Volume XV Issue 48 | Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

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Why We Love This Place Wednesday:

Nick Hibbitts

By Terra Avilla

I do like me a good social media account. I have found a hobby in making TikTok videos, detailing my life, and as much as people always tell me that I have found TikTok success, let me tell you about another local person who has over 1.1 million followers on Tik alone, and over 69k on Instagram.

His video account is certain to make you laugh, and if you know him in person, he is equally as funny. I am talking about Nick Hibbitts.

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Now, Nick is not my feature for this week because of his massive social media following. Nick is my feature because of who he is as a person. There is a reason over a million people watch his videos, invite them to their music shows, and subscribe to his channel – Because he is wonderful.

Nick’s sense of humor is absolutely unbeatable. When I say it’s impossible to be in a bad mood when you are around him, I mean it.

But aside from making you laugh, Nick is thoughtful, and hardworking, and when I say he would stop and help any of you on the side of the road, I mean it.

Nick is locally grown, as I like to say, and so I’m sure even if you don’t follow him online, you are most likely familiar with him. Nick takes his physical fitness seriously and worked as a trainer at Anytime Fitness.

I would watch him help people in the gym. Being a newbie in a gym is incredibly intimidating, but watching Nick interact with people he was training, made me love that guy.

He was so incredibly patient and welcoming, going out of his way to make sure the person he was helping was comfortable. He has a knack for making everyone feel included and comfortable. The way in which he can get along with anyone, no matter their background, is truly a gift. And it’s a gift he has mastered.

Outside of the gym, I had the distinct pleasure of having Nick be my postal carrier, and I truly enjoyed seeing his signature bushy beard delivering my mail every day. He always seemed in a good mood, and took time to say hi, even though I knew he was busy.

Currently, Nick works for the City, and I am certain they all appreciate the atmosphere Nick creates in his work environment.

But you guys, I need to tell you about the reason that I really love Nick. The way Nick loves and treats his family is absolutely beautiful. Nick is married to his wonderful wife, Stevie. They have two beautiful babies together, and anyone who has been around Nick and his family for more than three seconds will easily attest to how much he adores them.

Last week, I was walking back from the soccer fields to my car with my motley crew and I saw the Hibbitts family. (They are hard to miss, as Stevie and her kids look like little models running around Susanville ) Nick had no idea I watching, as he walked Stevie and their babies to her car, and kissed her, kissed his son, and helped them get in the car, rubbed his son’s head, said something about how proud he was of his kiddo for his effort in his soccer game.

Nick made sure his family was all set to go, before turning to walk across the parking lot to his own car. That small moment is indicative of why I love that guy.

Yes, he is hilarious. Yes, I am sure he is the life of the party. But at the end of the day, Nick is a family man, who always puts others first, and I have no doubt if given the chance millions and millions of people would love him too, because before he was “TikTok famous” he was and will always be, one of the reasons I love the place we live.

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Taken shortly after the first crew arrived on scene by Adam Skillen

Out of Control Van Smashes Through Susanville Police Department Wall

Despite some scary moments, no injuries were reported in the building Tuesday afternoon when the driver of a minivan lost control of the vehicle on Susanville’s Main Street, crashing through a wall, and burying itself in the side of the Susanville Police Department’s offices at 1801 Main.

According to details released by the SPD, the vehicle had been traveling east on Main Street shortly before 1:00p.m., when the driver possibly experienced a medical emergency causing them to lose control of their vehicle, which then crossed over the west bound lanes of traffic, over the curb and into the building.

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No one inside the building was injured and the driver of the vehicle was taken to Banner Lassen Medical Center for observation and treatment.

The accident is being actively investigated and crews are checking the structural integrity of the Police Department’s building at 1801 Main.

Police Chief Ryan Cochran thanked the Susanville Fire Department, Lassen County Sheriff’s Office, California Highway Patrol and Susanville Towing for their assistance. He gave special mention to the City of Susanville’s Public Works Department, who responded and assisted in clean up, as well as securing the building until future repairs can be made.

The front office will still be open to the public during our normal business hours.

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photos provided

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2022 Lassen 4-H Hall of Fame: Shirley Lee

All week long on SusanvilleStuff, in celebration of National 4-H Week, we will be featuring this year’s six inductees into the Lassen County 4-H Hall of Fame.

by Lily Ammon and Maddi Johnson

Lassen 4-H Ambassadors

In the 1960’s the 4-H program received funds from Congress to help fund youth programs to serve urban areas and youth work. In 1964, there were 37,000 4-H members in 1,000 clubs across California. By 1969 4-H had grown to 50,000 members!

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Shirley Lee, then known as Shirley Nagel, was a member of Richmond 4-H from 1960-1968. Shirley was chosen to serve as a Lassen County 4-H Ambassador in 1968. She participated in the sheep, beef, horse, sewing and interior decorating projects.

Shirley said that the community clubs provided the best learning experiences. They did everything together including community service projects, National 4-H Week, and presented different booths at the Lassen County Fair.

She is a firm believer that the most important reason kids should join 4-H is for the various learning experiences they will be provided. During the time Shirley was in 4-H Lassen County had a point system and Richmond 4-H worked extremely hard to win “Club of the Year”. They successfully did so for her last few years as a member.

