Wednesday, December 14, 2022

From the Principal

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"  

Philippians 4:4

Hello Everyone!

I hope the Advent season continues to bring you much joy as we eagerly await the birth of our Lord.  During this busy time, it serves us well to keep in mind this most special season.

Congratulations to the members of our Band who performed last evening in the Christmas Concert at St. Zachary. We are so proud of you!

Congratulations to our FSA for an outstanding Breakfast with Santa. What a fantastic event enjoyed by so many. Thank you for all your hard work in order to make this such a successful and fun day.

Thanks to all who supported the Portillo's Dine & Share.  The event raised $342.  Awesome!

This Friday, December 16, the Drama Club will be presenting a Christmas show.  Performances are at 10:00 am., 1:15 pm. and 6:30 pm. Parents/grandparents are welcome to attend one of the daytime shows if they are unable to make the evening performance.

Our Christmas Concert is this Monday, December 19, at 6:30 pm. in the gym.  Parents/grandparents are welcome to attend the dress rehearsal at 1:00 pm. if they are unable to make the evening performance.

Here are a few reminders:

  • The children should dress up for the performance.
  • All children must be in their classrooms by 6:15 p.m.
  • Grades K-3 will return to their classroom after the performance and must be picked up by a family member.
  • Grades 4-8 should leave their coats with their parents before the performance as they will be dismissed from the gym.

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Booth

Upcoming Dates - Please mark your calendar:




December 12-16

Winter Wonderland Week

Check Schedule for Details

December 16

Drama Club Performances

10:00 a.m., 1:15 p.m.

and 6:30 p.m. in Gym

December 19

Christmas Concert

Kindergarten-8th Grade

1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

in Gym

(details in Principal's Note)

December 20

PK Christmas Shows

8:00 a.m. PK3

9:00 a.m. PK4-2 Jackson

10:00 a.m. PK4-0 Sanford

December 21-January 3

Christmas Break

Wednesday, January 4

Classes Resume

Parent Information

Lost and Found is Overflowing: The lost and found bin is overflowing with items, including winter coats. Please consider looking through the items when you are here for the Drama Performance and/or Christmas Concert.

Family Christmas Eve Mass: Any K-8 child of the parish is welcome to participate in the living gospel during the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass. Complete this form and return it to Jen Kottra c/o Zach, 3-20. 

The music for Christmas at St. Emily's is as follows:

Christmas Eve

4pm - Children's Choir with Nativity

6pm - Tony Camacho and Beth Joyce with Christmas music beforehand beginning at 5:40pm.

12AM (Midnight Mass) - Kabat Family with Christmas music beforehand beginning after 11:30pm.

Christmas Day 

7:30am - Tony Camacho

9:30am - 9:30 Choir

11:30am - Small Group

6pm - no mass

FSA Teacher/Staff Christmas Gift Collection: The deadline has been extended to THIS Friday, December 16. If you wish to donate, please return the envelope to the office with your donation.

Got MILK?: The milk order form deadline has been extended to tomorrow, December 15. Please return to Mrs. Bruno with payment if you want your child to have milk starting in January.

Scholastic Book Fair: Save the dates for the Book Fair - Friday, January 27 and Sunday, January 29 (during the Open House). Please see this letter and link with more information.

Santa's Workshop thank you: Click here.

Athletics Save the Dates: Picture Day is on February 26; Alumni Games are on April 22; and the Athletic Banquet, for athletes in 7th and 8th grade, is on April 27.

NEW SES Car Magnets are now available in the Office: Stop by the office to get yours or fill out the order form. They make great stocking stuffers!

Dennis Uniform Holiday Hours: Please see the attached. 

Winter Weather is here! Don't forget to send your student with boots, hats and gloves for recess. They go outside unless the temperatures are below 12 degrees. If they want to play in the snow, boots, gloves, hats, and snow pants are a must.

Advent Wreath Lighters Needed: Please see the attached

Extended Care: Forms for Dec 19-20 and Jan. 4-6 are due by this Friday, Dec. 16. Late fees will be charged. Forms are available here and on the school website: Week 19 (12/19-12/23), Week 20 (1/4-1/6), and Week 21 (1/9-1/13).

Updated School Directory: Download here

Absentee Hotline: Please call the Absentee Hotline at 847-296-1163 every day your child is going to be out. Notifying the teacher and/or Mrs. Bruno via phone or email is not sufficient.

Help Wanted: Daily lunch volunteers for K-8th grades are needed, especially in 4th-8th. Contact Mrs. Bruno in the school office, 847-296-3490 or

Parents, email your photos of student activities as an attachment,

to  or for promotional use.

Thank you!

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