Wednesday Herald

October 18, 2023

Upcoming Dates

Monster Mash

October 21st

Dewey's Give Back Night

October 24th

Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 24th & 26th

Pep Rally

October 27th

Christmas Wreath Orders Due

October 30th

No School- Fall Break

November 1st-3rd

Picture Retake Day

November 8th

Principal's Message

On Thursday, you will receive an email regarding a survey for our school accreditation through the Ohio Catholic Schools Accrediting Association (OCSAA). Every five years Guardian Angels School conducts a “Self-Study” and surveys parents/guardians, students, and staff. This allows all constituents and stakeholders to give feedback, guidance, and opinions on the state of the school. This feedback is crucial for the school administration, faculty, and staff to reflect on the effectiveness of the mission and receive honest opinions on Guardian Angels School. Feedback and surveys are completely confidential. 

The results of the survey will be shared with faculty and staff to reflect on and shape the goals during our next accreditation cycle. We will establish an Academic Performance and Catholic Identity goal to guide our community in improvement. We will then work on these goals for the next four years.

I encourage you to take the time to reflect on and

fill out the survey when you receive it on Thursday. The survey will be open from October 19 through October 27. When you receive the email, you will simply need to click on the link (Survey Monkey) and complete the survey. If you run into any issues, please reach out to me at

I genuinely appreciate your time and consideration in helping us through our self-study and accreditation process. 

God bless,


School News

Parent-Teacher Conferences are October 24th and 26th

Parent-Teacher Conferences for ALL GRADE LEVELS (Preschool – 8) will be held at Guardian Angels School on Tuesday, October 24th from 3:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. and Thursday, October 26th from 3:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. We recommend that all parents with children in grades Preschool-3 meet with homeroom teachers. However, with grades 4-8 being departmentalized, conferences may be considered optional. All conferences will be scheduled using the PickATime website, which is open through Friday, October 20, at 12:00pm.  

Preschool and Primary (KDG-3) Grades

If you have a child in Preschool-3 grade, you will schedule a 15-minute conference with your student’s homeroom teacher. Conferences will take place in the individual teacher’s classroom.


Grades 4, 5, & 6

If you have a child in either grade 4, 5, or 6, you will schedule a 10-minute conference with your student’s team of teachers for that grade level. Teachers are grouped as teams in the PickATime scheduler. Conferences will be held in the teacher’s classroom.


Grades 7-8

If you have a child in grades 7-8, parents should schedule a conference with each individual teacher that they wish to speak with. To allow for the maximum number of conferences, the slot times for each teacher are only 10 minutes in length. 

Specials Teachers

Special area teachers will be in their classrooms and available to speak with parents during the parent/teacher conference hours. Parents do not need to schedule a specific time with specials teachers but are welcome to stop by the individual classrooms at their convenience. 

PickAtime Conference Scheduling Directions


Access the Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler:


To Sign In (if previously registered)

If you have previously registered for conferences through this site, all you need to do is enter your email and password. The system will know about your appointments and the children you added to your account.


To Register (if not previously registered)

  1. Enter your email address and push "Login/Create Account".
  2. Fill in the required fields and register.
  3. For each child, enter your child’s student ID which is their first name and last name WITH NO SPACE BETWEEN THE TWO. This is the name that is listed on your child’s Rediker account. This must be the complete first name, not a nickname – Thomas instead of Tom for instance, and their security value, which is their date of birth in this format m-d-yyyy or 5-3-1992 for May 3, 1992, and push "Add". You must complete this step for each child.


  1. Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you what teacher corresponds to what color and the times increase as you go down the page. (Note: you will not see all the teachers, just the set of teachers that your children have classes with.) Click on a square to book that time.
  2. After you set when you want the reminder email to be delivered, click "Create Appointment".
  3. Repeat until you have an appointment with each teacher you would like to visit with.
  4. At any time, you can click on "printable schedule" and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule.
  5. If you want to make changes to your schedule, you can log in at any time with your email and password.
  6. If you have more than one appointment, they will be hidden. Click on the blue circle to the left of your name at the top of the screen to show your appointments. There will be links to modify or cancel the appointment.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have two or more children at the school with the SAME teacher, you may wish to click on two or more adjacent, available scheduling blocks with that teacher.

