W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
January 23, 2019
In this Issue
Today's Learners:
Art Class Highlights

Upcoming Events

January 23
Information Night for Parents of Rising Primary (3-6) Students 
5-6 p.m.
Great Room

January 25 & 28
Middle School Conferences - no classes for these groups only, pre-registered child care available

January 29-30
Toddler Conferences
(all classes still in session)

January 31
Bring Your Parent to Work Day
Class start time to 10 a.m.

WMS Birthday Celebration
10:15 a.m.
Parents welcome!

February 6
8:30 a.m.
(earn 5 co-op hours!)

February 15
Re-enrollment deadline

Happy Birthday WMS!
Message from
Head of School Lisa Lalama

Read more from Lisa on the Montessori Message blog.
It's that time of year again when we celebrate WMS's birthday! This year, we celebrate 55 years. So much growth led us to this time in our history, some small and some greater leaps. We began as a small school with a few dedicated parents searching for a school for their own children. We are now a school for many more families who have come to recognize WMS as the best Montessori school in the area. Only at WMS do children have the benefit of the learning that comes along with 55 years of experience. We've built upon the foundation created 55 years ago and continue to learn and grow as a community of learners. 

You are invited to join us for our birthday assembly next week at Bring Your Parent to Work Day. Students from the smallest to the tallest will celebrate alongside their families and teachers as we remember and honor all that it means to be Wilmington Montessori School.

News & Notes News
Wanted: Donations and Volunteers for 2019 WMS Auction & Gala

We hope to see you this April 13 at our 2019 Auction & Gala: Music Through the Ages. To ensure this year's auction is a success, we are also seeking donated items and services, as well as volunteers to help with the auction. You can also make a monetary gift, place an ad in our online catalog (visible to thousands of shoppers on BiddingforGood.com), or have your business featured on our website and signage at the event through one of our sponsorship opportunities. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support our students and our programs.
Donation ideas (Think UNIQUE!)
  • Travel (vacation property rental, hotel stays, travel points)
  • Unique experiences (behind the scenes, celebrity meet & greet, etc.)
  • Tickets to a show or local sporting event
  • Jewelry
  • Technology/electronics
  • Crafted items (quilts, knitted and pottery)
  • Lessons (cooking, musical, tutoring and financial advice)
  • Join fellow parents and create a gift basket
  • One-of-a-kind memorabilia
If you would like to make a donation or want to learn more about auction co-op opportunities, please contact  Lori Oberly

Sign Up For Science Explorers

Our Science Explorers after-school enrichment program, which begins next week, still has some spots open. Primary and Lower Elementary students are invited to sign up for this winter and spring series, in which children will explore the science behind color and light (Blinded by the Light) and learn more about our planet (Earth's Mysteries). There is so much to learn about our fascinating world. Sign up today!

leaders Today's Learners
Artistic Abundance From Primary to Middle School

Our students have been busy in art class across all levels. Primary students have been crafting Australian Tunga bark baskets, Aboriginal sculptures and Nigerian indigo cloth, while kindergartners have been creating self-portraits, channeling artist Piet Mondrian and making Alexander Calder-inspired stabiles. Now that the Lower Elementary students have completed their  leaf block prints and mazes, they're working on metal embossing and puzzle paintings. Upper Elementary students continue working on their independent study projects, which range from  papier-mâché sculptures to paintings to weaving. And middle-schoolers are making plans to repurpose trash found in the WMS woods into outdoor sculptures. Creativity abounds at WMS.

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior  to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

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