Wednesday Herald
January 15, 2025
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Catholic Education Foundation Tuition Assistance Scholarships
The Catholic Education Foundation for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (CEF) is offering tuition assistance scholarships for the 2025-2026 school year.
Elementary School Tuition Grants: Scholarships are available for PreK-8th grade. To apply, families will need to fully complete a FACTS Grant and Aid application by inputting financial information (income, assets, and household income). FACTS then uses an internally built calculation to determine financial need based on the family's ability to pay. FACTS applications may be completed now and are due February 16th. For more information, click here.
Please note that Welcome Scholarships will not be offered for the 2025-2026 school year, due to a number of factors. Families are encouraged to apply for Elementary School Tuition Grants.
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2025 Catholic Schools Week
Jan. 26th - Feb. 1st
The 2025 Catholic Schools Week theme is “United in Faith and Community.” As a thriving Catholic school, we strive to provide the best educational instruction and religious formation for your family. Catholic Schools Week is a wonderful time to thank God for the many blessings. There are many activities scheduled throughout the week. Please click here to see the theme and details for each day.
In conjunction with Catholic Schools Week, Guardian Angels is holding a 'Warming Drive' for Our Daily Bread and St. Vincent de Paul. We'll be collecting items to help those in need during this cold weather. Click here for a list of items needed. Please bring donations to your homeroom by Friday, January 31st.
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Welcome Baby Rehl!
Our own Sara Rehl, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications at GA, had a baby girl on December 27th. Please welcome the newest member of our GA community, Violet Frances.
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Thank you to Rouse Lawn & Landscapes
Guardian Angels sends a special 'Thank You' to Rouse Lawn and Landscapes. David, Art, and Matt Rouse went above and beyond to keep our parking lot clean from the winter snow.
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Cafeteria Volunteers Needed
We are in need of helpful hands to keep an eye on our students in grades K-8 during lunch for the second half of the school year! Please consider sharing a small part of your day to assist. All volunteers must be SafeParish trained. If you are interested, please sign up!
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After School Art Enrichment Classes |
8th Grade Fundraiser: Uniform Approved Sweatpants
Purchase your GA uniform-approved sweatpants and help support the GA Class of 2025. Pants come in either navy or gray and have both youth and adult sizes available. To purchase, click here.
Library Volunteers Needed!
Mrs. Leach needs volunteers several times during the week to check in and shelve books in our school library. Please sign up to help here.
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Father/Daughter Dance - Tickets on Sale Now | |
The Father Daughter Dance is February 8th in the GA undercroft from 7 pm - 10 pm.
The dance is open to all GA families from Preschool - 8th grade.
Get ready for USA - Red, White, and Boogie!
Tickets available here.
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Mother/Son Event
Mother/Son event will take place on Saturday, March 15th at the Cincinnati Cyclones hockey game. Game time is 4 pm. To purchase tickets, click here. See flyer for details.
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After School Enrichment - Kidz Home Alone Course
Enriching Kidz is back this year with the Kidz Home Alone course. The course is designed for students in grades 4-6 and runs from 2:45-4:45pm on 1/27 and 2/3. Students must attend both sessions to complete the course. Click here for more details and information on how to register.
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Tickets ON SALE NOW for Parents' Night Out!
Put on your boots and bling and join us for “Denim & Diamonds” Parents’ Night Out! Join us for an evening of casino games, music, dancing, and spirits in support of Guardian Angels School.
The event is on February 1st from 7-11 pm at Little Miami Brewing Company Event Center. Tickets are on sale now - $75 per person/$150 per couple. Tickets include an open bar, light hors d'oeuvres, and casino games. The proceeds from the event will benefit the beautification of student and staff lounges.
Tickets are on sale now and space is limited. Tickets will not be sold at the door!
Click here for tickets of sponsorships.
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Track and Field Registration is Open!
The Guardian Angels Boosters are excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2025 Guardian Angels Track and Field season! Click here to register!
GA will sponsor track teams this spring season that will last from March to mid-May. Boys and girls from grades K through 8 are invited to join and compete in various sprints, distance, relays and field events. The teams are K-2nd (co-ed team but compete separately), Boys and Girls 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th, and 7th & 8th grade age groups. Different ages compete in different events including, 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m runs, 100m and 200m hurdles, 4x100, 4x200, 4x400 relays and High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put (softball throw for K-2nd) & Discus, so there is something for everyone! Time commitment will be 1 to 2 practices a week (younger grades 1 practice, older grades 2 practices) held at Nagel Middle School, with 7 meets that last about 2 hours on Saturdays (K-6th), and 7-8th grade meets are held on Friday evenings.
Playing another sport such as baseball, volleyball or soccer? No problem! This is a growing program and we are flexible about attendance, and can work around other sports. We had many athletes last year that play on top club teams that still made track work in their schedules and we were happy to have them! We welcome all athletes to make as many practices or meets as they can. We encourage multi-sport athletes, as track will make your child quicker, faster and more explosive for all other sports!
Please click here for the entire 2025 CYO Track and Field Meet Schedule.
See you in the Spring!
Guardian Angels Boys Volleyball Registration is Now Open!
Registration is open for boys in grades 3-8.
Practices may begin as early as February 17th but the season starts on March 10th. Boys Volleyball plays in a 6-week season. No games will be played during Holy Week (week of 4/14) or Spring Break (week of 4/21). As a result, there will be four weeks of two matches with the Tournament May 5-9th. For more information on the schedule, please go to the GCCYS website,
The Spring season is scheduled different than most due to other sport conflicts. We will also encourage coaches to be understanding of multi-sport athletes' schedules. Most of the matches are played on Monday-Thursday evening with start times between 6 pm-8 pm. Some matches will be played on Friday evenings, but the league will avoid scheduling matches on Saturday and Sunday.
