Weekly Newsletter of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church School

Donate to the Cleanup Bucket Project

for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance!

Click the video below for a special invitation to give!

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has deployed teams across the southeast to assist in the aftermath of Hurricans Helene and Milton and are in dire need of more cleanup buckets to support recovery efforts. Immanuel Church School children and youth will assemble cleanup buckets after worship on November 3 and need donations! Our goal is to make 20 buckets.

We have a great collection of donations that is growing, but donations are still needed to meet our goal. Sign up to donate items on the flipchart in the Parlor or by clicking here:

You may also make a financial donation toward the cost of the project; write “PDA buckets” in the memo line of a check or donate online by clicking here: All donations must be received by Thursday, October 31.

Baptisms this Sunday!

This Sunday we will baptize three new friends into the household of faith! Join us for worship to celebrate Graeme Hwang, Jude Joyce, and Benji Olson.

There will be a special part of the baptism liturgy for children and youth to welcome Graeme, Jude, and Benji inot the church family. Join us for this special day!

Coming Up in Church School

Welcome All

Know Your Gifts

Luke 10:38-42

 "As the disciples went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listed to what he was saying."

-Luke 10:38-39

"Welcome all" is another way of describing the faith practice of hospitality. It is the idea of being intentional and authentic as we offer a genuine welcome to all of God’s people—both stranger and friend.

The story of Mary and Martha helps us to see that there are many ways to share hospitality. This week, children and youth will look inward and consider their own gifts to offer welcome to others.

Book Nook

Books on Welcome

The bookshelf has been updated with treasures from our Church School Library all about hospitality and welcome! Check out a book the next time you're at church.

October Parent Resource Table Feature

Bibles for Children

The Parent Resource Table has been updated with a variety of Bibles for children available in the Church School Library. CLICK HERE for a note about what to look for in a children's Bible (and why we recommend the Bibles below).

Check out these Bibles, and more, on the Parent Resource Table in the Peaceable Kingdom. And while you're there, check out a Church-in-a-Box! These boxes have three activities to do with your family that match the three faith practices we are learning about this quarter.

Attention Parents of 1st-3rd Graders

Help needed through November!

Sign up to help in the Purple Room

We learned last year that our Purple Room runs most smoothly with two adults in the room rather than just one teacher. We worked out a temporary measure to get us through last year, but are trying something new this year and asking parents of 1st-3rd graders to sign up to be a parent assistant in the classroom at least once this quarter.

Parent assistants will come downstairs with the children for Church School and assist the teacher, Ms. Sara, with activities and classroom management. No teacher or preparation required! Just come downstairs, lend a hand, and have fun.

Click the link below to sign up. Thank you for your help!

Purple Room Parent Assistant Sign Up

Save the date

Church School Calendar for October & November

CLICK HERE for the calendar through the rest of 2024

THIS SUNDAY, October 27: Reformation Sunday, Sacrament of Baptism

  • Nursery opens at 9:30
  • Church School, 10:30-11:30, child care provided until noon
  • Adult education after worship: "Housing, Race, and Equality in Milwaukee" with Beth Van Gorp, Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity

November 3:  All Saints Sunday; Church School, 10:30-11:15; Communion for children and youth in Peaceable Kingdom following worship; PDA Cleanup Bucket Assembly, 11:15-noon

November 10: "Church Chat" Election Debrief, 9:00-9:45; Church School, 10:30-11:15; "Second Sunday" Stewardship Presentation, 11:15-noon (activities for children and youth in Peaceable Kingdom, presentation for adults in the Upper Room)

November 17: Church School, 10:30-11:30; "Caravaggio's Faithful Art" with Dr. Bush in the Upper Room, 11:15-noon

Contact Information for Rev. Teresa Larson

Office: 414-276-4757

Cell: 517-290-5451
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Immanuel Presbyterian Church | 1105 North Waverly Place | Milwaukee, WI | 414-276-4757

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