Congratulations to Our 8th-Grade Confirmation Class

Congratulations to the 55 students being Confirmed by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr on October 19. Please keep the Confirmandi in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Holy Spirit and are welcomed into full initiation into the Church!  

Safe Snack List

All treats brought in for distribution to others must be on our Safe Snack List. This comprehensive list was created several years ago to make sure students with certain allergies were protected against potential items that could harm them. Homemade and bakery-purchased items are not allowed. A link to the Safe Snack List can be found here and on our school website. 

First Pep Rally is Friday, October 27th

The first GA Pep Rally of the school year is on Friday, October 27th. All students are asked to wear pink shirts or the GA breast cancer shirt in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. GA sweatpants are allowed. We can't wait to see you there!

Monster Mash Tickets Available Now!

Save the Date for our Monster Mash! All families are invited to this Halloween Bash on Saturday, October 21st from 6:30-9:30 p.m. in the GA Upper Lot. Enjoy games for the kids, pizza, snacks, drinks, adult beverages, a photo booth, DJ and more! To purchase tickets, click here. If you prefer to purchase using a check, an order form is attached

In order for this event to be successful, we ask for volunteer help from both our students and our parents. 7th & 8th grade students typically run the games and receive service hours in return. We ask that parents sign up for the pizza and adult beverage booths, as well as bringing in treats to share. To sign up, click here.

If you’d like to be on the committee, please reach out to Bonnie Morgan or Jennifer Allgier. It's fun, easy and a great group of volunteers.

Guardian Angels Will Honor Our Veterans On November 10th


Save the Date! Guardian Angels School will be honoring our veterans with a prayer service celebration on Friday, November 10th at 1:30 p.m. in the church. Seating will be available only for veterans and our students. This event will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel for parents to watch. Additional details, along with a reservation link will be forthcoming.  

Upcoming Admissions Events

This year, we are hosting multiple Informational Coffee Sessions in place of our traditional Open House. These small group sessions create the opportunity for those interested in Guardian Angels to meet Corey, have their questions answered on a personal level, and see the school in action! These are for anyone considering enrolling their child(ren) in kindergarten through eighth grade for the 2024-2025 school year. Please RSVP through the appropriate link below and share it with anyone who is interested in learning more about Guardian Angels School.

RSVP - Informational Coffee for New Incoming K-3rd Grade November 17th 9 a.m.
RSVP - Informational Coffee for New Incoming 4th-6th Grade November 16th 9 a.m. 
RSVP - Informational Coffee for New Incoming K-8th Grade November 28th 6 p.m.

Preschool Open House

Preschool Open House will be held Monday, November 13th from 5:00-7:00pm. This event is specifically for anyone considering enrolling their child(ren) in the preschool and/or pre-k program for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP through the link below.

RSVP- Preschool Open House

Boy Scouts Poinsettia Sale

Don't forget to order your holiday poinsettias! 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, and 10 inch poinsettias are available. Order online or use the attached form and pay with a check payable to Troop445. Paper orders can be dropped off at the school or parish office. 

Orders are due Tuesday, November 14th. 

Orders can be picked up Saturday, December 2nd from 9am- 12pm in the Undercroft.

The Knights of Columbus Scholarship Essay Contest

The Knights of Columbus are offering a $500 scholarship for students currently in 8th grade and entering 9th grade at a Catholic High School for the 2024-2025 school year. 

This contest encourages today's youth to be more connected to their community and their faith. The goal of this program is to involve young Catholics in civic discourse and instill in them religious and life-affirming values. The theme of this year's essay is Evangelism — how can the Church evangelize in the digital age?

Applications are due by November 18th. For more details on the essay contest, click here

Dewey's Pizza Give Back Night

Make dinner easy after parent-teacher conferences and support GA all at once!

Annual Clothing Drive for the Missions

October is Mission Awareness Month when we are reminded to share our lives and faith with those in need. In the past, you have generously shared your children's clothing with the poor in the Glenmary Missions in Kentucky and Missouri. This year, those same thrift shops have requested that you share not only your children's outgrown clothes but also bedding and towels that you have in excess. Personal care items were also requested. Plastic bottles of shampoo and body wash, conditioner and soap are greatly appreciated. Your generosity is always appreciated. Students can bring in items between October 16th-20th. Thank you for your kindness.

