“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
Mark 10:47
This is the earnest cry of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar sitting by the nearby roadside Jericho. When he heard that Jesus was passing by, he cried out for God’s mercy. However, instead of mercy, all he received were scorn and rebuke from people. He cried out one more time, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mark 10:48) Then, Jesus stood still, called him, and healed him, saying, “Go; your faith has made you well.” (Mark 10:52)
Last Sunday, on the 2nd Sunday of this Lent season, we shared about confession. Confession is to face the hard truth that something in our lives is broken. Through confession, we confront the darkness in this brokenness. However, at the end of the darkness, God’s everlasting light shines upon us. And there lies the true freedom of the good news in the light.
Some may say that confession is about confessing our sins, mistake, or wrongs we’ve done in our past. However, the story of Bartimaeus tells us that the true confession is all about realizing and admitting that we need God’s mercy to overcome our brokenness.
By facing and stepping out of the darkness into the light, we walk in true fellowship with God and one another. Together, we walk in that light and hold each other up with true honesty, accountability, and relationship with God and each other. Today, let us open our hearts and confess our brokenness. Let us invite God to pour God’s mercy on it.
May the love of everlasting God be with us all the time.
Pastor Woo