From the Rector
Perceiving and Plotting the Path Forward
(Updated from Last Week)
Two Sundays ago, I started a new Sunday School series -- " For Such a Time as This: Answering God's Call Upon Saint Andrew's in This Day " -- through which we are reviewing the work of the Saint Andrew's Mission/Vision/Values Task Force .

The Task Force, which was composed of the following individuals: Scott Chastain, Erin Culbertson, Chuck Evans, Patty Slay, Riley Owens, Tommy Watson, Jamie Hinds, and me , began meeting last fall and was responsible for the Parish Survey that took place in the midst of our Annual Pledge Campaign last November and December.

Based on the feedback from that survey, our review of past strategy and visioning work at Saint Andrew's, and our collective insight into where God is calling Saint Andrew's, the Task Force has prepared Draft Statements of our Core Values, Mission, and Vision . Over the past couple of months, the Task Force has shared that work with the Vestry, and the Vestry has had an opportunity to offer its feedback. Now, before the statements are finalized, we are sharing the drafts with the parish through this Sunday School series (and through communications like this) to make sure that everyone in the parish has an opportunity to offer their insight and feedback. At our May vestry meeting, we hope to be able to adopt finalized versions of the statements that could then, by the Feast of Pentecost, be published on our website and help guide us going forward.

On our first Sunday, I offered an overview of the background to the Mission/Vision/Values Task Force's work, a summary of the findings from the parish survey, and shared the Statement of Core Values, which was the first document created by the Task Force.

Then, this past Sunday, we reviewed and discussed the draft Statement of Core Values (which is, by far, the longest of the three statements) at some length. Then I introduced the draft Mission and Vision Statements, which we will have the opportunity to review and discuss during this Sunday's class.

If you haven't been able to attend thus far, here are several documents that you can download and review in preparation for this coming Sunday (or, if you are unable to attend the class, you are always welcome to offer feedback directly to me or to another member of the Task Force or Vestry):

Given the importance of this work to our common life together, I hope that you will consider joining us this coming Sunday for our third class as we review the Draft Mission & Vision Statements and consider how they will help guide us in the months and years ahead!

Here is the Zoom link for our next Sunday School Class, which will start at 9:30 AM this coming Sunday:

I am grateful to all of the members of the Task Force for their hard work and look forward to seeing the ways in which their work helps shape our continued common life in Christ. Thank you!

And may God's blessings continue to be upon all of you.

Grace & Peace,
Fr. Gary+
A Prayer of Spiritual Communion
from the Armed Forces Prayer Book (1951)
In union, O Lord with the faithful at every altar of Thy Church, where the Holy Eucharist is now being celebrated, I desire to offer Thee praise and thanksgiving. I present to Thee my soul and body with the earnest wish that may always be united to Thee. And since I can not now receive Thee sacramentally, I beseech Thee to come spiritually into my heart. I unite myself to Thee, and embrace Thee with all the affections of my soul. Let nothing ever separate Thee from me. May I live and die in Thy love. Amen.
Livestream Worship Schedule
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - Feast of Julian of Norwich (observed)
6:30 PM Low Mass with Healing Prayers ( via Facebook Live )

Sunday, May 10, 2020 - The Fifth Sunday of Easter  
10:30 AM,   Sung High Mass, Rite I ( via Facebook Live )
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - Feast of Pachomius of Tabenissi, Monastic (observed)
7:30 AM Morning Prayer ( via Zoom )
6:30 PM Low Mass with Healing Prayers ( via Facebook Live )
Prayer Requests
The following people have been commended
to the prayers of the parish:
Allen, Barbara, Bill, Buddy, Charlotte, Chuck, Corinne, David, Dick, Doug, Eddie, Edward, Ena, Ginger, Hamilton, Hannah, Ian, Jack, James, Jane, Janet, Jodi, John-Frank, Joshua, Judy, Ken, Kristy, Landon, Laura, Leigh Ann, Liz, Lois, Margaret Lee, Mark, Mary, Nancy, Nell, Pryse, Richard, Robbie, Sandy, Sara, Susan, Wade, Weesie, Winnie
To add someone to the Daughters of the King prayer list, please e-mail . There is also wooden box in the Narthex where you can fill out prayer cards. The Daughters will add your names to their prayers. 
Sunday School for Children and Adults
This Sunday | 9:30 AM | Via Zoom
Our Children's Class will continue this Sunday with the  Hearts Alive  lectionary-based curriculum. At 9:30 AM, you can join the class via Zoom at the following link:

The Sunday School lessons are available via the following links:  Click here for Lower Elementary ,   Click here for Upper Elementary

Topic for Adult Sunday School in Easter Season
Answering God's Call Upon Saint Andrew's in this Day

Adult Sunday School will continue via Zoom this Sunday at 9:30 AM. You can join via the following link: We will continue our review of the work of Saint Andrew's Mission/Vision/Values Task Force. Last week, we reviewed the draft Statement of Saint Andrew's Core Values. This week, we will look at the draft Mission and Vision Statements.
Morning Prayer Offering Via Zoom
Every Wednesday at 7:30 AM - Open to All Parishioners
As another opportunity for communal prayer within the parish, Father Gary asked Tommy Watson if he would be willing to lead Morning Prayer via Zoom every Wednesday during this time of "virtual" gathering for prayer and worship -- and he has graciously agreed to do so. If you are willing to read scripture during Morning Prayer via Zoom, please contact Tommy Watson. Each Wednesday at 7:30 AM, you can participate in Morning Prayer via the following link - - or by clicking on the button below (at 7:30 AM on Wednesdays).
Sunday Altar Flower and Presence Candle Dedications
On Sundays, we have the opportunity to offer a special dedication of the altar flowers or presence candle in honor, memory, or celebration of loved ones. The cost to the church for altar flowers is now $100 per Sunday, so we are suggesting that donations for dedicating altar flowers be in the range of $50 to $100 to help us cover those costs. The suggested donation for a presence candle dedication is $10.

If you would like to sign up for a Sunday, please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin in the Parish Hall or click on the button below. You may place a check in the offering plate with "Altar Flowers" or "Presence Candle" noted in the memo.
Service Opportunities
Feed Thy Neighbor
During the COVID-19 pandemic, FTN continues to serve a hot breakfast to those who are the most vulnerable in our community every Saturday of the month. Saint Andrew's parishioners handle the third Saturday of each month, and Christ Church, Saint James, and Saint Peter's handle the other Saturdays--with volunteers from the Roe Cassidy Law Firm serving whenever there is a fifth Saturday in a month. Though it's not the usual hot breakfast under current circumstances, our guests continue to be very appreciative.

If you are interested in ways you can help support this ministry, please contact the office.
United Ministries in Need of Food Donations
United Ministries' Emergency Assistance program is fully operational and focused on helping families keep their homes and putting food on the table. At this moment, they need canned meats, pop-top cans (meats/fruit etc.) and 1 lb. bags of rice .   

The pantry is open daily (Monday thru Friday) 8:00 AM until 11:00 AM. If individual church members would like to donate food, it can be dropped off behind the United Ministries administration building at the loading area, located at 606 Pendleton Street, Greenville, SC 29601 . The pantry door will be open and someone will retrieve the food.  

For more ways to help United Ministries in responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, please click button below.