Webinar on Choosing the Right Coating Material for EM Sample Preparation

Speaker: Rod Heu, Rave Scientific    
Time: Tuesday, July 16th 1:30 pm EST
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Due to multiple requests we are hosting the recording of this webinar on Tuesday, July 16th 2019.  To optimize performance with electron beam imaging in the SEM it is recommended to coat a sample with a conductive metal. This renders non-conductive SEM samples conductive and avoids charging of the sample surface. This in turn enables higher sample stability under the electron beam and higher resolution imaging. In most cases, coating SEM samples with only a nanometer of a conductive material increases the signal to noise ratio dramatically, thus resulting in crisp and clear images. Proper target material selection is dictated by overall imaging requirements and the materials being studied. This tutorial will act as a guide to determine the ideal target materials to use for general electron beam imaging as well as EDX analysis. Rod Heu is the EM specialist for Rave Scientific and will host this tutorial. Rod received his Bachelor of Engineering and Masters in Metallurgy from Stevens Institute of Technology. He has worked in the primary metals, semiconductor and chemical industries where he specialized in various forms of materials characterization including LOM, SEM & EDX, XPS and AFM. He recently worked Colgate Palmolive where he specialized in Cryo SEM. 





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