested 41-year-old Rita Merino and 35-year-old Amanda Shipley, both of Susanville, for grand theft of property after it was determined the total value of property in the cart was over $1,300 dollars.
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Safe and Sane Halloween
Happens in Uptown October 31st
Ghosts, goblins, vampires and superheroes will roam the streets of uptown Susanville on Monday, October 31st, at the Historic Uptown Susanville Association’s Annual Safe and Sane Halloween celebration.
Children under 12 are invited to come and ‘Trick or Treat’ at businesses throughout uptown and Main Street will be closed to thru traffic for the safety of all the kids.
From 3:30 until 5:30 uptown businesses will be passing out candy and there will be lots of fun activities for the kids, including a children’s costume contest!
Even the pets have their own costume contest.
The big uptown party will feature music and dance performances.
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Sheriff’s Office Sponsoring 23rd
Annual Drug Take Back This Saturday
This Saturday, October 29th, the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office, along with the Drug Enforcement Administration would like to invite you to take part in a national effort to combat the opioid crisis and keep our communities safe by disposing of unwanted prescription medication.
The DEA and its national and community partners hold biannual Take Back Days aimed to provide a safe, convenient, and ecologically responsible method of prescription medication disposal while also focusing on prevention and education.
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If you would like to dispose of any medication, come to the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office Front Lobby, at 1415 Sheriff Cady Lane in Susanville, between 10:00a.m. until 2:00p.m.
Collection protocols are as follows:
- This program is anonymous, and all effort will be made to protect the anonymity of individuals disposing of medications. No questions or requests for identification will be made.
- All participants must retain possession of their own medication during the surrender process. Law Enforcement personnel will not handle the medications at any time.
- No effort will be made by Law Enforcement personnel to count, inventory, or log medications.
- Participants may dispose of medication in its original container or by removing the medication from its container and disposing of it directly into the disposal box. If the original container is submitted, you are encouraged to remove any identifying information from the prescription label.
- All solid dosage pharmaceutical product and liquids in consumer containers may be accepted. Liquid products, such as cough syrup, should remain sealed in their original container. The depositor should ensure that the cap is tightly sealed to prevent leakage.
- Intra-venous solutions, injectables, and syringes will not be accepted due to potential hazard posed by blood-borne pathogens.
- Illicit substances such as marijuana or methamphetamine are not a part of this initiative and should not be placed in collection containers.
- Vape pens or other e-cigarette devices will be collected only after the batteries are removed from the device(s). If the battery cannot be removed, you can check with large electronic chain stores who may accept the device for proper removal.
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Lassen CrimeStoppers Holding Big Raffle Fundraiser This Saturday
You can help support Lassen CrimeStoppers by entering to win cool items in their big online Raffle Fundraiser until this Friday, October 28th at 4:00p.m. Winners will be announced in a live event on the CrimeStoppers’ Facebook page beginning at 4:00p.m. on Saturday.
Why should you support CrimeStoppers? The group actively works to eliminate crime in Lassen County by offering rewards for tips that lead to the apprehension of a suspect, or that leads to the prosecution of a crime. The group, through its periodic postings to local and social media, publish a list of wanted subjects as provided by local law enforcement.
Since 2016, when Lassen CrimeStoppers began, they have awarded 75-tipsters totaling more than $4,500. As well as many tips that come in from people who never ask for money and just want to anonymously submit a tip.
A sheet of tickets to enter to win items are $10 each and with each sheet you get 25-chances to win. You can pick which items you want and enter to win multiple items. Let the organization know and they will put your tickets in the basket for that item and announce the winner Saturday afternoon. You do not have to be present to be the raffle winner. Raffle entries end at 4:00p.m. Friday.
Buy your tickets at Lassen County Federal Credit Union on Riverside Drive or call 1.530.502.TIPS.
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Looking across Leavitt Lake from Bass Hill in the late 1930’s -from an Eastman Studios postcard | |
Pumice Deposit to be Mined
October 25, 1951
Possibility of developing a pumice deposit on land owned by B. F. Barbee of Susanville was discussed at a meeting of the industrial Chamber of Commerce.
The deposit covers about 30 acres in the Lake Leavitt area of Lassen county, and its depth has been determined to be at least nine feet.
R. L. Barnes, president of the Buttee Mortarless Block Co. of Paradise, Calif., has requested the committee to make the pumice available. Ray Arjo, Chamber of Commerce secretary, said there are other markets in Oroville and Chico.
Arjo said the committee had studied the matter and had agreed that the deposit should be developed. Barbee said that he would be willing to sell, or lease, the land to any individual or firm having the capital to mine the pumice.
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