Wednesday, January 29, 2025

From the Principal

Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

Psalm 40

Hello Everyone!

We kicked off the week with a fabulous Open House and Book Fair this past Sunday.  It was awesome to see so many current families attend the family mass and visit the school.  What an outstanding event! Thank you to all our families who were able to join us and spend some time viewing our beautiful school and giving our new families a glimpse of what makes our school community so special. Certainly, your presence made a great impression on our new families.

Special thanks to Lisa Geiger and our School Board members for organizing such an awesome Open House, our NJHS students who acted as tour guides, and to the faculty and staff who spent many hours preparing for the event and welcoming our guests.  A big thank you to the parents who volunteered to help with the tours and those that placed Open House signs in our community.

Many thanks to the Wester Family for representing our families so well at the family mass. Your words were so touching and reflect the beautiful heart and soul of this community.

Also a big shout out to FSA for organizing an outstanding Book Fair. Thanks to all the parent volunteers who planned, worked, or helped clean up.

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved a place on our Second Quarter Honor Roll. Congratulations to all the students for their hard work during the second quarter.

5th Grade

High Honors

6th Grade

High Honors

7th Grade

High Honors

8th Grade

High Honors

Eliana Chavez

Sofia Favia

Zachary Kottra

Amelia Tryksza

Rylee Vanmany

Peter Yee

Abigail Shapiro

Gia Favia

Grace Gilgunn

Matthew Kottra

Ari Theodosopoulos

Mina Brnic

Izabella Sosin

5th Grade


6th Grade


7th Grade


8th Grade


Jericho Apao

Odelia Hawel

Elina Kifarkis

Nathaniel Lagunas

Gabriella Monterroso

Nicholas Norman

Natalia Partyka

Arielle Tagbo

William Wagner

Maximilian Boone

Cole Broska

Mia D'Souza

Alex Hernandez

Livia Kumpuckal

Jenna Malek

Allison Nieroda

Daniel Perez

Kaleigh Willing

Ava Bellina

Emilia Goliszewski

Frabelly Gomez

Fred Kelleher

Lia Kottra

Ethan Pham

Julia Piatek

Gianna Rizzo

Joseph Santiago

Lukas Sperka

Patrick Szewczul

Logan Boudreau

Natalia Charzynski

Aleks D'Souza

Wiktoria Gruszka

Alivia Jacinto

Tim Kozlowski

Derek Perez

Marcel Popkko

Selina Sun

Rubin Thomas

Emma Turcut

Thanks to all the families who were able to attend Monday’s Pack the Gym Night.  We were well represented and had the opportunity to view some exciting games.  Go Eagles!

Have a great week!

Ms. Booth

SAVE THE DATES - Please mark your calendar:




January 29


Celebrate Nations

Dress Down In Red, White, Blue

January 30


Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day

Dress Down in Chicago Bears Colors/Attire

January 30

Pat McCaskey Assembly

10:00 a.m. Gym

January 31


Student Appreciation Day

Dress Down in Country

Western clothes for


February 3

Pack the Gym

for Girls Basketball

5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

February 4

8th Grade Graduation Photo Retakes

9:30 a.m. please contact Mrs. Geiger if you need a retake

February 5


1:00 p.m.

February 6

6th-8th Grade Field Trip to St. Viator

February 7

OCS Professional Staff Development

No Classes

No Classes

Parent Information


LAST CALL for Volunteers and Raffle Tickets!- coming home today

(The deadline to order Raffle Tickets is Friday morning at 9 a.m.)


Schedule - came home last week

TUITION RAFFLE FLYER - coming home today

RE-ENROLLMENT INFORMATION FOR 2025/26 came home two weeks ago. Application fees increase on March 4.


**NOTE: Forms are due by 3:00 p.m. on Friday or the $20 late fee will apply.**


Wk 22 (1/27-1/31)

Wk 23 (2/3-2/7)

Wk 24 (2/10-2/14)

This Week in SES Athletics!


February 3 - PACK THE GYM - 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. games

February 22 - Picture Day - All 3rd-8th grade athletic teams

April 26 - Alumni Games - 8th & 9th grade volleyball & basketball players, coaches, and all fans!

April 24 - Athletic Banquet - 7th & 8th grade athletes, parents, and coaches

May 1 - JV Banquet - All 3rd-6th grade athletes, families, and coaches

2024/2025 One Page Calendar available here. January calendar here. February calendar here.

School News Page: 2/2/25


Dinner Dance Raffle Prize Flyer - came home last week


MPPD Youth Baseball and Softball Information

KINDERGARTEN-8th Grade Recess: Just a reminder, if the real-feel temperature is 12 degrees or above, the Kindergarten-8th graders will go out for recess. In order to play in the snow, students must have boots, snow pants, coat, hats and gloves.

ABSENCE GUIDELINES: If your child is going to be late or out, you must call the Absentee Hotline at 224-500-3743. Please leave your child's name, room number and reason for absence or tardy. Per our handbook, if your child is absent three or more days, please provide a doctor's note upon their return.

LUNCH VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED DAILY to monitor the K-8 students during lunch and recess at the following times: Kindergarten-3rd grade 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; 4th-8th grade 12:10 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. If you would like to help at either or both, please sign up on this link. If you want to volunteer in any capacity (lunch duty, field trip chaperone, classroom party helper, coach etc.), you need to be Virtus trained and up to date on your compliance: Returning volunteers, please complete a new CANTS form and return to David Mika. New volunteers, need to complete: Keeping Children Safe packet, CANTS, and mandated reporter form.

HOT LUNCH PROGRAM - Session 2 ordering now open:

Got Lunch? Get started here!

NEW PE Uniforms available from Office

Congratulations to Ava Bellina, 7th grade, who won yesterday's Spelling Bee.

The other top finishers were: Izabella Sosin, 8th grade, Logan Boudreau, 8th grade, and Jericho Apao, 5th grade. All four will advance to the next level of competition on Saturday. Go Eagles!

Parents, email your photos of student activities as an attachment,

to for promotional use.

Thank you!

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