A Message from our Principals...
The forecast for this week sure has us thinking spring! And with that change of seasons comes a plethora of events at the middle school! It may be hard to believe, but it won't be long and our track athletes will be running outside! Track practice begins in just three weeks, so have your sons and daughters listen for announcements about when to sign-up. Our eighth grade students will be presenting their science fair projects on the afternoon of Friday, March 20th. Mrs. Templin, Mrs. Hefner, and their students have done a fabulous job experimenting and preparing presentations for you to enjoy. This event is open to the public, and we encourage you to stop in and learn all about our students' projects. The following Tuesday, March 23rd, we have the opportunity to host our first Fine Arts Night. Students will be performing solo and ensemble music acts, presenting art and technology projects, and maybe even showing us some humor through comedy acts. We are looking forward to the night and hope you can come and see your son or daughter, or their friends, perform! As always, thank you for your support in making Webb Middle School a wonderful place to learn and work!

Your partners in education,
Casey Campbell, Principal
Matt Delkamp, Associate Principal
District-Wide Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, March 12, from 4:00-8:00 p.m. for all students grades 4K-12th, and Friday, March 13, from 8:00-11:30 a.m. for only 4K-8th students.  

All Elementary and Intermediate level Parent-Teacher Conferences will be by appointment. Please watch your child's folder for a sign-up form coming home from their teacher. Please fill it out and return it right away.  

There are no appointments for Webb Middle School and Reedsburg Area High School Parent-Teacher Conferences. Parents can visit with their children's teachers during the conference time frame.

Remember the Reedsburg Area High School ONLY has Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled for the evening of Thursday, March 12. RAHS students will have a regular Friday school day schedule. 

Any questions should be directed to your child's school or teacher.
March 13 - No School for 4K-8th Grade Only
There will be No School on Friday, March 13 for students in 4K-8th grades due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.

All RAHS students will have a regular Friday school day schedule. Parent-Teacher Conferences for RAHS students will only occur on Thursday, March 12 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. 
Technology Ed
Intarsia is an elaborate form of inlaid work made from small pieces of variously colored wood. For much of 1st semester, the 8th grade technology education students have been energetically creating their amazing intarsia projects after choosing from more than 75 different patterns.

The projects could range in number of pieces from 20 to over 100. The students have a paper pattern of their project which gives the students suggestions for wood color/species and grain direction. After selecting a board, the students use a planer to get the board to the correct thickness. Once the piece is traced onto the board, the students use scroll saws to cut out the intarsia piece. During the process, students also use a variety of sanders, a band saw, a panel saw and a radial arm saw. After all the pieces have been cut out and the project glued to a plywood backing, the students make a frame to fit the project where they use such machines as table routers, a miter saw, orbital sanders, and a brad nailer. 

The last step in the process involves applying a spray finish to protect the wood and really make all the different wood colors come alive. If you would like to see some of these phenomenal projects in person, they will be on display at Webb Middle School. All of the lumber for these projects was generously donated by Reedsburg Hardwoods, which makes this project possible.

Mr. Dregney, Technology Education
Let's Talk Drugs Event - March 10
Throughout the month of March, the Sauk County Partnership for Prevention Coalition is hosting free dinner and panel discussions on youth drug use in five Sauk County communities. These discussions will be held in a panel format and are composed of local and state experts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the South Central Wisconsin Tobacco-Free Coalition, Sauk County UW-Extension, local schools, local law enforcement, and the Sauk County Health Department.

These discussions aim to empower adults and youth with tips on how to answer questions youth may have and how to help those they may see on the path to addiction. The event is open to all ages, including parents & grandparents, teachers, healthcare providers, youth-serving organization staff, and faith-based community leadership. All events include a free dinner and require registration:

Join us Tuesday, March 10 - 6:00–7:30 p.m. at the Reedsburg Country Club.

Space is limited! Please register online at https://kwiksurveys.com/s/or4GN1FZ#/0 .

