THIS SUNDAY, October 27: Reformation Sunday, Sacrament of Baptism
- Nursery opens at 9:30
- Church School, 10:30-11:30, child care provided until noon
- Adult education after worship: "Housing, Race, and Equality in Milwaukee" with Beth Van Gorp, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity
November 3: All Saints Sunday; Church School, 10:30-11:15; Communion for children and youth in Peaceable Kingdom following worship; PDA Cleanup Bucket Assembly, 11:15-noon
November 10: "Church Chat" Election Debrief, 9:00-9:45; Church School, 10:30-11:15; "Second Sunday" Stewardship Presentation, 11:15-noon (activities for children and youth in Peaceable Kingdom, presentation for adults in the Upper Room)
November 17: Church School, 10:30-11:30; "Caravaggio's Faithful Art" with Dr. Bush in the Upper Room, 11:15-noon