Called to Worship. Sent to Witness. Led to Welcome.
2021 Annual Pledge Campaign Update
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
– John 1:5
As we approach the final Sunday of our Annual Pledge Campaign, we have already received 70 pledges (including 9 new pledges!) and the total amount pledged is $205,000. Thank you to all who have already submitted their pledges!

For everyone else, we hope that you will submit your pledges (by mail, the offering plate, or online) by this Sunday, November 22, and help us reach our goal of 100 pledges and $270,000 in dollars pledged. Our Annual Pledge Campaign Committee has been making calls to those who have not yet pledged over the course of this week in hopes that we can still reach our goals. And we will also be sending out a reminder e-mail to folks from whom we haven't received a pledge yet.

The pledge card can also be filled out electronically by going to:

Each week, we have been posting a new video with our members' personal reflections on stewardship and Saint Andrew's. This we week, we are offering this message from Jean and Tony Knox:
Tony and Jean Knox
on What Saint Andrew's Means to Them
Sign Up for 10:30 AM Mass
on Sundays through December!
We now are able to accommodate up to 15 people in the church for mass--and, as a result, are offering 8 open slots for sign up for each Sunday 10:30 AM Mass. Please note that we no longer require people to sign up for the Wednesday Night Healing Mass (since we have not, in recent years, had more than fifteen people attend that mass). 

Also, if you are currently uncomfortable coming to a "public" service or want to receive eucharist but don't want to go inside the church, just let Father Gary know, and he is happy to schedule a time to say mass that will work better for you (either inside the church or in the churchyard--or even on your porch!).
Worship Schedule & Links
Wednesday, November 18 - Feast of Hilda of Whitby, Abbess
5:30 PM Rosary in Church or via Zoom
6:30 PM Low Mass with Healing Prayers followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (via Facebook Live)
Sunday, November 22, 2020 - Christ the King Sunday
8:30 AM Morning Prayer, Rite II (church courtyard -- but may be moved into the Parish Hall due to rain or extreme cold)
10:30 AM Low Mass, Rite I (via Facebook Live)
NOTE: No Wednesday Healing Mass on Wednesday, November 25, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday
Prayer Requests
The following people have been commended
to the prayers of the parish:
Alvin, Ann, Annie, Arianna, Barbara, Bill, Brian, Broughton, Chris, Chuck, Corinne, Dick, Eddie, Ena, George, Ginger, Hannah, Jane, Jim, Jodi, Ken, Kenny, Kenneth, Leigh Ann, Linda, Lois, Margaret Lee, Marvin, Mary, Morgan, Nancy, Ray, Sandy, Sarah, Steve, Weesie, Willie, Winnie
To add someone to the Daughters of the King prayer list, please e-mail There is also wooden box in the Narthex where you can fill out prayer cards. The Daughters will add your names to their prayers. 
Birthdays this week
11/18 Joseph Austin
11/24 Avery Brooks
Thanks to Everyone Who Participated in Our Annual Meeting!
Congratulations to our Newly Elected Vestry Members

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Annual Parish Meeting (via Zoom) this past Sunday. It was a joyful (virtual) gathering!

We are pleased to announce our newly elected vestry members, who begin their terms in December: Scott Chastain, John Rhodes, and Charles Shields, who were each elected to three-year terms. In addition, Chloe Cashwell was elected to a four-year term as diocesan convention delegate, and Tim Henry was elected to a four-year term as convention alternate. Thanks to all our new vestry members and convention delegates for their willingness to serve!

If you were not able to attend and would like to review our 2020 Annual Report, you can download a copy of the Report at this link. 
Rebuild Upstate Work Day

Based on the limited number of individuals signing up for the Rebuild Upstate work day planned for this coming Saturday (11/21), the Mission & Outreach Committee decided to postpone Saint Andrew's volunteer work day to some time after the new year. We look forward to the opportunity to volunteer with Rebuild Upstate in the future--and will let you know when it has been rescheduled.
Outdoor Youth Group
Sunday, November 22 | 5-7 PM

Continuing this month, Saint Andrew’s youth and their friends in elementary through high school will have the opportunity to gather outside for a time of fun and fellowship on the fourth Sunday evening of each month. This month, the Boswells will lead the gathering in the church courtyard. We will begin with a devotion, make advent wreaths in the wake of advent season for each family, enjoy pizza, and play games. Please RSVP to
Parish Office Hours & Staff Schedule Next Week