Evaluations are TENTATIVELY scheduled for the last week in January (1/29 & 1/31). Depending on the number of registrants, we will follow up with your son's appropriate evaluation date/time.
If you are interested in coaching a boys volleyball team, please reach out to Joe Julkowski at
GA Spring Soccer Registration is Open!
GA Spring Soccer registration is now open through March 1st. Registration is for boys and girls in grades 1-8. To register, click here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our soccer coordinator, Nick Whitacre,
Preschool soccer registration will begin at a later date.
Send Photos for Boosters to Share on Social Media
If you have any team photos or stories you'd like featured on the GA Boosters Facebook page, please send them to
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Red & White Passes
Red & White Passes are now available for purchase on the Athletic Boosters website. A Red & White Pass provides admission to all GA home sporting events for the 2024-2025 school year. Cost is $75 for a family pass and $40 for a grandparent pass. Please click here to purchase your pass.
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Volunteers Needed for Fish Fry
We are in the process of finalizing plans for our 2025 Fish Fry Events. Keep an eye out on upcoming bulletins and the Parish website for more information. If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Marianne Glassmeyer at
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Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is looking for a full time Youth Minister for both the High School and Middle School groups. If interested, please reach out to Steve Von Hoene, the Associate Director of Youth Evangelization at
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High School Youth Group
When: Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30 pm
Where: IHM Youth Room (7826 Beechmont Ave.)
Why: A chance for students in grades 9-12 to play games, discuss various topics, and grow in faith and fellowship.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held on the third Sunday of every month during 10 am Mass. This program is for kids ages 3-7. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering to help, please email
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Greeters and Gift Bearers Needed
Greeters and gift bearers are needed for all 3 weekend Masses. Please consider helping out in these important ministries! This helps the ushers prepare for Mass and not have to scramble to find gift bearers at the last minute. To sign up, click here.
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Young Men's Faith and Fellowship | |
Young Women's Faith and Fellowship
When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month from 8-9 pm.
Where: Guardian Angels Church in Room B in the undercroft
Age: 20s - 40s
Join together with other women to expand your Catholic faith and build meaningful relationships as we dive into various faith studies from the Blessed is She, Rooted devotional. No prior knowledge or materials needed; come as you are! Contact the group at for more information.
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Fathers Team
Every Friday, GA Fathers meet at 6:05 am to discuss various topics of interest and importance to our roles as dads, husbands, and “brothers”. Each week is a different topic, with outside speakers occasionally. All GA fathers are invited to join in person in Room B (downstairs) or via Zoom. Contact us at for the Zoom link and for any other info on the group.
St. Gregory the Great Bible Study for Women
Discovering our Dignity, is a Bible study for women where we discover how the power of God worked in the lives of women in the Old and New Testaments. Some of the women in the Bible were as flawed and broken as we can be, and their stories provide us with inspiration and hope. We also learn from each other as we discuss these women and their stories, and we enjoy great fellowship as we journey together in our faith. We hope you can join us, even if you are not a Bible scholar! The Bible study is on Fridays at 9:30 am in the St. Matthew room in the IHM Welcome Center. For more information about this study, or to register, contact Sheri May at or Christy Hiltz at
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School Masses
You can find a full schedule of school Masses on the calendar in Rediker. We will be livestreaming all of the All-School Masses through GA’s YouTube channel.
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Cookie Ministry
Guardian Angels School Cookie Ministry teams up with the Parish Peanut Butter group to feed families in need. The Peanut Butter group makes 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. GA students donate cookies. St. Francis Seraph Church in Over-the-Rhine gives the food to families in need.
Students are asked to bring in two dozen cookies, brownies, or rice krispie bars on their classroom's designated day. Treats need to be bagged, with two treats per bag. Donations of juice boxes and prepackaged snacks are also needed. All Kindergarten classes are responsible for the next donation on Tuesday January 21st. A complete schedule for the school year is attached.
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Attendance Line
If your child will be absent or late to school, please call the main school office by 8:00 a.m. each morning. All parents needing to report their child absent or late to school should call using the main school phone number (513) 624-3141.
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Box Tops For Education
The Guardian Angels PTA collects Box Tops and uses the funds earned to purchase indoor recess games and outdoor recess equipment. Box Tops is now on a digital platform. To participate, you’ll need to download the Box Tops App and scan your grocery receipt within 14 days of purchase. You’ll find more information here.
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Kroger Community Rewards
Have you signed up for Kroger Community Rewards and designated GA as your beneficiary? The more families who register, the more money our school receives through the program. Kroger Community Rewards offers a great way for you to support our school's technology fund and you don't have to spend a penny. You can search for GA or use our NPO number, 80200. The amount Guardian Angels receives depends on the points our supporters rack up while grocery shopping.
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Bulletin Advertising Available
Our bulletin publisher is looking for new advertisers and sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to our parish. Please consider purchasing an ad. Your ad and participation make the bulletin successful, and you attract customers! If interested, please email Sherry Montell or call/text her at 614-301-7444.
Advertisements and sponsorships can be purchased for a business, family, charity, in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One, or to support the church or a community service organization, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We appreciate your support.
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Stay connected to GA through the following social media platforms: | |
If you have news to share with our community, please send it in through the link above labeled Send In News For The Herald. Information is due on Friday; the week before you would like the news to be included in our newsletter. | |
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