Lighting Design by Neil Austin, Associate Lighting Designer Jess Creager, Assistant Lighting Designer Nyle Farmer, Programmer Jeff Englander, Production Electrician Kevin Barry, Head Electrician Barb Bartel, Followspot Operators Matty Maloney and Derek Blair, and Deck Electrician Dave Burke. Lighting Package by PRG. Scenic Design by Bunny Christie. Scenery built by ShowMotion Inc.. Prop Supervision by Pete Sarafin. For a full list of cast and crew, see the Playbillfor Company.
"Bobbie is turning 35, and Company uses 3,500 feet of LED tape to set the scene. It's a half mile of QolorFLEX LED Tape controlled by Multiverse wireless DMX technology."
- Jess Creager, Associate Lighting Designer, Company
Rashidra Scott as Susan, Katrina Lenk as Bobbie, and Greg Hildreth as Peter in Company (Brinkhoff Moegenburg)