Part 4- Self-Compassion for Parents of Children with Special Needs 

 This is a webinar for parents of children with special needs (neurotypical and neurodivergent), who are struggling with managing the stress and complex impact of raising a child with special needs.
The content is especially relevant for parents who find themselves or other family members stuck in self-criticism and feelings of not being “good enough”, or struggling with a sense of guilt and shame. 
This 75 min webinar will provide parents and caregivers with information essential to understanding what is self-compassion, its essential role in family life, coping with stress, enduring pain, and experiencing joy.
Objectives of the webinar:
1. Provide basic information about self-compassion.
2. Provide information on the impact of self-criticism on our nervous system.
3. Follow a step-by-step exercise on how to establish a practice of self-compassion for yourself.
4. Learn how to introduce your child to the practice of self-compassion. 
5. Review self-compassion from the context of self/family-sustainability.
Make sure you have at hand a notepad, several print papers (A4), and pencil/pens and some crayons or markers
Target audience
Parents, caregivers, and family members of children and family members with special needs.
Date: Sunday, October 25
Time: 4-5:15 PM EST
Location: Zoom. A recording will be sent to registrants who miss the webinar, available to view for 7 days.

Cost: $25 payable in advance. If at this time you need to waive the fee please contact

Seminar by: Dr. Odelya Gertal Kraybill
Is a trauma specialist, and an integrative psychotherapist specializing in trauma response and therapy (crisis response, psychosocial support, trauma therapy).