Volume XV Issue 31 | Monday, September 12th, 2022 | |
Chief Cochran Releases
Susanville’s August Crime Statistics
Officers from the Susanville Police Department responded to nine hundred incidents in the month of August according to statistics released this week by Police Chief Ryan Cochran.
539 calls for service, 324 officer initiated checks, 196 business and building checks and twelve vehicle and pedestrian checks comprised the 863 incidents logged by the department during the month.
Officers issued seventy-five citations: ten misdemeanors, twenty-six traffic violations and thirty-seven parking violations.
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Officer reports totaled 126, with a variety of reasons for the report being filed.
There were a total of 107 front desk / counter calls.
There were a total of ten misdemeanor arrests in August.
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Three Injured in North Roop
Street Apartment Complex Fire
Three people were injured Friday night after a fire broke out on the first floor of one of the buildings that make up the Meadowbrook Apartment complex at 555 N. Roop Street, forcing one occupant to leap to safety from a second-floor window.
At around 10:00p.m., the Susanville Fire Department’s Truck-1 crew responded to the reported structure fire and observed a ground-floor apartment that was fully involved and spreading into the apartment above, with multiple exposures on both sides.
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“The crew was contacted by residents who stated that one occupant was trapped in the bedroom of his upstairs apartment,” explains SFD Fire Captain Leon Myers. “The Truck crew made access to the unit with a ladder and extricated the person.”
Hose lines were pulled, and an aggressive fire attack was made on the downstairs unit where most of the fire was located, while an additional crew made access to the second-floor apartments and worked to extinguish the fire and look for any extension into the attic space.
“Once the fire was controlled, all crew members worked to overhaul the apartments that were involved with fire and verify that there was no extension into the exposures. One unit was a total loss, one unit had major damage, and one unit had light damage.”
According to Myers, three civilian injuries were reported on the incident: One occupant was injured jumping from a second-floor window, one occupant was treated for smoke inhalation, and one occupant was transported to a burn center.
There were no fire personnel injuries.
“The Susanville Fire Department would like to thank CDCR Fire Department, Cal-Fire, Lassen County OES, Lake Forest Fire Department, Chester Fire Department, Susanville Police Department, Lassen County Sheriff’s Office, SEMSA, Susanville Public Works, LMUD, and Lassen County Public Health Department for assistance with the incident.”
The fire’s origin, according to the report, was in apartment 10 and the cause is currently under investigation.
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Win Tickets to this Saturday’s Susanville Symphony Concert on the Green!
The Susanville Symphony’s 19th season begins with the always-awesome outdoor Concert on the Green this Saturday, September 17th, and we have tickets to give away!
The first concert of the season is one of the most unique outdoor performances you will ever experience. Playing on the steps of Lassen County’s 105-year-old, historic Courthouse, the Concert on the Green features a truly eclectic mix of music – classical, pop, rock, funk, big band – in what has become the most attended concert of the season.
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“You name it and most likely we will be playing it!” says Symphony Conductor Ben Wade.
The concert features a fun, family atmosphere with people bringing picnic lunches, lawn chairs and blankets to watch the show from the courthouse lawn.
To make it a truly special day for families, the symphony is letting all children sixteen and under accompanied by a parent into the concert for free.
“We want to continue to foster the family focus of this concert. Patrons are welcome to come early and set up their camp.”
There will be a raffle and prizes for those who sign up for season tickets at the Concert on the Green, as well as a prize for the best “dressed” table.
If you buy a season ticket now you will get a discounted price on the five-concert season. General admission to each concert is $30, so if you plan to see them all the $125 season ticket makes sense.
Would you like to win a pair of tickets? Of course you would!
You can enter once per day, per email address, from now until midnight September 15th, to win a pair of tickets to the performance. We will announce the name of our ticket winners on September 16th.
Click here to head on over to SusanvilleStuff for registration and official rules.
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Lassen County Chamber of Commerce
Update for September 12th
Kelly Ackley,
Chamber Executive Director
Mark your calendar for the September Chamber Mixer, hosted by the Lassen Association of Realtors, Thursday, September 15th from 5:30 to 7:30p.m., located at 1740 Main Street in Susanville.
Live music from the Villebilly’s and Vegas Double Down BBQ will be catering. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors for an evening of fun; everyone is welcome, you do not need to be a Chamber member to attend. For more information, contact the Chamber office at 530.257.4323.