Shirley showed market steers at the fair for several years and always gave it her all to compete at the top. In 1967 she went above and beyond with her steer project and brought home the title of Grand Champion.

Still to this day Shirley gives back to the Lassen County Beef Exhibitors. Happy Valley Ranch, which has been owned and operated by the Nagel family for years, sponsors an award called the Lassen County Bred and Raised Hereford Award. The ranch also awards the member with the High Placing Hereford Steer at the Lassen County Fair. Shirley and her family have a long history with the Hereford breed and continue to encourage its attendance at our fair here locally.

Shirley attributes most of her success in the 4-H to her mother, Barbara Nagel. We appreciate 4-H parents that help their children flourish!

Thank you for continuing to give back to the youth of Lassen County Mrs. Lee. Welcome to the Lassen County 4-H Hall of Fame.

Photos submitted by: Lassen County 4-H Office & Callie Rohl

Public Health Holding Drive-Thru Flu

Clinic Today at County Fairgrounds

During the month of October, beginning with a huge drive-thru clinic today at the fairgrounds, the Lassen County Public Health Department will be offering flu clinics at various locations across the county.

This free flu shot clinic is a great opportunity to protect yourself and your family against the flu without having to schedule an appointment. These free clinics are for anyone ages 2-years and older.

Public Health will be providing flu clinics at the following dates and locations:

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Drive Thru Clinic at Jensen Hall

October 5th, 9am to 5:30p

Juniper Ridge School in Termo

October 7th, 1pm to 3pm

Susanville Supermarket IGA

October 11th, 2pm to 4pm

Big Valley Health Center

October 12th, 10am to 2pm

Westwood Wellness Center

October 14th, 1 to 4pm

Eagle Lake Village

October 17th, 9 to 11am

Spaulding Community Center

October 18th, 9 to 11am

Fort Sage Wellness Center

October 21st, 9 to 11am

Doyle Community Center

October 21st, 1 to 3:30pm

Eskaton Manor in Susanville

October 28th, 2 to 4pm

There will also be a clinic at Lassen Senior Center on another date, which will be announced later.

The Center for Disease Control recommends that everyone age 6-months and older get the flu vaccine each year. Seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It spreads between people and can cause mild to severe illness. In some severe cases, the flu can lead to death. In the United States, flu season occurs in the fall and winter and usually peaks in January or February.

Some flu related complications include pneumonia and dehydration. Certain groups are more likely to experience these complications including seniors, children and people with chronic health conditions. Therefore, it is important to take preventative measures to avoid the flu.

You can defeat the flu by getting vaccinated and washing your hands. It is important to stay home if you do become sick to help your body recover and to prevent infecting others.

For more information about the Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinic contact the Lassen County Public Health Department at 530-251-8183.

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Uptown Susanville around 1940 ~ From an Eastman Studios postcard

Price Ceilings Said Violated

October 5, 1942

Widespread violations of price ceilings in the Susanville area were reported to the Lassen county war price and ration board this week by Rationing Administrator Landon W. Owen.

Citing numerous instances of violations, Owen blamed the lack of interest by the general public in regard to the prices they pay, for failure of the price ceilings to stabilize the cost of living in this area.

“Public apathy and failure of merchants to observe the letter of the law have resulted in price increases amounting in some cases to 50 percent,” Owen declared.

“Only a few of the consumers have taken the trouble to report violations or suspected violations to this office,” Owen asserted, “and as a result, this cost of living is steadily rising. It is up to the consumer to see that he is not being overcharged, and he should demand to know the ceiling price on an article before he purchases it.”

If you are a fan of our daily history stories you should join the Lassen Historical Society! It's a fun way to be a part of our county's rich history. When you sign up you'll receive regular Historical Society newsletters with interesting stories and information. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in area history.

Through your membership you help preserve local history. You can download a membership application by clicking here.
The SusanvilleStuff Team

Jeremy Couso
Owner, Publisher and Editor
Marshel Couso
Owner and General Manager
Ray Couso
Sales and Retention Consultant
Good doggy!
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Currently Playing

Sierra Theatre



Uptown Cinemas

Everyone's Hero

The Woman King


Don't Worry Darling

Click here for showtimes

How do you tell the gender of an ant?

You drop it in water - if it floats, it’s boy ant!

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Today: Sunny. Highs 74 to 84. Light winds becoming southeast around 10 mph in the afternoon.

Tonight: Clear. Lows 39 to 49. East winds around 10 mph in the evening becoming light.

Thursday: Sunny. Highs 79 to 84. Light winds becoming southeast around 10 mph in the afternoon.

Thursday Night: Clear. Lows 39 to 49. South winds around 10 mph in the evening becoming light.

Friday: Sunny. Highs 80 to 85.

Friday Night: Clear. Lows 39 to 49.

Saturday Through Monday Night: Clear. Highs 75 to 85. Lows 38 to 48.

Tuesday: Sunny. Highs 70 to 80.

Congratulations to Randall Cochran, the

winner of this week's Pizza Factory giveaway!

You too could win a large one-topping pizza from the Susanville or Janesville Pizza Factory locations just by entering our weekly giveaway!

Just click here and follow the link to our handy entry form. You can enter once per day from each email address. We'll announce our weekly winner right here next Monday morning.

The prize is good for take-out or dine-in orders only, sorry no delivery.

Good luck and enjoy that yummy Pizza Factory Pizza!

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