Boy Scout Wreath Sale

Support Troop 445 and adorn your door with a beautiful fresh pine wreath or Candlelit centerpiece. All proceeds go to scout events, campouts, and expenses. Delivery the week before Thanksgiving.

To purchase, just complete the attached form or place your order online hereOrders are due Monday, October 30th. Pick-up is November 19th and 20th at the GA Scout House. 

Get Creative with Mrs. Pavely After-School Art Enrichment Classes

Great news for anyone who pays Ohio income tax and supports Guardian Angels

We have many students at Guardian Angels who benefit from scholarships provided by the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF). Ohio taxpayers who donate to the CEF may be able to claim a dollar-for-dollar, non-refundable tax credit on their state income tax return, up to $750 per donor. For more information, click here.

We hope you consider a donation before the end of the year and choose "Guardian Angels School (Cincinnati)(C00160)" from the drop-down when prompted.

Parishioner and tax expert, Brien Dulle, is donating. Here's what he had to say. "Supporting the CEF is a no-brainer for me for two reasons. As a graduate of GA that is also sending my daughters to the school, I want to invest in the education that our children receive. Secondly, there's no extra money out of pocket since I can claim a dollar-for-dollar Ohio tax credit."

Boosters and PTA Dues

Guardian Angels has three major parent-led organizations that provide services to our students. Athletic Boosters, PTA, and Music Boosters. There is a $75 fee that covers all three programs. Click here to learn more about what your dues are used for and how they help our school. Please visit this link to pay the dues.

Library Volunteers Needed

Mrs. Leach needs a volunteer each Monday and Friday morning from 8 -9:30 a.m. to check in and shelve returned books. First and second grade classes will be visiting the library during this time, and Mrs. Leach will be conducting a read aloud during the first part of each class period. A rotating group of volunteers would work, or we would welcome the same person each week. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mrs. Leach or sign up here.

Cafeteria Volunteers Needed

We are always in need of helpful hands to keep an eye on our students in grades K-8 during lunch. Please consider sharing a small part of your day to assist. All volunteers must be SafeParish trained. If you are interested, please sign up!

Save the Date for Parent's Night Out!

Save the date for “Glitz, Glam and GAtsby" Parents Night Out event on February 3rd from 7:30-11 p.m. at Mojave East Event Venue. Ticket information will be coming soon!


If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year, scan the QR code.

Save the date for “Glitz, Glam and GAtsby" Parents Night Out event on February 3rd from 7:30-11 p.m. at Mojave East Event Venue. Ticket information will be coming soon!


If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year, scan the QR code.

Lil' Hoopers Basketball

Our Pre-K-2nd grade basketball program will be held on Saturdays from February 17th-March 23rd. There will be 6 sessions. Additional information and registration will be available in December.

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Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is back at Guardian Angels Parish 10 a.m. Mass on the third Sunday of every month. This ministry relies on the support of volunteers to serve our parish. Two adults and 4 teenage volunteers are needed each month. To sign up, click here.

Greeters and Gift Bearers Needed

Greeters and gift bearers are needed for all 3 weekend Masses. Please consider helping out in these important ministries! This helps the ushers prepare for Mass and not have to scramble to find gift bearers at the last minute. To sign up, click here

Young Men's Faith and Fellowship

When: Upcoming meetings are 11/6, 11/20, and 12/4 from 8-9 p.m.

Where: Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Room B in the undercroft or by zoom 

Age: 20s - 40s 

Join together in brotherhood with other men to grow in virtue and faith. This fall, we will be using the Mass Series by Bishop Robert Barron from the World on Fire Institute. Contact the group at to join our email distribution list, receive more information, or to join via Zoom.

Young Women's Faith and Fellowship

When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month from 8:00-9:00 pm. Upcoming dates are 10/25, 11/8, 12/13

Where: Guardian Angels Church in Room B in the undercroft

Age: 20s - 40s

Join together with other women to expand your Catholic faith and build meaningful relationships as we dive into various faith studies from the Blessed is She, Rooted devotional. No prior knowledge or materials needed; come as you are! Contact the group at for more information.  

Fathers Team

Each Friday, Fathers Team will be meeting for Fathers Team "Lite” which consists of review and discussion of the upcoming Sunday's scripture readings. All GA fathers are invited to join in person in the Undercroft (Conference Room B), or by Zoom, this Friday at 6:05 a.m. Contact us at for the zoom information, or to get on the GA Fathers Team email distribution.