Our Parish Administrator, Marie Ridolfo, will be out of the office from November 23 (the Monday before Thanksgiving) through November 30 (the Monday after Thanksgiving). She will return to the office on Tuesday, December 1. Since Father Gary is not in the office on Mondays, we plan to have a parish volunteer in the office on both Mondays that Marie is away, and Father Gary will have regular office hours on Tuesday (11/24) and will be in the office through the early afternoon on Wednesday (11/25). As is our usual practice, the Parish Office will be closed on Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving Week.
2020 Humanitarian Awards
Hosted by United Housing Connections
Thursday, November 19 | 6:30 PM | Via Zoom

United Housing Connections invites you to join them virtually for the 2020 Humanitarian Award Reception honoring Deb Richardson-Moore, former Executive Director & Pastor of Triune Mercy Center for her outstanding work serving the homeless in our community. You don't want to miss this opportunity to be inspired by Deb's legacy of leadership, challenged by the impact of her work, and learn more about the work still to be done.
Ordo Kalendars Available
The 2021 Ordo Kalendars are available in the Parish Office for $5 each. Reserve yours today by emailing or calling 864-235-5884.
Worship Schedule & Protocol

Here is a brief overview of our current schedule and related protocol:

  • All Services - Face Masks & Six Foot Social Distancing by Household Required
  • 8:30 AM Sunday - Morning Prayer (Rite II) (Holy Eucharist on First Sunday of the Month) - Outside, In-Person Only, No Sign Up Required - This shorter, less formal service takes place outside in front of the columbarium courtyard. You are welcome to bring your own water or coffee to this service. In case of inclement weather on Sunday morning (defined as raining hard enough that most folks would not want to be outside--or temperature below 40 degrees), this service will be moved into the Parish Hall.
  • 10:30 AM Sunday - Low Mass (Rite I) - In-Church, In-Person Limited to Fifteen People, Sign Up Required, Also Live-Streamed - The limit on in-person attendance has now been increased from ten to fifteen people — with approximately seven of those spots already allocated (priest, organist, choir member, subdeacon, lector, altar guild member, usher). You can sign up for the eight remaining spots here:
  • 6:30 PM Wednesday - Healing Mass (Rite II) - In-Church, In-Person Limited to Fifteen People, No Sign Up Required, Also Live-Streamed - This service is also limited to fifteen people — with three of those spots already allocated (priest, server/lector, altar guild). Given that we have not, in recent years, had more than fifteen people attend this service, we are no longer requiring sign up for Wednesday night mass.
Sunday Altar Flower and Presence Candle Dedications
On Sundays, we have the opportunity to offer a special dedication of the altar flowers or presence candle in honor, memory, or celebration of loved ones. The cost to the church for altar flowers is now $100 per Sunday, so we are suggesting that donations for dedicating altar flowers be in the range of $50 to $100 to help us cover those costs. The suggested donation for a presence candle dedication is $10.

If you would like to sign up for a Sunday, please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin in the Parish Hall or click on the button below. You may place a check in the offering plate with "Altar Flowers" or "Presence Candle" noted in the memo.

Given the penitential nature of the upcoming Season of Advent, we will only have flowers on the altar on the Third Sunday, "Gaudete Sunday." (More information about Christmas season poinsettias will be distributed next week.) After the Christmas season, we will continue to only have Altar Flowers if someone has signed up and paid for the arrangements. As a result, we will need to know by the Tuesday prior to the upcoming Sunday if you would like to sign up.
Service Opportunities
Feed Thy Neighbor
During the COVID-19 pandemic, FTN continues to serve a hot breakfast to those who are the most vulnerable in our community every Saturday of the month. Saint Andrew's parishioners handle the third Saturday of each month, and Christ Church, Saint James, and Saint Peter's handle the other Saturdays--with volunteers from the Roe Cassidy Law Firm serving whenever there is a fifth Saturday in a month. Though it's not the usual hot breakfast under current circumstances, our guests continue to be very appreciative.

If you are interested in ways you can help support this ministry, please contact the office.