Client Profile Feature Update
We have begun testing on our new client profile feature that will allow clients to log in and create a profile on This lays the foundation for future improvements, such as a personalized website experience tailored to the client's business stage and desired topics. It will also allow us to recommend workshops and mentors based on their preferences. We believe these improvements will lead to increased services and engagement. The goal is to release this new feature to the public at the end of November. Please email with questions.
Upcoming Website Improvements
Once we’ve completed work on the client profile feature, we’re moving forward with the following website improvements submitted through the enhancement form and prioritized by the website task force.
SEO Fixes - we will make technical improvements to the website and the sitemap to improve a business owner’s ability to find the website through search engines.
Pinned Events - based on feedback received from volunteers, we’ll improve the event pinning feature so that shared events look like they are hosted by the local chapter and appear in the local chapter’s event search. The goal of these changes is to make it easier for webmasters to pin events and to improve the front-end experience for clients.
Location Experience - based on client and volunteer feedback, we’re adding all SCORE locations to the Find a Location page so that clients can see a list of all chapters by state. This will make it easier for clients to select a location by providing an expanded list they can search from.