Questions? Please contact Jodie Molitor, Health Educator, Sauk County Health Department at
608-355-4315 or jodie.molitor@saukcountywi.gov .
UW-Platteville Engineering Expo Coming Soon!
Attention Eighth Grade Students! Are you interested in math, science, and technology? Plan to attend the UW-Platteville Engineering Expo on Thursday, April 2. We will explore the exhibits, watch fascinating experiments, and explore the possibilities engineering has to offer. If you are interested, pick up a packet from Ms. Rocha or Ms. Penkwitz. You need to submit a short essay explaining why you want to attend and what you hope to gain from the experience. Please share your essay and return permission slips before the deadline of March 18.   https://www.uwplatt.edu/ems-expo
School Breakfast Week: Out of this World
March 2-6, 2020 is National School Breakfast Week! School Breakfast is an ideal solution for busy mornings when kids are running late or parents have early work schedules. Oftentimes, kids are not hungry when they first wake up but are ready to eat when school begins. Studies have shown that children who eat a nutritious breakfast have better behavior, better attendance, and improved test scores. The best part about school breakfast within the School District of Reedsburg is that it is offered Universal Free to all K-12 students!
Culture Fest 2020
The ESL/Bilingual Education Department is planning the third annual Culture Fest for Friday, May 1, 2020. This year’s theme will be Celebrate Spring. This year’s Culture Fest will be held at a new location, Prairie Ridge Intermediate School, in the cafeteria and gymnasium. We are very excited about the opportunity to showcase Reedsburg’s diverse cultures. The goal of Reedsburg’s Culture Fest is to promote understanding and tolerance of our diverse community and educate residents about different cultures that are present in our community. In addition, we hope to make our families and students of various backgrounds feel welcome in our community. 

If you or your family is interested in participating in Culture Fest, there are many options. One option is to make food for the potluck that represents your ancestry or culture. You may also consider sharing music or dances, plays, poetry recitals, informational displays, or any type of performance from your culture or ancestry.  
If you would like more information about this exciting event or have questions, please contact one of the following members of the ESL/Bilingual Education Department:

Melissa Miller , Westside Elementary School
Michelle Siedschlag , Webb Middle School
Maria Bonnett Lopez , Prairie Ridge Intermediate School
Danielle Wood , Pineview Elementary & Prairie Ridge Intermediate Schools
Brian Domenget , Reedsburg Area High School
Counseling Update
February was a busy month for Academic and Career Planning (ACP) work at Webb! ACP is the label given to the ongoing process of learning about one’s self and understanding how school work relates to future career options. Our goal for ACP at Webb is to increase students’ exposure to career choices and to encourage them to begin reflecting on their own strengths and abilities.

Our 8th graders had a wonderful opportunity to talk with professionals from the area during our second annual Career Expo. Over 50 professionals spent parts of the day at school conversing in student-led conversations. Thank you so much to all those who joined us!  

This upcoming month, we are gearing up for Forward State Testing. During testing, please help set your child up for success by encouraging a full night's sleep, a healthy breakfast, and a positive attitude.  
Your School Counselors,

Cathy Mindham
(608) 768-8930 ext. 2105

Tracy Anderson
(608) 768-8930 ext. 2158
Upcoming Webb Middle School Events:
12 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 4 PM - 8 PM
13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 8 AM - 11:30 AM
13 - No School for Students
24 - First Day of Track
24 - Webb Band Concert - 6 PM - CAL Center

2 - UW-Platteville Engineering Expo
6-10 - No School - Spring Break
Summer Learning Opportunities Through MATC
Food Service
The month's breakfast and lunch menus may be accessed by clicking the button below. Payments may be made  online through Skyward  or dropped off in the office.

Visit our website for more information on  payments  or applying for  reduced fee or free meals .
Webb Middle School – School District of Reedsburg
 707 North Webb Avenue | Reedsburg, WI 53959
 (608) 768-8930 | Contact Us

District Mission Statement
Our mission is to prepare our students for the future, instill a sense of respect and a passion for learning.