Other News & Reminders

School Masses

You can find a full schedule of school Masses on the calendar in Rediker. We will be livestreaming all of the All School Masses through GA’s YouTube channel

Cookie Ministry

Guardian Angels School Cookie Ministry teams up with the Parish Peanut Butter group to feed families in need. The Peanut Butter group makes 1,500 peanut butter and bologna sandwiches. GA students donate cookies. St. Francis Seraph Church in Over-the-Rhine gives the food to families in need. 

Students are asked to bring in two dozen cookies, brownies, or rice krispie bars on their classroom's designated day. Treats need to be bagged, with two treats per bag. Donations of juice boxes and prepackaged snacks are also needed. All kindergarten classes are responsible for the next donation on Monday, October 23rd. A complete schedule for the school year is attached

Attendance Line

If your child will be absent or late to school, please call the main school office by 8:00 a.m. each morning. All parents needing to report their child absent or late to school should call using the main school phone number (513) 624-3141.

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Box Tops For Education

The Guardian Angels PTA collects Box Tops and uses the funds earned to purchase indoor recess games and outdoor recess equipment. Box Tops is now on a digital platform. To participate, you’ll need to download the Box Tops App and scan your grocery receipt within 14 days of purchase. You’ll find more information here.


Kroger Community Rewards

Have you signed up for Kroger Community Rewards and designated GA as your beneficiary? The more families who register, the more money our school receives through the program. Kroger Community Rewards offers a great way for you to support our school's technology fund and you don't have to spend a penny. You can search for GA or use our NPO number, 80200. The amount Guardian Angels receives depends on the points our supporters rack up while grocery shopping.

Register Your Kroger Rewards Card

Bulletin Advertising Available

Our bulletin publisher is looking for new advertisers and sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to our parish. Please consider purchasing an ad. Your ad and participation make the bulletin successful, and you attract customers! If interested, please email Sherry Montel or call/text her at 614-301-7444.

Advertisements and sponsorships can be purchased for a business, family, charity, in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One, or to support the church or a community service organization, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We appreciate your support.

Community News

St. Xavier

St. Xavier High School will be offering an HSPT preparation course for interested 7th and 8th grade students (boys and girls) at St. Xavier High School on Saturday, October 28th and November 4th. The HSPT exam will be held on Saturday, November 18th ensuring the concepts and preparation learned in the course stay fresh for exam day. Click here for more information.

Ursuline Academy

8th graders are invited to spend the day "shadowing" a current UA student to find out what life as an Ursuline Lion is all about. To register, click here.

Elder High School Upcoming Events

Grade school boys are invited to visit Elder High School and see how they offer a place for students to express their individuality and make their high school experience unique!

  • Shadow Days: Shadowing is the best way for a prospective student to experience a day at Elder! To schedule your visit, click here.
  • Open House: November 9th
  • HSPT Prep Course: November 4th or November 14th AND 16th
  • HSPT: November 18th

McNicholas High School Admission Events

Visit McNicholas High School and learn more about how you can Find your Brilliance as a Rocket!

  • Open House: 10/22 and 10/23 | Explore the campus, academic programs, extracurriculars, and more.
  • Scholarship & SAIL Applications Due: 11/15
  • HSPT: 11/18
  • Admission & Financial Aid Applications Due: 11/30
  • Acceptance Packets Mailed: 1/17

St. Ursula

St. Ursula invites grade school girls to visit and experience all the reasons why they were awarded "Best of Cincinnati" in the school category by the Cincinnati Award Program.

  • Shadow Days: Now through December- Be a Bulldog for a day while you visit classes, make friends, meet teachers, take a tour, and experience the sisterhood.
  • Walkabout Wednesdays: Various dates through November
  • Open House: October 22nd
  • HSPT Prep Course: November 3rd. Review tips and tricks and practice strategies to build confidence prior to taking the High School Placement Test (which is required for admission to SUA)

Information about these events and many more can be found here.

Stay connected to GA through the following social media platforms:

Facebook  Instagram  Twitter  YouTube

Helpful Links

Rediker/Parent Portal

Lunch Menu

Christian Service Program


Send In News For The Herald

If you have news to share with our community, please send it in through the link above labeled Send In News For The Herald. Information is due on Friday; the week before you would like the news to be included in our newsletter.