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Mark your calendar for Summer Blowout at Diamond Mountain Casino and Hotel, Saturday, September 17th from 4:00 to 10:00p.m. This end-of-summer community get-together is free to the public and open to all ages. Vendors pay no fee, and food trucks and craft booths are welcome. Live entertainment by Velvet Neon. For more information, contact 530.252.1100.
Join the fun for the 22nd Annual High Country Cruise, Saturday, September 17th from 9:00 – 4:00p.m., at Memorial Park in Susanville. This event is for pre-1975 cars and trucks and the entry fee is only $25. There will be raffle prizes, food concessions, vendors, and music by Jocko! All proceeds from the car show go to charity. For more information, contact Rich at 530.257.3857 or email resford100@frontiernet.net.
Mark your calendar as Susanville Symphony presents their 2022-2023 Concert Season, opening with Concert on the Green, Saturday, September 17th at 5:00p.m., located on the Historic Lassen Courthouse lawn. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.thesusanvillesymphony.com.
Don’t miss the 8th annual Courage Triathlon at the Lake Almanor Country Club, Saturday, September 24th starting at 10:00a.m. This event is open to the public and will feature eleven vendors, pizza, coffee, snow cones, burgers, and an inspirational day all around for a good cause. Tickets can be purchased at www.couragerun.org.
Join Bottle & Brush Art Bar for an Oktoberfest celebration, Saturday, September 24th from 6:00 – 9:00p.m. There will be samples of a variety of beers from around the world as well as domestic craft beers. Tickets are $15 and will be available soon for purchase. For more information, contact, 530.250.3701.
Mark your calendars for a Centennial Celebration, 100 years of Milwood Florist! This event is to be held, Wednesday, September 28th from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., highlighting 100 years in business with live music, food and drinks. For more information, contact (530) 257-9194.
Lassen County Fair is hosting its 1st Annual Oktoberfest, September 30th – October 1st at the Lassen County Fairgrounds. This two-day event will have beer tastings, a best-dressed contest, mustache contest, adult competitions, live music, kid-friendly activities and more! To purchase tickets or for more information, visit www.lassencountyfair.org/oktoberfest/
Holiday with a Hero will be hosting their first annual Golf Tournament, Saturday, October 8 featuring an ugly sweater contest! This event will be a 4 person scramble at $400 per team, great raffle prizes, lunch provided by Susanville Grocery Outlet and Joe Camino. For more information, visit their Facebook page, Lassen County Holiday with a Hero.
Don’t forget to email with any upcoming event or swing by the Chamber Office at 1516 Main Street with any event posters!
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A crew poses just inside the tunnel on the Fernley-Lassen
railway in 1913 or 1914. UNR digital collection
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One Killed And Six Hurt In Tunnel
Fatal Accident Near Susanville on Fernley-Lassen Branch
Men Trapped In Tunnel
Engineer J. J. Painter Victim of Early Morning Accident
September 12, 1913
One engineer was killed, two seriously injured and four Austrian laborers were slightly hurt in a cave-in of a railroad tunnel on the Walker extension of the Fernley-Lassen branch, 6 1/2 miles west of here at 8:30 this morning.
J. J. Painter, engineer in charge of concrete work, was crushed under five tons of rock and died in a few minutes.
M. Arbuckle, assistant engineer, received a sprained back.
The four Austrians suffered slight cuts and bruised from flying rock.
Engineer Painters body is held here awaiting advice from Los Angeles where he has relatives. Robinson and Arbuckle were removed in a special train to the Southern Pacific Hospital in San Francisco.
The fall of rock is attributed to a blast set off a few minutes before the tragedy. The engineers were inspecting the place when without warning rock fell from the roof of the tunnel.
Engineer Painter was completely buried. His chest crushed in and both legs broken and head and arms were cut and bruised. He died from hemorrhage a short time after the weight was removed.
Arbuckle and Robinson managed to jump out of the way of the greatest danger.
Long Tunnel
The tunnel, is known as tunnel number one and is 850 feet long. The bore had been completed, but the bracing and concrete lining was not finished. The firm of Francovich & Bican of Reno has the sub-contract working under Maney Brothers, general contractors.
A coroner’s jury inquired into the death of Engineer Painter and returned a verdict of accidental death attaching no blame to anyone.
Engineer Painter was 30 years old an unmarried. He had been employed as engineer for the Southern Pacific Company five years and before that had been employed by the Denver & Rio Grande.
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